Hi team,
I am using CentOS7 with repos installed from stein package
(centos-openstack-stein) in CentOS7.
I just enable rdo-trunk-stein-tested because undercloud install do not
work from centos-openstack-stein due to unable to mount some path, found
that it is known and was fixed in stein tested.
so I succeeded to boot and build everything. but when I use "time openstack
--debug overcloud node import setup/hosts.yaml" step, it stops at:
https://undercloud_public_host:13989/v2/executions 201
Started Mistral Workflow tripleo.baremetal.v1.register_or_update.
Execution ID: 55f14621-cabd-4783-a611-d5b822ad0833
Waiting for messages on queue 'tripleo' with no timeout.
I can reach iDRAC over ssh, and I can boot Physical HW to PXE.
Physical HW state do not change, it do not change power state. current
state is poweroff of physical hosts I am adding.
any ideas?
more info can be found here:
Ruslanas Gžibovskis
+370 6030 7030