I am trying to install OpenStack PackStack in DELL360 server but getting issues.
Details as follows:
Hardware: DELL360 PowerEdge
Processor: Intel XEON E5-2699 v4 @ 2.20 Ghz [2 physical CPU's]
Memory: 512 GB
Disk type: Intel SSD's
OS tried: Cent OS 7 (2003,2009) , Cent OS 8.3
RDO repo's tried: Victoria,Ussuri,Train
Errors statements:
- Command Exceeded timeout at the end of pp execution
- Systemd start for openstack-nova-scheduler failed
Installation type's tried: answer files, advanced networking
Yum update: tried with yum update & without yum update.
I did the same installation on Supermicro server with Intel XEON
Silver 4110 @ 2.10 Ghz using the same set of software's & installation
methods. No issues found.
Anybody encountered similar issues? Thanks.