[Meeting] RDO meeting - 2024-05-29
by Amy Marrich
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2024-05-29
Meeting started by spotz[m] at 14:00:51 UTC. The full logs are
available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2024_05_29/2024/rdo...
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (spotz[m], 14:01:06)
* SWAG (spotz[m], 14:07:47)
* pre-prod version of new documentation (spotz[m], 14:12:16)
* LINK: https://rdo-infra.github.io/rdo-mkdocs-website/
(karolinku[m], 14:13:06)
* Website working meeting on June 26 during normal meeting (spotz[m],
* Watcher (spotz[m], 14:48:05)
* Next chair (spotz[m], 14:49:31)
* Next chair Karolina (spotz[m], 14:51:17)
* Open Floor (spotz[m], 14:51:25)
Meeting ended at 14:54:00 UTC.
People present (lines said)
* spotz[m] (36)
* karolinku[m] (20)
* amoralej (18)
* opendevmeet (5)
* rdogerrit (3)
* karolinku (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
10 months
Quay maintenance
by Daniel Pawlik
The virtual machine on which service Quay [1] is located requires some
improvements and may not be available while we work on it.
We have a plan to set the service into the "maintenance mode" at *03 June
2024 1PM UTC.* The service might be flapping, so please be patient and
understand the process that we are working on.
The process should take about a few hours. We will send another email when
it's done.
[1] https://quay.rdoproject.org
10 months
CentOS 8 Trunk Repos
by Matthew Benstead
We are in the process of rebuilding our old CentOS7/Ussuri OpenStack
deployment onto EL8 and upgrading OpenStack to a newer version.
Since the ussuri packages no longer exist on the repo - we had been
using https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/ for the EL8
hosts, but I see that is no longer on trunk.rdoproject.org. It looks
like wallaby is the oldest version I could find for CentOS 8.
Is is possible to restore the centos8-master directories so we can
continue with our rebuilds?
10 months, 1 week
[Meeting] RDO meeting - 2024-05-22
by Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2024-05-22
Meeting started by amoralej at 14:03:49 UTC. The full logs are
available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2024_05_22/2024/rdo...
Meeting summary
* CentOS Stream 8 EOL status (amoralej, 14:06:19)
* reminder: CentOS Stream 8 EOL is on May 31st
(amoralej, 14:06:50)
* RDO Trunk builders for Wallaby, Xena and Yoga on CentOS Stream8 are
stopped (amoralej, 14:07:35)
* no new builds will be created for CentOS Stream 8 (amoralej,
* latest builds will keep available for some time in the new trunk
server, in the expected URLs, i.e.
https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-wallaby/ (amoralej, 14:08:45)
* for CentOS Stream 8 users, the recomendation is to move to centos
stream 9 as soon as possible (amoralej, 14:10:37)
* RH Summit (amoralej, 14:13:05)
* SWAG (spotz[m], 14:22:18)
* Zed is now in unmaintained phase (amoralej, 14:29:46)
* Zed release has moved to unmaintained status upstream, that means
that CloudSIG repos for Zed will not be updated, while RDO Trunk
will keep building new patches in unmaintained/zed branches
(amoralej, 14:30:41)
* ACTION: amoralej to send a patch to update releases in rdo webpage
(amoralej, 14:32:16)
* ACTION: karolinku[m] will be RDO guard next week (amoralej,
* ACTION: spotz[m] will chair next meeting (amoralej, 14:37:05)
* open floor (amoralej, 14:37:27)
Meeting ended at 14:41:25 UTC.
Action items, by person
* amoralej
* amoralej to send a patch to update releases in rdo webpage
* karolinku[m] will be RDO guard next week
* spotz[m] will chair next meeting
People present (lines said)
* amoralej (40)
* spotz[m] (21)
* karolinku[m] (5)
* opendevmeet (4)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
10 months, 1 week
Re: [RDO] Planned outage in RDO repo server trunk.rdoproject.org: 22.05.2024 at 07:00 AM UTC.
by Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
Kindly reminder: as planned, the outage will be starting at 07:00 UTC.
Best regards,
On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 6:31 PM Alfredo Moralejo Alonso <amoralej(a)redhat.com>
> Hello,
> The RDO team will be migrating the RDO Trunk service to an updated
> infrastructure on 22.05.2024 at 07:00 AM UTC.
> The expected time for the whole process is around three hours. During this
> time, the RDO Trunk packages repos and DLRN API instances hosted in
> https://trunk.rdoproject.org will be unavailable.
> If you have any doubt or suggestion about a better schedule, please, let
> us know.
> Best regards,
> Alfredo
10 months, 1 week
Re: Upgrade Bobcat/Caracal and python3-futurist
by Francesco Di Nucci
Thank you,
just upgraded and things seem to run smoothly
Best regards
Francesco Di Nucci
On 02/05/24 13:34, Joel Capitao wrote:
> futurist-3.0.0 is now available in CentOS CloudSIG repo
> https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/9-stream/cloud/x86_64/openstack-car...
> It may take some time to be spread through the whole mirror network.
> On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 9:23 AM Joel Capitao <jcapitao(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi Francesco,
> It looks like we had an issue in our tooling, the build of
> futurist to 3.0.0 was not proposed automatically. On a fresh
> installation of
> RDO Caracal/2024.1 it's working well with futurist 2.4.1 version,
> at least no failure was caught by our CI (i.e running different
> deployment scenarios and tempest with puppet-openstack-integration
> and packstack).
> Though, we don't test the upgrade path from previous releases,
> hence we might hit this kind of issue, and your feedback here is
> valuable for the community.
> Maybe the fact that it is a downgrade caused the issue? Also,
> shouldn't the CentOS repo ship the same version as RDO trunk?
> Right, we should ship the same version of packages in both CentOS
> CloudSIG repo and RDO Trunk repo.
> I'm going to update futurist to 3.0.0 right now and will ping you
> once it lands in repo.
> Cheers,
> Joel
> On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 8:47 AM Francesco Di Nucci
> <francesco.dinucci(a)na.infn.it> wrote:
> Thank you,
> it looks like somehow I just messed with DNF, as if I search
> the package showing duplicates and querying info about the
> specific versions, it shows that there are two alternatives:
> * python3-futurist-2.4.1-1 - installed from
> centos-openstack-bobcat
> * python3-futurist-2.3.0-3 - available from openstack-caracal
> I tried to reinstall python3-futurist and it showed an error
> about the package not being available, then I explicitly used
> dnf install python3-futurist-2.3.0 and it was correctly
> detected and run as a downgrade.
> Maybe the fact that it is a downgrade caused the issue? Also,
> shouldn't the CentOS repo ship the same version as RDO trunk?
> Best regards
> Francesco Di Nucci
> On 01/05/24 11:57, smooney(a)redhat.com wrote:
>> On Wed, 2024-05-01 at 14:20 +0900, Takashi Kajinami wrote:
>>> As far as I can tell, futurist is still used by multiple projects so
>>> it is required in Caracal.
>> its used by nova and we will be using it more going forward.
>> we have no current plans to remove our usage of futurist and are activly plannign to use it as part
>> of our strategy to reduce our use of eventlet.
>>> I checked the RDO repo and its caracal contents contains the python3-futurist
>>> package actually exists.
>>> https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos9-caracal/component/common/26/d9/26d95...
>>> python3-futurist-3.0.0-0.20240313181506.4e14db5.el9.noarch.rpm
>>> However the SIG repo in centos provides a much older version. I suspect that
>>> there might be some problems with sync process between RDO and CentOS.
>>> https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/9-stream/cloud/x86_64/openstack-car...
>>> python3-futurist-2.3.0-3.el9s.noarch.rpm
>>> I'm adding rdo user mailing list, assuming people subscribing the list may have
>>> better idea about potential causes.
>>> On 4/30/24 22:20, Francesco Di Nucci wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm upgrading from Bobcat to Caracal using RDO repositories. I noticed that the package python3-futurist.noarch was
>>>> present in centos-openstack-bobcat repo, but it is not in openstack-caracal. So it is not possible to
>>>> update/reinstall/etc. it as it is "orphaned" once the bobcat repository is disabled. Should it be removed? Is it
>>>> still a dependency?
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Francesco Di Nucci
10 months, 4 weeks
Re: Upgrade Bobcat/Caracal and python3-futurist
by Joel Capitao
Hi Francesco,
It looks like we had an issue in our tooling, the build of futurist to
3.0.0 was not proposed automatically. On a fresh installation of
RDO Caracal/2024.1 it's working well with futurist 2.4.1 version, at least
no failure was caught by our CI (i.e running different
deployment scenarios and tempest with puppet-openstack-integration and
Though, we don't test the upgrade path from previous releases, hence we
might hit this kind of issue, and your feedback here is
valuable for the community.
Maybe the fact that it is a downgrade caused the issue? Also, shouldn't the
> CentOS repo ship the same version as RDO trunk?
Right, we should ship the same version of packages in both CentOS CloudSIG
repo and RDO Trunk repo.
I'm going to update futurist to 3.0.0 right now and will ping you once it
lands in repo.
On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 8:47 AM Francesco Di Nucci <
francesco.dinucci(a)na.infn.it> wrote:
> Thank you,
> it looks like somehow I just messed with DNF, as if I search the package
> showing duplicates and querying info about the specific versions, it shows
> that there are two alternatives:
> - python3-futurist-2.4.1-1 - installed from centos-openstack-bobcat
> - python3-futurist-2.3.0-3 - available from openstack-caracal
> I tried to reinstall python3-futurist and it showed an error about the
> package not being available, then I explicitly used dnf install
> python3-futurist-2.3.0 and it was correctly detected and run as a downgrade.
> Maybe the fact that it is a downgrade caused the issue? Also, shouldn't
> the CentOS repo ship the same version as RDO trunk?
> Best regards
> Francesco Di Nucci
> On 01/05/24 11:57, smooney(a)redhat.com wrote:
> On Wed, 2024-05-01 at 14:20 +0900, Takashi Kajinami wrote:
> As far as I can tell, futurist is still used by multiple projects so
> it is required in Caracal.
> its used by nova and we will be using it more going forward.
> we have no current plans to remove our usage of futurist and are activly plannign to use it as part
> of our strategy to reduce our use of eventlet.
> I checked the RDO repo and its caracal contents contains the python3-futurist
> package actually exists.
> https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos9-caracal/component/common/26/d9/26d95...
> python3-futurist-3.0.0-0.20240313181506.4e14db5.el9.noarch.rpm
> However the SIG repo in centos provides a much older version. I suspect that
> there might be some problems with sync process between RDO and CentOS.
> https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/9-stream/cloud/x86_64/openstack-car...
> python3-futurist-2.3.0-3.el9s.noarch.rpm
> I'm adding rdo user mailing list, assuming people subscribing the list may have
> better idea about potential causes.
> On 4/30/24 22:20, Francesco Di Nucci wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm upgrading from Bobcat to Caracal using RDO repositories. I noticed that the package python3-futurist.noarch was
> present in centos-openstack-bobcat repo, but it is not in openstack-caracal. So it is not possible to
> update/reinstall/etc. it as it is "orphaned" once the bobcat repository is disabled. Should it be removed? Is it
> still a dependency?
> Best regards
> Francesco Di Nucci
11 months
Re: Upgrade Bobcat/Caracal and python3-futurist
by Takashi Kajinami
As far as I can tell, futurist is still used by multiple projects so
it is required in Caracal.
I checked the RDO repo and its caracal contents contains the python3-futurist
package actually exists.
However the SIG repo in centos provides a much older version. I suspect that
there might be some problems with sync process between RDO and CentOS.
I'm adding rdo user mailing list, assuming people subscribing the list may have
better idea about potential causes.
On 4/30/24 22:20, Francesco Di Nucci wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm upgrading from Bobcat to Caracal using RDO repositories. I noticed that the package python3-futurist.noarch was present in centos-openstack-bobcat repo, but it is not in openstack-caracal. So it is not possible to update/reinstall/etc. it as it is "orphaned" once the bobcat repository is disabled. Should it be removed? Is it still a dependency?
> Best regards
> Francesco Di Nucci
11 months