[Meeting] RDO meeting (2019-03-27) minutes
by Javier Pena
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2019-03-27
Meeting started by jpena at 15:00:24 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (jpena, 15:00:31)
* ppc64le containers build update (jpena, 15:04:11)
* Ceph Nautilus update (jpena, 15:05:10)
(fultonj, 15:27:00)
* ACTION: fmount gets new envs and continues debug of ceph issue. we
pull in ovn team if necessary (fultonj, 15:32:45)
* Decisions on ppc64le arch enablement for containers (jpena, 15:33:33)
* TripleO meeting is 14:00 UTC Tuesday in #tripleo (mjturek,
* ACTION: mjturek, Vorrtex and the tripleo ci team to agree on
implementation, jpena/amoralej to attend the tripleo-ci community
sync next week (jpena, 15:59:40)
* chair for the next meeting (jpena, 16:01:39)
* ACTION: ykarel to chair next meeting (jpena, 16:02:21)
* open floor (jpena, 16:02:24)
Meeting ended at 16:09:17 UTC.
Action items, by person
* amoralej
* mjturek, Vorrtex and the tripleo ci team to agree on implementation,
jpena/amoralej to attend the tripleo-ci community sync next week
* fmount
* fmount gets new envs and continues debug of ceph issue. we pull in
ovn team if necessary
* jpena
* mjturek, Vorrtex and the tripleo ci team to agree on implementation,
jpena/amoralej to attend the tripleo-ci community sync next week
* mjturek
* mjturek, Vorrtex and the tripleo ci team to agree on implementation,
jpena/amoralej to attend the tripleo-ci community sync next week
* Vorrtex
* mjturek, Vorrtex and the tripleo ci team to agree on implementation,
jpena/amoralej to attend the tripleo-ci community sync next week
* ykarel
* ykarel to chair next meeting
People present (lines said)
* jpena (53)
* amoralej (51)
* fultonj (43)
* fmount (30)
* ykarel (22)
* mjturek (21)
* Vorrtex (19)
* Duck (18)
* openstack (10)
* baha (6)
* rdogerrit (2)
* PagliaccisCloud (1)
* egonzalez (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
6 years
[Meeting] RDO meeting (2019-03-20) minutes
by Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2019-03-20
Meeting started by amoralej at 15:01:18 UTC. The full logs are
available athttp://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2019_03_20/2019/r...
Meeting summary
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting (mjturek,
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting (amoralej,
* default maintainers are gone in rdoinfo: deps -
https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19389 (amoralej, 15:04:59)
* dependencies without explicit maintainers have been reset to nobody
(amoralej, 15:05:39)
* the processes to manage deps are in
https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/requirements (amoralej,
* finally drop *-patches repos (openstack/$PROJECT mirrors) in
review.rdo (amoralej, 15:11:18)
* ACTION: jpena to check how to remove repos using resources in
SoftwareFactory (amoralej, 15:13:39)
* RDO phase1 tripleo jobs running in ci.centos will be moved to some
other system, weshay is looking into it (amoralej, 15:14:57)
* ACTION: weshay to create an epic in taiga to move oooq jobs out of
ci.centos.org (amoralej, 15:27:29)
* ppc64le container builds update (amoralej, 15:28:20)
* logging uploads are working
(amoralej, 15:28:34)
* LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/644389/ (amoralej, 15:30:37)
* Status of Stein preparation (amoralej, 15:36:31)
* ACTION: maintainers should send required updates to package distgits
for stein asap as new branches stein-rdo are being cut (amoralej,
* non-OpenStack puppe modules have been frozen for Stein (amoralej,
* https://trello.com/c/nkadXFWF/702-stein-release-preparation
(amoralej, 15:41:34)
* Nautilus update (amoralej, 15:49:06)
* Ceph Nautilus was released yesterday:
https://ceph.com/releases/v14-2-0-nautilus-released (amoralej,
* want to get Nautilus into Stein so we can use Ansible 2.7 as per
https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721 (amoralej, 15:49:53)
* stein GA should be released with nautilus ceph (amoralej, 15:50:21)
* open floor (amoralej, 16:00:10)
* ACTION: jpena to chair next meeting (amoralej, 16:02:02)
6 years
Upcoming Meetups
by Rain Leander
The following are the meetups I'm aware of over the next two weeks where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know of
others, please let me know, and/or add them to http://rdoproject.org/events
If there's a meetup in your area, it'd be super keen if you attended, took
a few pictures and especially wrote up a summary of what was covered. And,
as always, if you give me enough notice, I can send swag along with you.
* Wednesday March 13 in Stockholm, SE: OpenStack Forum #5! -
* Thursday March 21 in Portland, OR, US: Open Infrastructure Summit Dress
Rehearsal Sneak Peak & Pizza Too -
K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team
6 years
Repo error installing TripleO openstack
by Valerio Vinci
Hi All,
I was reinstalling my undercloud server but after I’ve added the python repository I get a parsing error. Below some details:
[root@undercloud ~]# yum -y install https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/current/python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-... arch.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, priorities
python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7.noarch.rpm | 18 kB 00:00:00
Examining /var/tmp/yum-root-iyRGer/python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7.noarch.rpm: python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.201903 01151747.7dfdcbd.el7.noarch
Marking /var/tmp/yum-root-iyRGer/python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7.noarch.rpm to be installed
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package python2-tripleo-repos.noarch 0:0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
python2-tripleo-repos noarch 0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7 /python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7.noarch 42 k
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package
Total size: 42 k
Installed size: 42 k
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Installing : python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7.noarch 1/1
Verifying : python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7.noarch 1/1
python2-tripleo-repos.noarch 0:0.0.1-0.20190301151747.7dfdcbd.el7
[root@undercloud ~]# sudo -E tripleo-repos -b rocky current ceph
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, priorities
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.init7.net
* extras: mirror.init7.net
* updates: mirror.init7.net
Package yum-plugin-priorities-1.1.31-50.el7.noarch already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
Installed repo delorean-rocky to /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-rocky.repo
Installed repo delorean-rocky-testing to /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-rocky-testing.repo
Installed repo tripleo-centos-ceph-luminous to /etc/yum.repos.d/tripleo-centos-ceph-luminous.repo
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, priorities
Repository 'tripleo-centos-ceph-luminous': Error parsing config: Error parsing "baseurl = 'None/centos/7/storage/x86_64/ceph-luminous/'": UR L must be http, ftp, file or https not ""
Cleaning repos: base delorean-rocky delorean-rocky-build-deps delorean-rocky-testing extras rdo-qemu-ev updates
11 metadata files removed
6 sqlite files removed
0 metadata files removed
6 years
[Meeting] RDO meeting (2019-03-06) minutes
by Javier Pena
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2019-03-06
Meeting started by jpena at 15:00:56 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (jpena, 15:01:10)
* Status of Stein release (jpena, 15:04:43)
* DLRN builders for CentOS7 and Fedora28 chasing stable/stein branches
are bootstrapped (amoralej, 15:07:31)
* URLs http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-stein and
http://trunk.rdoproject.org/fedora28-stein will be switched to new
builders tomorrow (amoralej, 15:08:14)
* requirements adjustements for stein ongoing in
(amoralej, 15:09:36)
* we will start branching distgits and building libraris early next
week (amoralej, 15:10:35)
* ACTION: maintainers send required adjustments for distgits for stein
(amoralej, 15:10:53)
* LINK: status for release at
(ykarel, 15:13:08)
* open floor (jpena, 15:13:44)
* ACTION: fultonj to try second loop devices for
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637196/ and pike and report if it
fixes pike job xor we remove ooo+ceph tests for pike only (fultonj,
* AGREED: keep RDO Trunk pike but remove ceph from pike promotion
criteria (jpena, 15:32:26)
* ansible 2.7 in rdo for train
https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721/ (jpena, 15:34:05)
* chair for next meeting (jpena, 15:41:48)
* ACTION: mjturek to chair the next meeting (jpena, 15:43:31)
Meeting ended at 15:53:13 UTC.
Action items, by person
* fultonj
* fultonj to try second loop devices for
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637196/ and pike and report if it
fixes pike job xor we remove ooo+ceph tests for pike only
* mjturek
* mjturek to chair the next meeting
* openstack
* fultonj to try second loop devices for
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637196/ and pike and report if it
fixes pike job xor we remove ooo+ceph tests for pike only
People present (lines said)
* amoralej (47)
* fultonj (37)
* jpena (30)
* weshay|rover (17)
* ykarel (16)
* mjturek (10)
* openstack (7)
* rdogerrit (5)
* gfidente (3)
* PagliaccisCloud (1)
* Duck (1)
* baha (1)
* jschlueter (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
6 years
Upcoming Meetups
by Rain Leander
The following are the meetups I'm aware of over the next two weeks where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know of
others, please let me know, and/or add them to http://rdoproject.org/events
If there's a meetup in your area, it'd be super keen if you attended, took
a few pictures and especially wrote up a summary of what was covered. And,
as always, if you give me enough notice, I can send swag along with you.
* Monday March 04 in Saint Paul, MN, US: OpenStack Developer Coffee and
Code - https://www.meetup.com/MnOpenStack/events/259298121/
* Thursday March 07 in Colombo, LK: Openstack with Ansible -
* Wednesday March 13 in Stockholm, SE: OpenStack Forum #5! -
K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team
6 years