Re: [rdo-users] [rdo-list] tunneling to Horizon
by James LaBarre
On 10/23/2017 04:11 PM, Jason E. Rist wrote:
> Sorry for the slow/late reply on this. There is a bug right now for
> just the TripleO-UI tunneling wherein the SSH tunnel doesn't get written
> properly. I put up a patch and so did
> Sagi:
> Both work for me in solving the tunneling issue, but then there is
> another issue wherein the TripleO-UI config doesn't get written properly
> if the Quickstart setup is SSL, which it is by default (and honestly I
> don't know how to disable).
> At the bottom of the /etc/systemd/system/ssh-tunnel.service tunnel there
> is two lines that should help hitting horizon:
> -L \
> -L
> modify as necessary.
I already have those two lines in place, but still don't get forwarding.
>From the config file, I have:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -NT -o \
ServerAliveInterval=60 -o \
UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o \
StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o \
ExitOnForwardFailure=no -i \
/home/stack/id_rsa_undercloud stack(a) \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
-L \
7 years, 4 months
Changes to RDO Office Hour schedule
by Chandan kumar
In the last RDO community meeting, we have decided to make some
changes to RDO Office hour.
Now, RDO office hour will happen bi-weekly and duration is 1 hour.
Next RDO office hour is on 14th Nov, 2017.
New timing: 13:30 UTC to 14:30 UTC
Chandan Kumar
7 years, 4 months
Maintenance on the RDO container registry tonight at 12AM UTC
by David Moreau Simard
We'll be doing a short maintenance on the RDO container registry tonight at
12AM UTC (night from wednesday to thursday) in order to grow the volume
where the container images are hosted.
We'll try to coordinate around the status of the periodic jobs on's Zuul but there's no guarantee it won't be without
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | OpenStack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
7 years, 5 months
[Meeting] RDO meeting (2017-10-25) minutes
by Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2017-10-25
Meeting started by amoralej at 15:01:10 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (amoralej, 15:01:28)
* Make RDO Office Hour biweekly and duration to one hour (amoralej,
* AGREED: to do RDO Office Hour beweekly and duration to one hour
(amoralej, 15:08:37)
* ACTION: chandankumar will send a mail to communicate new schedule
(amoralej, 15:08:58)
* infra: any problem to report after the ML migration? (amoralej,
* no issues have been reported after mailing lists migration
(amoralej, 15:18:34)
* given master CI status, delay Queens milestone 1 to the next week? (amoralej,
* LINK: (apevec, 15:19:18)
* ACTION: apevec to update testdays page and move queens1 testday to
Nov2/3 (apevec, 15:23:23)
* longer EOL goodbye for Newton - keep trunk running for some projects
longer (apevec) (amoralej, 15:27:32)
(amoralej, 15:27:44)
(amoralej, 15:44:15)
* ACTION: apevec to create Newton EOL card in rdo trello (apevec,
* who will chair next week? (amoralej, 15:52:24)
* ACTION: ykarel will chair the meeting on next week (amoralej,
* open floor (amoralej, 15:57:50)
* LINK: is not
clear since it's just a scratchpad (apevec, 15:59:36)
Meeting ended at 16:02:30 UTC.
Action items, by person
* apevec
* apevec to update testdays page and move queens1 testday to Nov2/3
* apevec to create Newton EOL card in rdo trello
* chandankumar
* chandankumar will send a mail to communicate new schedule
* ykarel
* ykarel will chair the meeting on next week
People present (lines said)
* amoralej (96)
* apevec (93)
* dmsimard (41)
* Duck (22)
* EmilienM (21)
* number80 (14)
* jpena (13)
* chandankumar (10)
* openstack (8)
* jjoyce (6)
* ykarel (5)
* apevec_ (3)
* jrist (3)
* PagliaccisCloud (2)
* eggmaster (2)
* adarazs (1)
* jruzicka (1)
* rdogerrit (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
7 years, 5 months
[users] Mailing list changes
by Rich Bowen
This information also appears at and should be
reflected on the mailing list details page at
You need to be aware of recent changes to our mailing lists
What Happened, and Why?
Since the start of the project we have had one mailing list for both users
and developers of the RDO project. Over time, we felt that user questions
have been drowned out by the more technical developer-oriented discussion,
leaving users/operators out of the conversation.
To this end, we've decided to split the one mailing list -
rdo-list(a) - into two new mailing lists - dev(a)
and users(a)
We've also moved the rdo-newsletter(a) list to the new
newsletter(a) email address.
What you need to do
You need to update your contacts list to reflect this change, and start
sending email to the new addresses.
As in any typical open source project, user conversations (questions,
discussion, community announcements, and so on) should go to the users
list, while developer related discussion should go to the dev list.
If you send email to the old address, you should receive an immediate
autoresponse reminding you of the new addresses.
List descriptions and archives are now all at Please let me know if you
see references to the old list information, so we can get it updated.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)
@rbowen // @rdocommunity // @CentOSProject
859 351 9166
7 years, 5 months