January 2020 RDO Community Newsletter
by Rain Leander
Having difficulty with the formatting of this message? See it online at
Welcome to the new decade of 2020 where it's a mere five months to Ussuri
release! Ready? Set? GO!
Housekeeping Items Are You Headed to Brno?
We are gearing up for DevConf.CZ where we'll have our very own booth. While
we're not planning on running any demos, we'd love to see your demos
instead! If you've got something you'd like to show via video OR LIVE
because you're not afraid of ANYTHING, sign up
We're also looking for people to spend their precious free time answering
questions at the RDO booth. If you're attending, please consider spending
one or more of your free moments with us. Questions run the gamut from
"What's RDO?" to "I found a bug in Neutron and need help troubleshooting
it." Of course, you're not expected to know everything and you can always
keep IRC open to access the RDO Community for help! Plus, you get cool
stuff! If you show up for three or more shifts, we're going to hook you up
with an RDO hoodie.
Reach out to Rain Leander on IRC (leanderthal) or email (rain(a)redhat.com)
for more information.
RDO Changes What a Fabulous Test Day!
RDO test day was 19 and 20 December 2019
<http://rdoproject.org/testday/ussuri/milestone1/> and it went great! While
we didn't open any tickets, we had 26 participants and 869 messages. The
next RDO test day is for Milestone three on 16-17 April 2020.
Community News Community Meetings
Every Tuesday at 13:30 UTC, we have a weekly *TripleO CI community meeting*
on https://meet.google.com/bqx-xwht-wky with the agenda on
https://hackmd.io/IhMCTNMBSF6xtqiEd9Z0Kw. The TripleO CI meeting focuses on
a group of people focusing on Continuous Integration tooling and system who
would like to provide a comprehensive testing framework that is easily
reproducible for TripleO contributors. This framework should also be
consumable by other CI systems (OPNFV, RDO, vendor CI, etc.), so that
TripleO can be tested the same way everywhere. This is NOT a place for
TripleO usage questions, rather, check out the next meeting listed just
Every Tuesday at 14:00 UTC, immediately following the TripleO CI meeting is
the weekly *TripleO Community meeting* on the #TripleO channel on Freenode
IRC. The agenda for this meeting is posted each week in a public etherpad
<https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items>. This is for
addressing anything to do with TripleO, including usage, feature requests,
and bug reports.
Every Wednesday at 14:00 UTC, we have a weekly *RDO community meeting* on
the #RDO channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting is posted
each week in a public etherpad
<https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting> and the minutes from the
meeting are posted on the RDO website
<https://www.rdoproject.org/community/community-meeting/>. If there's
something you'd like to see happen in RDO - a package that is missing, a
tool that you'd like to see included, or a change in how things are
governed - this is the best time and place to help make that happen.
Every Thursday at 15:00 UTC, there is a weekly *CentOS Cloud SIG meeting*
on the #centos-devel channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting
is posted each week in a public etherpad
<https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/centos-cloud-sig> and the minutes from
the meeting are posted on the RDO website
<https://www.rdoproject.org/contribute/cloud-sig-meeting/>. This meeting
makes sense for people that are involved in packaging OpenStack for CentOS
and for people that are packaging OTHER cloud infra things (OpenNebula,
CloudStack, Euca, etc) for CentOS. “Alone we can do so little; together we
can do so much.” - Helen Keller
OpenStack News TripleO CI Summary: Sprint 40
The TripleO CI team has just completed Sprint 40 / Unified Sprint 19 (Nov
21 thru Dec 18). The following is a summary of completed work during this
sprint cycle:
- Created a PoC for 3rd-party testing jobs for podman and ceph-ansible.
The 3rd-party jobs are now running and being triggered from github pull
- Closed-out work on the design enhancements to the promotion server.
Tested the new promoter code and fixed issues related to manifests and
- Working w/ quay support re: performance and api issues.
- Implemented component pipeline
running daily and promoting separated from the integration jobs. Job that
promotes the component still under testing and fixing bugs. Component jobs
have been also created in downstream.
- Addressed issues and technical debt tasks in TripleO CI realm,
including issues in the zuul reproducer.
Next sprint starts Jan 3rd. The planned work for the next sprint
are still going to be defined, and may include component pipeline work and
build out CentOS8 promotion and check jobs upstream.
Recent and Upcoming Events DevConf.CZ Brno Czech Republic 24-26 January 2020
<https://www.rdoproject.org/newsletter/2020/january/devconf.info/cz/> 2020
is the 12th annual, free, Red Hat sponsored community conference for
developers, admins, DevOps engineers, testers, documentation writers and
other contributors to open source technologies. The conference includes
topics on Linux, Middleware, Virtualization, Storage, Cloud and mobile. At
DevConf.CZ, FLOSS communities sync, share, and hack on upstream projects
together in the beautiful city of Brno, Czech Republic.
FOSDEM Brussels Belgium 01-02 February 2020
FOSDEM <https://fosdem.org/2020/> is a free event for software developers
to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers
of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the
event in Brussels. No registration necessary.
Call For Papers
There are a handful of relevant conferences with open CFPs. Need help
figuring out a good topic or finalizing your abstract? Feel free to reach
out in the #RDO channel on IRC.
*DecompileD Conference Dresden Germany 27 March 2020* is a conference
for like-minded engineers <https://www.decompiled.de/>! We cover new
technologies, industry trends, and best practices in the areas of Mobile,
Cloud, Big Data. Learn new technologies and improve your skills in joint
workshops. Grow your network and discuss your solutions during the lunch
and coffee breaks, and at the after-show party. CFP closes 31 January
2020 00:00 UTC <https://www.papercall.io/decompiled20>
*Serverless Days Boston Massachusetts USA 06 April 2020* is a
developer-oriented conference about serverless technologies. We believe in
and encourage practical sessions, in which developers share their
experience and lessons from real-world projects. ServerlessDays Boston
<https://boston.serverlessdays.io/> is part of ServerlessDays (formerly
JeffConf), a global series of events around the world fostering communities
around serverless technologies. CFP closes 15 February 2020 04:00 UTC
Other Events
Other RDO events, including the many OpenStack meetups around the world,
are always listed on the RDO events page <http://rdoproject.org/events>. If
you have an RDO-related event, please feel free to add it by submitting a
pull request on Github
Keep in Touch
There are lots of ways to stay in in touch with what's going on in the RDO
community. The best ways are …
- RDO <http://rdoproject.org/>
- OpenStack Q&A <http://ask.openstack.org/>
Mailing Lists
- Dev List <https://lists.rdoproject.org/mailman/listinfo/dev>
- Users List <https://lists.rdoproject.org/mailman/listinfo/users>
- This newsletter
- CentOS Cloud SIG List
- OpenShift on OpenStack SIG List
IRC on Freenode.irc.net
- RDO Project #rdo
- TripleO #tripleo
- CentOS Cloud SIG #centos-devel
Social Media
- Twitter <http://twitter.com/rdocommunity>
- Facebook <http://facebook.com/rdocommunity>
- Youtube <https://www.youtube.com/RDOcommunity>
As always, thanks for being part of the RDO community!
5 years, 1 month