August 2018 RDO Community Newsletter
by Rain Leander
Having difficulty with the formatting of this message? See it online at
Yes, the newsletter is here. And short. But better late than never, right?
With DevConf.IN *AND* DevConf.US passed, August has been an absolutely wild
ride, but look, here comes a wild ride this fall with RDO Rocky GA Test
Days 5-6 September on #rdo channel on Freenode, OpenStack PTG 10-14
September in Denver Colorado USA, CentOS Dojo and RDO Day at CERN 19
October in Geneva Switzerland, and OpenStack Summit 13-15 November in
Berlin Germany. Bucky up, Stackers, it's going to be an adventurous ride!
Housekeeping Items RDO Rocky Milestone Three Cancelled
Just before RDO Rocky M3 Test Days, and the weekly RDO Community meeting on
Wednesday at 15:00 UTC, the community discussed the pros and cons of fewer
official test days. And after discussing it for two meetings, instead of
official testing on M1, M2, M3, and GA, we’ll only have test days on M2 and
GA. Starting NOW. Therefore, M3 Test Day was cancelled rather last minute,
but we look forward to GA Test Days in early September!
RDO Changes RDO Test Days Changes Frequency!
As we mentioned earlier in Housekeeping
<>, we’re
switching frequencies from potentially four test days per six month period
to two. This will free up bandwidth to focus on collaboration, coding,
writing, administration, using, and operating your favorite RPM based
version of OpenStack.
Of course, you don't have to wait for a scheduled test day to test RDO. We
would love to hear about your experiences, with either a Packstack
installation <> or the TripleO
Quickstart <>.
We also encourage you to work through the upstream installation tutorial
while keeping detailed notes on the following points:
- Did you know what the document assumed that you'd know?
- Did the steps work as described?
- What error conditions did you encounter? Could you work around them?
If so, how?
- When you were done, did it work as expected? If not, what happened,
and how did it differ from what you expected to happen?
Community News To PodCast? Or not to podcast? That is the Question
RDO currently has a podbean account <>
where we put any audio that we capture in interviews. However, we almost
never actually point to that site, but, insted, embed the player directly
in the RDO blog, like
The podcasts have been largely replaced by videos
<>, but we do occasionally still do an
audio-only recording. Do we want to keep the podbean account? Do you have a
podcast idea that you want to do? If you're keen about keeping the podcast
spirit alive, reach out to leanderthal on #rdo Freenode IRC.
Community Meetings
Every Wednesday at 15:00 UTC, we have the weekly RDO community meeting on
the #RDO channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting is posted
each week in a public etherpad
<> and the minutes from the
meeting are posted on the RDO website
<>. If there's
something you'd like to see happen in RDO - a package that is missing, a
tool that you'd like to see included, or a change in how things are
governed - this is the best time and place to help make that happen.
Every Thursday at 15:00 UTC, there is a weekly *CentOS Cloud SIG meeting*
on the #centos-devel channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting
is posted each week in a public etherpad
<> and the minutes from
the meeting are posted on the RDO website
<>. This meeting
makes sense for people that are involved in packaging OpenStack for CentOS
and for people that are packaging OTHER cloud infra thingies (OpenNebula,
CloudStack, Euca, etc) for CentOS. “Alone we can do so little; together we
can do so much.” - Helen Keller
OpenStack News Interviews at OpenStack Project Team Gathering
The Project Teams Gathering is happening NEXT MONTH in Denver Colorado and
we’ll be there! While a lot of people will go to facilitate technical
community groups collaborating in one space, our own Rain Leander will zoom
out to continue Rich’s interview tradition awesomeness. That’s right, ever
since the first PTG - Atlanta February 2017 - RDO has interviewed
individuals and projects to hear:
- What you've been working on in the latest release
- Give some idea of what's (what might be?) coming in the upcoming
- Put a human face on the OpenStack project and encourage new
participants to join us
If you’re keen to join, sign up now
Please note that there are only 55 interview slots available - consider
coordinating with your project to designate the people that you want to
represent the project, so that we don't end up with 12 interview about
Not that we don’t love Neutron. But twelve Neutron interviews is a few too
And if you prefer to have company, we can accommodate up to three people
per interview. But not twelve people. Definitely not twelve.
See you in Denver!
OpenStack Diversity and Inclusion Survey
The Diversity and Inclusion Work Group needs YOU! The Diversity Survey
<> that was originally
distributed to the Community in the Fall of 2015 is updated and revised.
Please take the time to fill out the survey and share it with others in the
community. Thank you for assisting in this important task!
Recent and Upcoming Events OpenStack PTG in Denver Colorado
The Project Teams Gathering (PTG) <> is an
event organized by the OpenStack Foundation. It provides meeting facilities
allowing the various technical community groups working with OpenStack
(user workgroups, development teams, operators, SIGs) to meet in-person,
exchange and get work done in a productive setting. It lets those various
groups discuss their priorities for the upcoming cycle, assign work items,
iterate quickly on solutions for complex problems, and make fast progress
on critical issues. The co-location of those various meetings, combined
with the dynamic scheduling of the event, make it easy to get specific
people in the same room to discuss a specific topic, or participate in
multiple team meetings. Evenings allow for relationship building and
problem sharing.
CentOS Dojo / RDO Day at CERN
On Friday, October 19th, RDO and CentOS will hold a one day event to bring
together people from the RDO and CentOS Communities to talk about systems
administration, best practices in OpenStack and Linux centric activities as
well as emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local
speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care
about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with RDO
and CentOS in various scenarios. Because security is tight, please be sure
to register <>.
Call For Papers
There are a handful of relevant conferences with open CFPs. Need help
figuring out a good topic or finalizing your abstract? Feel free to reach
out in the #RDO channel on IRC.
- *FOSDEM Brussels 2-3 February 2019* is a free event for software
developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of
developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather
at the event in Brussels. CFPs for lighting talks - 15 minute long - and
are interested in talks on a wide variety of topics. Anyone who has
something interesting to say about an open source or free software topic
can apply. We particularly encourage topics that do not fit in any of the
developer rooms. Proposals for lightning talks should be submitted using
Pentabarf <>. Please select "lightning Talks"
in the"track" field. If you already created an account in the system for a
previous edition, please reuse it rather than re-registering. 24 November
2018 is the deadline for lightning talk proposals.
- *DevNexus Atlanta GA 6-8 March 2019* wants to connect developers from
all over the world, provide affordable education, and promote Open Source
values. There are several sessions and tracks so be sure to look at all the
details on the DevNexus CFP page <>.
Other Events
Other RDO events, including the many OpenStack meetups around the world,
are always listed on the RDO events page <>. If
you have an RDO-related event, please feel free to add it by submitting a
pull request on Github
Keep in Touch
There are lots of ways to stay in in touch with what's going on in the RDO
community. The best ways are …
- RDO <>
- OpenStack Q&A <>
Mailing Lists:
- Dev mailing list <>
- Users mailing list
- This newsletter
- IRC - #rdo on
Social Media
- Follow us on Twitter <>
- Google+ <>
- Facebook <>
As always, thanks for being part of the RDO community!
K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team
6 years, 6 months