[Rdo-newsletter] November 2015 RDO Community Newsletter
by Rich Bowen
(This newsletter is also available online at
http://rdoproject.org/newsletter/2015_november )
Quick links:
* Quick Start - http://rdoproject.org/quickstart
* Mailing Lists - http://rdoproject.org/Mailing_lists
* RDO packages - http://rdoproject.org/repos/ with the trunk packages
in http://rdoproject.org/repos/openstack/openstack-trunk/
* RDO blog - http://rdoproject.org/blog
* Q&A - http://ask.openstack.org/
* Open Tickets - http://tm3.org/rdobugs
* Twitter - http://twitter.com/rdocommunity
OpenStack Summit and Meetup
Last week, many of us were in Tokyo for the OpenStack Summit, where
thousands of OpenStack enthusiasts gathered for 4 days of
presentations, planning sessions, and other gatherings. For those that
missed the event - or for those that were there but couldn't attend
everything - all of that content was recorded, and can be watched on
the OpenStack YouTube channel, or at
On Wednesday, we had the RDO Community Meetup, and roughly 70 people
were in attendance. A wide variety of topics were discussed - the
agenda can be seen in the etherpad at
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-tokyo - and although we didn't
get to everything, we covered most of it. I'll be posting a more
detailed update later this week on the RDO blog at
Mailing List Update
The mailing list was particularly busy in October, leading up to the
Liberty release. (For the full archives see
https://www.redhat.com/archives/rdo-list/2015-October/thread.html )
Highlights include:
* RDO-Manager status update - trown updated us on the status of RDO
Manager for Liberty at
and there was some followup from various people. If you're
interested in trying out RDO-Manager, that thread is a good place to
* Test Day - a significant mount of traffic was generated by the final
Liberty test day. Stay tuned to rdo-list for information about
upcoming test days in the Mitaka cycle.
* Bug Statistics - Chandan Kumar continues to provide his weekly bug
statistics mailing. You can see the latest at
This is one of the best ways to stay up to date with how RDO
development is going.
Website Update
Last month I reported that we were almost ready to push out the new
website. I'm pleased to say that we did, in fact, push the new site
live, and it's now running at http://rdoproject.org/ The new site is
running on Middleman - https://middlemanapp.com/ - and it's now easier
than ever to send changes for the site. Fork the website on Github at
https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website and send us pull requests.
If you're looking for something that needs help, see the open issues
list at https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website/issues
Upcoming Events
OpenStack Summit is over, and we're entering a fairly quiet period so
far as major events go. However, looking out a little further, there's
some dates to save coming up.
FOSDEM 2016 will be held, as usual, on the last weekend in January.
That's January 30 and 31, in Brussels, Belgium. More details about the
event may be found on the FOSDEM website at https://fosdem.org/2016/
This year, there's two main places to get RDO content at FOSDEM.
First, there's the Virtualization/IaaS devroom, where OpenStack and
other IaaS projects will have talks. If you'd like to speak at FOSDEM,
submit your talks for the virtualization/iaas devroom
at http://goo.gl/ZOS8W3
On the day before FOSDEM - Friday, January 29th - we'll be holding an
all-day RDO community meetup, in conjunction with the annual CentOS
Dojo. The event will be held at the IBM office in Brussels, which is
where we met last year. A call for presentations will be announced on
the rdo-list mailing list later this week. Watch the RDO blog -
http://rdoproject.org/blog/ - and Twitter - @rdoproject - for updates
as we have more details.
* Test Days
One outcome of the RDO meetup at OpenStack Summit was a desire for
more test days. We plan to have test days scheduled at least once a
month during the Mitaka cycle. Exact dates are to be determined in the
coming days, and will be discussed on the rdo-list mailing list.
* Docs Days
With the success of the recent doc sprint day, we're planning to make
this a regular event, to encourage participation in improving the RDO
website and documentation. Watch the RDO blog for discussion of when
these will be held, and how you can participate.
Keep in touch
There's lots of ways to stay in in touch with what's going on in the
RDO community. The best ways are ...
* RDO - http://rdoproject.org/
* OpenStack Q&A - http://ask.openstack.org/
Mailing Lists:
* rdo-list mailing list -
* This newsletter -
* IRC - #rdo on Freenode.irc.net
* Puppet module development - #rdo-puppet
Social Media:
* Follow us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/rdocommunity
* Google+ - http://tm3.org/rdogplus
* Facebook - http://facebook.com/rdocommunity
Thanks again for being part of the RDO community!
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years, 3 months