[Rdo-newsletter] RDO Community Newsletter: September 2013
by Rich Bowen
Thanks for being part of the RDO community! RDO is the latest stable
OpenStack packaged for RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and derivative
distributions, making it as easy as possible to deploy OpenStack on
the industry's most trusted Linux platforms.
(You can manage your list subscription at
http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-newsletter )
Google Hangout, Test Day, Events
There's several upcoming events that I want to tell you about.
Wherever you are in the world, there's probably one nearby.
With the Havana milestone 3 due out the week of September 9th, we're
planning to have an RDO Test Day on September 10th and 11th (to cover
various time zones) where we can put it through its paces. The
details of that test day will be at
http://openstack.redhat.com/Test_Day_09_2013 as they become
available, including what you'll need in order to participate.
And, since we've noticed that a large percentage of questions on the
RDO Forum - http://openstack.redhat.com/forum/ - are focused on
networking, we're planning to have a Google Hangout on September
24th, at 12pm Eastern time, (9am Pacific, 17:00 GMT,
http://bit.ly/1cnEZEN for your local timezone.) You can see the
hangout details, and let us know you're coming, at
Conferences and Meetups
There are so many events around OpenStack that it's hard to keep
track of them all. We've put a page at
http://openstack.redhat.com/Events for events where you're likely to
encounter people from the RDO community, and we'd love it if you'd
add your events there (it's a wiki!) or let us know that you're going
to be there too.
Here's some of the events that are coming up in the next few months.
The SFBay OpenStack Meetup will be held September 10, at 6:30 at
EVault HQ in San Francisco. You can get more details at MEETUP LINK
LinuxCon North America will be held in New Orleans, September 16-18.
More details can be found at
http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-north-america I'll
be there, as will a number of members of the RDO community, and we'd
love to talk with you over a beer about what you're doing with RDO.
Please drop me a line (rbowen(a)redhat.com) if you'll be there.
LinuxCon Europe -
http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe - will be
held in Edinburgh, October 21-23, and the KVM Forum -
http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe - will be
colocated there, so there will be lots of RDO and OpenStack activity
that week. So, if you're on that side of the world, come see us
And, it's still a ways out, but the OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong
(November 5-8) -
http://www.openstack.org/summit/openstack-summit-hong-kong-2013/ - is
getting ever closer. If you're planning to be there, please plan to
stop by our booth and say hello. We're hoping to do some interviews
about how you're using RDO in your company, so if you're willing to
partcipate in that, do let us know.
We've noticed a lot of great articles this month, both on the RDO
site and elsewhere, about various details of deploying OpenStack with
RDO. Here's a few of them, but we also mention these on Twitter
(@RDOCommunity) whenever we come across them.
Load Balacing OpenStack API Services -
http://openstack.redhat.com/Load_Balance_OpenStack_API This guide
will show how to manually deploy additional OpenStack controller
nodes and configure HAProxy to load-balance each OpenStack API
Using GRE Tenant Networks -
http://openstack.redhat.com/Using_GRE_Tenant_Networks Using GRE
tunnels as tenant networks in Neutron avoids the need for a network
interface connected to a switch configured to trunk a range of VLANs.
Here are simple instructions for taking advantage of GRE for tenant
Installing OpenStack (Grizzly) on CentOS 6.4 with Packstack of -
http://oss.fulltrust.co.jp/?p=521 This article is in Japanese, and
walks through the process of standing up an OpenStack cloud in
OpenStack PackStack installation with external conectivity -
"With a lot of help and education from
Perry Myers and Terry Wilson on Red Hat’s RDO team I was able to
make a few modifications to the packstack installation to allow a
user to use the packstack installation with –allinone and have
external access to the instances launched on the host."
Sandro Mathys has provided a great writeup of avoiding some of the
common pitfalls when installing the latest OpenStack (code name
Havana) on Fedora 19. You can read that at
Finally, Dave just posted list of recent articles and blog posts to the
RDO forum at
If you come across useful articles, please let us know on
@RDOCommunity, or post links on the RDO Forum, at
In Closing
Thanks again for being part of the RDO community. Please invite your
friends to sign up for the list, at
https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-newsletter and send them
to the RDO Forum with their questions and stories.
Rich, for the RDO Community
11 years, 5 months