[rdo-list] Unanswered 'rdo' questions on ask.openstack.org
by Rich Bowen
Thanks again to everyone that helps answer questions on
ask.openstack.org. Some of the ones that have been hanging around here
for a while are due to be closed due to inactivity and lack of response,
so the list should be shorter next time. I hope.
44 unanswered questions:
Installing Openstack Mitaka RDO On CentOS 7 server with a public through
SSH only!
Tags: rdo, mitaka, allinone, install-openstack, openstack-packstack
keystone api "The request you have made requires authentication"
Tags: keystone, api, error
error during installation of openstack rdo on centos 7
Tags: rdo, devstack#mitaka
multi nodes provider network ovs config
Tags: rdo, liberty-neutron
adding rdo-packages
Tags: rdo
RDO TripleO Mitaka HA Overcloud Failing
Tags: mitaka, tripleo, overcloud, centos7
RDO - is there any fedora package newer than puppet-4.2.1-3.fc24.noarch.rpm
Tags: rdo, puppet, install-openstack
OpenStack RDO mysqld 100% cpu
Tags: openstack, mysqld, cpu
Failed to set RDO repo on host-packstact-centOS-7
Tags: openstack-packstack, centos7, rdo
how to deploy haskell-distributed in RDO?
Tags: rdo
How to set quota for domain and have it shared with all the
projects/tenants in domain
Tags: domainquotadriver
rdo tripleO liberty undercloud install failing
Tags: rdo, rdo-manager, liberty, undercloud, instack
Add new compute node for TripleO deployment in virtual environment
Tags: compute, tripleo, liberty, virtual, baremetal
Unable to start Ceilometer services
Tags: ceilometer, ceilometer-api
Adding hard drive space to RDO installation
Tags: cinder, openstack, space, add
AWS Ec2 inst Eth port loses IP when attached to linux bridge in Openstack
Tags: openstack, networking, aws
ceilometer: I've installed openstack mitaka. but swift stops working
when i configured the pipeline and ceilometer filter
Tags: ceilometer, openstack-swift, mitaka
Fail on installing the controller on Cent OS 7
Tags: installation, centos7, controller
the error of service entity and API endpoints
Tags: service, entity, and, api, endpoints
Running delorean fails: Git won't fetch sources
Tags: delorean, rdo
Keystone authentication: Failed to contact the endpoint.
Tags: keystone, authenticate, endpoint, murano
Liberty RDO: stack resource topology icons are pink
Tags: stack, resource, topology, dashboard
Build of instance aborted: Block Device Mapping is Invalid.
Tags: cinder, lvm, centos7
No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg" while syncing
the glance database
Tags: liberty, glance, install-openstack
how to use chef auto manage openstack in RDO?
Tags: chef, rdo
Separate Cinder storage traffic from management
Tags: cinder, separate, nic, iscsi
Openstack installation fails using packstack, failure is in installation
of openstack-nova-compute. Error: Dependency Package[nova-compute] has
Tags: novacompute, rdo, packstack, dependency, failure
CentOS OpenStack - compute node can't talk
Tags: rdo
How to setup SWIFT_PROXY_NODE and SWIFT_STORAGE_NODEs separately on
RDO Liberty ?
Tags: rdo, liberty, swift, ha
VM and container can't download anything from internet
Tags: rdo, neutron, network, connectivity
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] [Meeting] RDO meeting (2016-08-17) Minutes
by Javier Pena
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2016-08-17
Meeting started by jpena at 15:00:37 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (jpena, 15:00:46)
* RDO Stable Mitaka is broken, please can it be given some love (jpena,
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1365884 (jpena,
* LINK: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=10246
(number80, 15:07:11)
* TripleO image is broken, not Mitaka RDO (jruzicka, 15:20:08)
* ACTION: adarazs will investigate 1365884 (number80, 15:22:42)
* DLRN, symlinks and CDN (jpena, 15:22:59)
* ACTION: dmsimard to explore a solution to expose custom symlinks on
the public trunk.rdoproject.org instance (dmsimard, 15:38:24)
* Tempest packaging (jpena, 15:39:02)
* ACTION: dmellado to restart the Tempest packaging thread (jpena,
* reviews needing eyes (jpena, 15:54:44)
* LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1847/ (jpena, 15:55:06)
* LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1275/ (jpena, 15:55:16)
* CentOS Cloud SIG meetings (Thursday, 15:00 UTC) (jpena, 15:57:07)
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/centos-cloud-sig (rbowen,
* OpenStack Summit (jpena, 16:00:20)
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-barcelona-summit-booth
(rbowen, 16:00:22)
* ACTION: everyone interested sign up at
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-barcelona-summit-booth (jpena,
* Chair for next meeting (jpena, 16:02:25)
* ACTION: number80 chair next week (number80, 16:02:55)
Meeting ended at 16:03:35 UTC.
Action Items
* adarazs will investigate 1365884
* dmsimard to explore a solution to expose custom symlinks on the public
trunk.rdoproject.org instance
* dmellado to restart the Tempest packaging thread
* everyone interested sign up at
* number80 chair next week
Action Items, by person
* adarazs
* adarazs will investigate 1365884
* dmellado
* dmellado to restart the Tempest packaging thread
* dmsimard
* dmsimard to explore a solution to expose custom symlinks on the
public trunk.rdoproject.org instance
* number80
* number80 chair next week
* everyone interested sign up at
People Present (lines said)
* jpena (62)
* dmsimard (54)
* number80 (44)
* dmellado (42)
* rbowen (25)
* jruzicka (20)
* tosky (15)
* zodbot (13)
* dhellmann (11)
* weshay (9)
* amoralej (4)
* pabelanger (4)
* myoung (3)
* imcsk8 (3)
* jschlueter (2)
* hewbrocca (2)
* adarazs (2)
* hrybacki (1)
* jjoyce (1)
* coolsvap (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
8 years, 7 months
Re: [rdo-list] Fedora: running RDO (openstack-mitaka)
by Nir Levy
Hi everybody,
Any scheduled items regarding this issue?
From: Nir Levy
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 2:50 PM
To: rdo-list <rdo-list(a)redhat.com>; Javier Pena <javier.pena(a)redhat.com>
Subject: Fedora: running RDO (openstack-mitaka)
Main goal: installing any RDO over Fedora 24, starting with all in one.
according to:
https://www.rdoproject.org/install/quickstart/ and https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/packstack-all-in-one-diy-configu...
sudo yum install https://www.rdoproject.org/repos/rdo-release.rpm
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack
packstack --allinone --gen-answer_file=answer.txt
and afterwords.
setting my interfaces:
CONFIG_NOVA_NETWORK_PUBIF --novanetwork-pubif
CONFIG_NOVA_COMPUTE_PRIVIF --novacompute-privif
CONFIG_NOVA_NETWORK_PRIVIF --novanetwork-privif
setting additional settings:
CONFIG_PROVISION_DEMO --provision-demo n (y for allinone)
CONFIG_SWIFT_INSTALL --os-swift-install (y for allinone) n Set to y if you would like PackStack to install Object Storage.
CONFIG_NAGIOS_INSTALL --nagios-install n (y for allinone) Set to y if you would like to install Nagios. Nagios provides additional tools for monitoring the OpenStack environment.
CONFIG_PROVISION_ALL_IN_ONE_OVS_BRIDGE --provision-all-in-one-ovs-bridge n (y for allinone)
packstack --answer-file=answer.txt
1) first issue I've encountered is :
Error: Parameter mode failed on File[rabbitmq.config]: The file mode specification must be a string, not 'Fixnum' at ...
I have to verify:
and modify the following:
2) second issue I've encountered is :
after modifying SELinux
setenforce permissive
seems to resolve it:
3) third issue is the current issue. [ DONE ] <-> previously failed. [ ERROR ]
Applying Puppet manifests [ ERROR ] [ ERROR ]
Applying Puppet manifests [ ERROR ]
ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run:
Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install mariadb-galera-server' returned 1: Yum command has been deprecated, redirecting to '/usr/bin/dnf -d 0 -e 0 -y install mariadb-galera-server'.
You will find full trace in log /var/tmp/packstack/20160802-193240-sGLWV3/manifests/
Please check log file /var/tmp/packstack/20160802-193240-sGLWV3/openstack-setup.log for more information
Nir Levy
SW Engineer
Web: www.asocstech.com<http://www.asocstech.com/> |
Nir Levy
SW Engineer
Web: www.asocstech.com<http://www.asocstech.com/> |
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] Building overcloud images with TripleO and RDO
by Graeme Gillies
I spent the last day or two trying to get to the bottom of the issue
described at [1], which turned out to be because the version of galera
that is in EPEL is higher than what we have in RDO mitaka stable, and
when it attempts to get used, mariadb-galera-server fails to start.
In order to understand why epel was being pulled in, how to stop it, and
how this seemed to have slipped through CI/testing, I've been trying to
look through and understand the whole state of the image building
process across TripleO, RDO, and our CI.
Unfortunately what I've discovered hasn't been great. It looks like
there is at least 3 different paths being used to build images.
Apologies if anything below is incorrect, it's incredibly convoluted and
difficult to follow for someone who isn't intimately familiar with it
all (like myself).
1) Using "openstack overcloud image build --all", which is I assume the
method end users are supposed to be using, or at least it's the method
documented in the docs. This uses diskimagebuilder under the hood, but
the logic behind it is in python (under python-tripleoclient), with a
lot of stuff hardcoded in
2) Using tripleo.sh, which, while it looks like calls "openstack
overcloud image build", also has some of it's own logic and messes with
things like the ~/.cache/image-create/source-repositories file, which I
believe is how the issue at [1] passed CI in the first place
3) Using the ansible role ansible-role-tripleo-image-build [2] which
looks like it also uses diskimagebuilder, but through a slightly
different approach, by using an ansible library that can take an image
definition via yaml (neat!) and then all diskimagebuilder using
python-tripleo-common as an intermediary. Which is a different code path
(though the code itself looks similar) to python-tripleoclient
I feel this issue is hugely important as I believe it is one of the
biggest barriers to having more people adopt RDO/TripleO. Too often
people encounter issues with deploys that are hard to nail down because
we have no real understanding exactly how they built the images, nor as
an Operator I don't feel like I have a clear understanding of what I get
when I use different options. The bug at [1] is a classic example of
something I should never have hit.
We do have stable images available at [3] (built using method 3) however
there are a number of problems with just using them
1) I think it's perfectly reasonable for people to want to build their
own images. It's part of the Open Source philosophy, we want things to
be Open and we want to understand how things work, so we can customise,
extend, and troubleshoot ourselves. If your image building process is so
convoluted that you have to say "just use our prebuilt ones", then you
have done something wrong.
2) The images don't get updated (they current mitaka ones were built in
3) There is actually nowhere on the RDO website, nor the tripleo
website, that actually references their location. So as a new user, you
have exactly zero chance of finding these images and using them.
I'm not sure what the best process is to start improving this, but it
looks like it's complicated enough and involves enough moving pieces
that a spec against tripleo might be the way to go? I am thinking the
goal would be to move towards everyone having one way, one code path,
for building images with TripleO, that could be utilised by all use
cases out there.
My thinking is the method would take image definitions in a yaml format
similar to how ansible-role-tripleo-image-build works, and we can just
ship a bunch of different yaml files for all the different image
scenarios people might want. e.g.
Etc etc. you could then have a symlink called default.yaml which points
to whatever scenario you wish people to use by default, and the scenario
could be overwritten by a command line argument. Basically this is
exactly how mock [4] works, and has been proven to be a nice, clean,
easy to use workflow for people to understand. The added bonus is if
people wanted to do their own images, they could copy one of the
existing files as a template to start with.
If people feel this is worthwhile (and I hope they do), I'm interested
in understanding what the next steps would be to get this to happen.
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1365884
[2] https://github.com/redhat-openstack/ansible-role-tripleo-image-build
[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mock
Graeme Gillies
Principal Systems Administrator
Openstack Infrastructure
Red Hat Australia
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] centos-release-openstack-mitaka
by Ilja Maslov
I've been trying to use centos-release-openstack-mitaka repo to deploy undercloud, build overcloud images (with some hacks to use the same repo) and deploy the overcloud.
The rationale behind it is to use Centos-provided repos with production deployment in mind.
rdo-trunk-mitaka-tested repo has many bugs fixed, but I do not think it can be qualified as production-ready repository.
Long story short, centos-release-openstack-mitaka has os-net-config package at version 0.2.2-1.el7, which broke Linux Bond configurations [1].
The issue had been fixed back in April and made it to RHEL OSP (Liberty), but not to centos-release-openstack-mitaka.
I'm not sure if rdo-list is the best place to ask this question, but would appreciate if you can point me towards resources describing how Centos stable repos for OpenStack are maintained, tested and packages promoted to newer versions.
It feels as if today, one has a choice between a bit outdated Centos repo and too hot rdo-trunk-tested. Is there anything in between that can be used for production deployments?
1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1323717
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] RDO CI hardware requirements for CentOS altarch
by Xiandong Meng
We had discussed it a bit in previous RDO meeting on irc. I want to write a
separate mail
for more broad and in-depth discussion here.
For a master release (for now it is Newton), i noticed the promotion pipes
fall into three different categories:
- Triple-O based CI test
- Packstack based test
- OpenStack-Puppet based test
So what is the base minimal CI requirements to start with for AltArch
support? Since many of the CI test should work even with VMs instead of
physical nodes, can we start
with 1-2 physical servers?
Alex Meng <mengxiandong(a)gmail.com>
8 years, 7 months