[rdo-list] Unanswered RDO questions, ask.openstack.org
by Rich Bowen
42 unanswered questions:
RDO TripleO Mitaka HA Overcloud Failing
Tags: mitaka, triple-o, overcloud, cento7
cinder volumes attached but not available during OS install
Tags: mitaka, cinder, install
RDO - is there any fedora package newer than puppet-4.2.1-3.fc24.noarch.rpm
[View More]packa...
Tags: rdo, puppet, install-openstack
OpenStack RDO mysqld 100% cpu
Tags: openstack, mysqld, cpu
Failed to set RDO repo on host-packstact-centOS-7
Tags: openstack-packstack, centos7, rdo
how to deploy haskell-distributed in RDO?
Tags: rdo
How to set quota for domain and have it shared with all the
projects/tenants in domain
Tags: domainquotadriver
rdo tripleO liberty undercloud install failing
Tags: rdo, rdo-manager, liberty, undercloud, instack
Add new compute node for TripleO deployment in virtual environment
Tags: compute, tripleo, liberty, virtual, baremetal
Unable to start Ceilometer services
Tags: ceilometer, ceilometer-api
Adding hard drive space to RDO installation
Tags: cinder, openstack, space, add
AWS Ec2 inst Eth port loses IP when attached to linux bridge in Openstack
Tags: openstack, networking, aws
ceilometer: I've installed openstack mitaka. but swift stops working
when i configured the pipeline and ceilometer filter
Tags: ceilometer, openstack-swift, mitaka
Fail on installing the controller on Cent OS 7
Tags: installation, centos7, controller
the error of service entity and API endpoints
Tags: service, entity, and, api, endpoints
Running delorean fails: Git won't fetch sources
Tags: delorean, rdo
Keystone authentication: Failed to contact the endpoint.
Tags: keystone, authenticate, endpoint, murano
Liberty RDO: stack resource topology icons are pink
Tags: stack, resource, topology, dashboard
Build of instance aborted: Block Device Mapping is Invalid.
Tags: cinder, lvm, centos7
No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg" while syncing
the glance database
Tags: liberty, glance, install-openstack
how to use chef auto manage openstack in RDO?
Tags: chef, rdo
Separate Cinder storage traffic from management
Tags: cinder, separate, nic, iscsi
Openstack installation fails using packstack, failure is in installation
of openstack-nova-compute. Error: Dependency Package[nova-compute] has
Tags: novacompute, rdo, packstack, dependency, failure
CentOS OpenStack - compute node can't talk
Tags: rdo
How to setup SWIFT_PROXY_NODE and SWIFT_STORAGE_NODEs separately on
RDO Liberty ?
Tags: rdo, liberty, swift, ha
VM and container can't download anything from internet
Tags: rdo, neutron, network, connectivity
Fedora22, Liberty, horizon VNC console and keymap=sv with ; and/
Tags: keyboard, map, keymap, vncproxy, novnc
OpenStack-Docker driver failed
Tags: docker, openstack, liberty
Sahara SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner
Tags: sahara, icehouse, ssh, vanila
Error Sahara create cluster: 'Error attach volume to instance
Tags: sahara, attach-volume, vanila, icehouse
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
[View Less]
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] Unanswered RDO questions on ask.openstack.org
by Rich Bowen
Thanks again for all of the help in getting the unanswered questions
list down to a manageable level. We're down to 26 this week. I
appreciate any help you can give.
26 unanswered questions:
quota show is different from horizon in RDO after update quota with command
Tags: rdo
how to set quota with python
Tags: quota
"Parameter …
[View More]outiface failed on Firewall" during installation of openstack
rdo on centos 7
Tags: rdo, devstack#mitaka
multi nodes provider network ovs config
Tags: rdo, liberty-neutron
Adding additional packages to an RDO installation
Tags: rdo, mistral
RDO TripleO Mitaka HA Overcloud Failing
Tags: mitaka, tripleo, overcloud, centos7
RDO - is there any fedora package newer than puppet-4.2.1-3.fc24.noarch.rpm
Tags: rdo, puppet, install-openstack
OpenStack RDO mysqld 100% cpu
Tags: openstack, mysqld, cpu
Failed to set RDO repo on host-packstack-centOS-7
Tags: openstack-packstack, centos7, rdo
how to deploy haskell-distributed in RDO?
Tags: rdo
rdo tripleO liberty undercloud install failing
Tags: rdo, rdo-manager, liberty, undercloud, instack
AWS Ec2 inst Eth port loses IP when attached to linux bridge in Openstack
Tags: openstack, networking, aws
Keystone authentication: Failed to contact the endpoint.
Tags: keystone, authenticate, endpoint, murano
Liberty RDO: stack resource topology icons are pink
Tags: resource, topology, dashboard, horizon, pink
No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg" while syncing
the glance database
Tags: liberty, glance, install-openstack
CentOS OpenStack - compute node can't talk
Tags: rdo
How to setup SWIFT_PROXY_NODE and SWIFT_STORAGE_NODEs separately on
RDO Liberty ?
Tags: rdo, liberty, swift, ha
VM and container can't download anything from internet
Tags: rdo, neutron, network, connectivity
Fedora22, Liberty, horizon VNC console and keymap=sv with ; and/
Tags: keyboard, map, keymap, vncproxy, novnc
OpenStack-Docker driver failed
Tags: docker, openstack, liberty
Routing between two tenants
Tags: kilo, fuel, rdo, routing
openstack baremetal introspection internal server error
Tags: rdo, ironic-inspector, tripleo
Installing openstack using packstack (rdo) failed
Tags: rdo, packstack, installation-error, keystone
VMware Host Backend causes No valid host was found. Bug ???
Tags: vmware, rdo
Mutlinode Devstack with two interfaces
Tags: devstack, vlan, openstack
Overcloud deployment on VM fails as IP address from DHCP is not assigned
Tags: overcloud_in_vm
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
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8 years, 7 months
Re: [rdo-list] Python-shade in RDO
by David Moreau Simard
There is a configuration management SIG in CentOS, right ?
Given that they already are packaging Ansible (maybe? Didn't check..) they
might be inclined to carry shade since it's a core plugin dependency.
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
On Aug 25, 2016 8:11 AM, "Haïkel" <hguemar(a)fedoraproject.org> wrote:
2016-08-25 11:17 GMT+02:00 Michael Scherer <mscherer(a)redhat.com>:
> Le jeudi 25 août 2016 à 13:53 +1000, …
[View More]Graeme Gillies a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> A while ago there was a discussion around python-shade library and
>> getting it into RDO. [1]
>> It's been a few months since then, and shade is now successfully
>> packaged and shipped as part of Fedora [2] which is great, but now I
>> wanted to restart the conversation about how to make it available to
>> users of CentOS/RDO.
>> While it was suggested to get it into EPEL, I don't feel that is the
>> best course of action simply because of the restrictive update policies
>> of EPEL not allowing us to update it as frequently as needed, and also
>> because python-shade depends on the python openstack clients, which are
>> not a part of EPEL (as my understanding).
>> The best place for us to make this package available is in RDO itself,
>> as shade is an official Openstack big tent project, and RDOs aims to be
>> a distribution providing packages for Openstack projects.
>> So I just wanted to confirm with everyone and get some feedback, but
>> unless there is any major objections, I was going to start looking at
>> the process to get a new package into RDO, which I assume means putting
>> a review request in to the project https://github.com/rdo-packages
>> (though I assume a new repo needs to be created for it first).
> As shade is used by ansible for orchestration, having to hunt various
> repositories around the centos ecosystem, all being uncoordinated and
> upgrading at different time is gonna be likely annoying.
> That's kinda the exact things people complained years ago in the rpm
> ecosystem, and we are just doing it again with SIGs.
> As a smooth ops, I would prefer to have EPEL as a option for shade[1].
> [1] yes, this pun is awful, no, I am not sending that email for the sake
> of making that reference
> --
> Michael Scherer
> Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure and Platform, OSAS
As long as EPEL doesn't fix its broken policy, it's unlikely to happen.
1. EPEL doesn't respect any EL7 packaging standard
2. Updates policy is used to block major version update even when it makes
-> Impossible to maintain OpenStack clients in that context.
3. While some maintainers don't even respect the said updates policy
to push broken updates
I'd rather not speak about EPEL anymore.
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8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] [RDO] Networking issue on Liberty deployed VMs after Mitaka upgrade
by Nicolas G
I migrated a working Centos7/RDO 6 nodes cluster from Liberty to Mitaka.
Thanks to coffee and Openstack/RDO migration guides, the cluster migration
went fine.
I noticed my Liberty deployed VMs are now running without network. My
freshly Mitaka deployed VMs are working.
I can't find any network related errors in nova/neutron log. Debug mode
does not show anything strange. The only error is in the network-faulty VM
console : http://paste.openstack.org/show/563346/. Mitaka-deployed VMs …
[View More]are
fine : http://paste.openstack.org/show/563350/.
Did I missed a VM related migration step ?
Also, network informations is not displayed/available for my
Liberty-deployed VMs :
nova show 266d67e4-b9d5-48b0-8057-f1256b4f0a30
| Property |
Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone |
nova |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host |
node06.next.foederis.local |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname |
node06.next.foederis.local |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name |
instance-00000030 |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state |
1 |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state |
- |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state |
active |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at |
2016-04-18T09:03:54.000000 |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at |
- |
| accessIPv4
| |
| accessIPv6
| |
| config_drive
| |
| created |
2016-04-15T07:28:03Z |
| flavor | cpu.burn2
(9c421deb-eb48-46a3-81db-94a868c1a7bd) |
| hostId |
3680f9b5036daf9b454f46a3bdbbea3d87bada7675e27bd6c9f2c0ae |
| id |
266d67e4-b9d5-48b0-8057-f1256b4f0a30 |
| image | debian8.4.0
(1096e296-5bff-40cf-b13e-e556169df435) |
| key_name |
nicolasPC |
| metadata |
{} |
| name |
burn05 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached |
[] |
| progress |
0 |
| security_groups |
default |
| status |
| tenant_id |
5fcdb004f67b4d7ea5a2467e13efe39d |
| updated |
2016-08-25T10:03:58Z |
| user_id |
6404fab89b914a2fa6fda45270291f5b |
Mitaka-deployed VMs :
nova show 2cc86ee9-9214-494f-a6b3-12d5348a8211
| Property |
Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone |
nova |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host |
node06.next.foederis.local |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname |
node06.next.foederis.local |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name |
instance-00000057 |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state |
1 |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state |
- |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state |
active |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at |
2016-08-25T10:00:07.000000 |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at |
- |
| accessIPv4
| |
| accessIPv6
| |
| config_drive
| |
| created |
2016-08-25T09:59:33Z |
| flavor | cpu.burn2
(9c421deb-eb48-46a3-81db-94a868c1a7bd) |
| hostId |
3680f9b5036daf9b454f46a3bdbbea3d87bada7675e27bd6c9f2c0ae |
| id |
2cc86ee9-9214-494f-a6b3-12d5348a8211 |
| image | debian8.4.0
(1096e296-5bff-40cf-b13e-e556169df435) |
| key_name |
nicolasPC |
| metadata |
{} |
| name |
burn01 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached |
[] |
| private_network network |, |
| progress |
0 |
| security_groups |
default |
| status |
| tenant_id |
5fcdb004f67b4d7ea5a2467e13efe39d |
| updated |
2016-08-25T10:00:08Z |
| user_id |
6404fab89b914a2fa6fda45270291f5b |
Thanks you for your time.
Best regards,
[View Less]
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] [RDO] [TripleO] [Packstack] qemu-kvm >= 2.3 now explicitely required for OpenStack Nova >= Newton
by David Moreau Simard
Until now, the openstack-nova package in RDO had a lax requirement on
qemu-kvm which potentially meant an older version of qemu-kvm (or
qemu-kvm-rhel) would be installed [1].
We have agreed at the RDO meeting this morning to go ahead and
formally require qemu-kvm >= 2.3 from Newton onwards.
This means that the base (~v1.5.3) qemu-kvm from CentOS (or
qemu-kvm-rhel in RHEL) will no longer satisfy that requirement.
The CentOS virt SIG maintains qemu-kvm-ev (>=2.3) which obsoletes
[View More]kvm and will be preferred if it is available.
This newer version is largely preferred to the one available by
default in CentOS and RHEL due to improvements, bug fixes and features
that are expected to be there by Nova.
If you consume RDO's master trunk repositories (Delorean
Newton/Delorean Master), this extra repository is already enabled in
delorean-deps.repo [3] and you do not need to do anything.
qemu-kvm-ev will automatically be installed in place of qemu-kvm.
If you consume RDO from stable releases, the extra repository will
automatically be enabled in the "centos-release-openstack-newton"
package that will eventually be available.
The repository will also be bundled in the "rdo-release.rpm" package
[4] starting at Newton.
Please let us know if you have any questions or notice any issues.
Thanks !
[1]: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1367696
[2]: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization
[3]: https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/delorean-deps.repo
[4]: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/rdo-release/pull/7
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
[View Less]
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] cherry-picking with rdopkg
by Ken Dreyer
Hi Jakub,
In the Ceph project we often have to cherry-pick GitHub Pull Requests
downstream into RH's Ceph Storage product.
Now that rdopkg supports pulling RHBZ numbers from the commits, we can
store the BZ data in the -patches branches, and rdopkg does the rest.
To cherry-pick GitHub PRs for particular BZs, I've written the following app:
This ensures that the cherry-picks are done correctly each time,
enforces the RHBZ numbers, etc.
[View More]It would be cool to build this as a feature into rdopkg. It could be
something like:
rdopkg cherry-pick https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/111 12345
And it would cherry-pick GitHub PR #111 into the -patches branch,
adding "Resolves: rhbz#12345" to each cherry-pick's log.
Do you guys in RDO often cherry-pick large branches (like 8+ commits)
downstream at a time? If so, we could make it auto-detect GitHub vs
Gerrit (although I'm not sure what URL you'd use for a branch in
What do you think?
- Ken
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8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] [Cloud SIG][RDO] RDO meeting minutes - 2016-08-24
by Haïkel
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2016-08-24
Meeting started by number80 at 15:00:18 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (number80, 15:00:26)
* making qemu-kvm-ev (qemu-kvm >=2.3.0) a hard requirement in
openstack-nova (number80, 15:02:21)
* AGREED: Enable virt SIG repo in rdo-release for Newton+ (+1: 12, 0:
[View More]0, -1: 0) (number80, 15:25:19)
* ACTION: number80 send a review to update rdo-release newton+
(number80, 15:26:07)
* ACTION: jpena to update dlrn-deps.repo in dlrn newton workers to
include virt SIG repo (jpena, 15:26:31)
* python-heat-agent review (number80, 15:28:19)
* LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1909 (number80,
(number80, 15:29:31)
* AGREED: merge stevebaker python-heat-agent change (+1: 6, 0: 1, -1:
1) (number80, 15:39:50)
* ACTION: number80 work with stevebaker to merge his changes
(number80, 15:40:03)
* rdopkg new release (number80, 15:40:19)
* ACTION: jruzicka to release a new version of rdopkg (number80,
* ACTION: jruzicka to investigate rdopkg auto-releases using
rpmfactory (jruzicka, 15:43:41)
* open discussion (number80, 15:45:50)
* ACTION: jruzicka to provide nicer interface to rdoinfo in
coordination with dmsimard (jruzicka, 15:49:53)
* next week chair (number80, 15:52:24)
* chandankumar is chairing next week meeting (number80, 15:52:59)
* openstack-sahara-tests update (number80, 15:53:36)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318765
(number80, 15:53:54)
* tosky is working on tracking jar files origin and removing the one
with questionable licensing (number80, 15:54:31)
Meeting ended at 15:56:00 UTC.
Action Items
* number80 send a review to update rdo-release newton+
* jpena to update dlrn-deps.repo in dlrn newton workers to include virt
SIG repo
* number80 work with stevebaker to merge his changes
* jruzicka to release a new version of rdopkg
* jruzicka to investigate rdopkg auto-releases using rpmfactory
* jruzicka to provide nicer interface to rdoinfo in coordination with
Action Items, by person
* dmsimard
* jruzicka to provide nicer interface to rdoinfo in coordination with
* jpena
* jpena to update dlrn-deps.repo in dlrn newton workers to include
virt SIG repo
* jruzicka
* jruzicka to release a new version of rdopkg
* jruzicka to investigate rdopkg auto-releases using rpmfactory
* jruzicka to provide nicer interface to rdoinfo in coordination with
* number80
* number80 send a review to update rdo-release newton+
* number80 work with stevebaker to merge his changes
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* number80 (111)
* dmsimard (41)
* jpena (26)
* jruzicka (22)
* tosky (9)
* zodbot (9)
* jjoyce (8)
* chandankumar (7)
* jschlueter (6)
* weshay (4)
* imcsk8 (4)
* Duck (3)
* openstack (3)
* dmellado (2)
* adarazs (2)
* hrybacki (2)
* alphacc (1)
* mvc (1)
* hrybacki|appt (1)
* rdogerrit (1)
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8 years, 7 months