[rdo-list] CentOS Cloud SIG
by Rich Bowen
To quote from yesterday's RDO IRC meeting:
We have basically not had a CentOS Cloud SIG meeting for 2 months.
Part of this is because of travel/summer/whatever. I also have a
standing conflict with that meeting, which I'm trying to fix.
But more than that, I think it's because the Cloud SIG is just a rehash
of this meeting, because only RDO is participating.
On the one hand, we don't really accomplish much in that meeting when we
do have it. On the other hand, it's a way to get RDO in front of another
So, I guess I'm asking if people still think it's valuable, and will try
to carve out a little time for this each week. Or as was suggested in
the meeting, should we attempt to merge the two meetings in some
meaningful way, until such time as other Cloud Software communities see
a benefit in participating?
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] Proposition to get more CI promotions
by Frédéric Lepied
Our CI promotion system is as if we were running downhill: we cannot
stop and the only way to fix issues is to move forward by getting new
fixed packages. And it usually takes days before we can get the fixes
and by the time we get them we can have other issues appearing and so
never being able to have a promotion.
I would like to propose an improved way of working to get more CI
promotions. When we have failures in our tests, we do like we do
today: debug the issues and find the commits that are causing the
regression and working with upstream or fixing packaging issues to
solve the regression.
The proposed improvement to get more CI promotions is, while we wait
for the fixes to be ready, to get the oldest commit that is currently
causing an issue from the current analysis and to try the previous
commits in reverse order to promote before the issues appear. With the
database of DLRN we have all the information to be able to implement
this backward tries and have more chances to promote.
I'm in holidays next week but I wanted to bring this idea before been
completely off. WDYT?
Fred - May the Source be with you
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] python-heat-agent subpackage from openstack-heat-templates
by Steve Baker
Hi All
I would like to get some feedback on this packaging change:
This change creates a new subpackage python-heat-agent out of
Currently image building or boot configuration has to do a number of
non-obvious steps to end up with a server ready to perform heat-driven
software deployments.
The package python-heat-agent installs all dependencies and files
required to do this, resulting in a boot config on a pristine image
being as simple as:
yum -y install https://www.rdoproject.org/repos/rdo-release.rpm
yum -y install python-heat-agent
systemctl enable os-collect-config
systemctl start --no-block os-collect-config
python-heat-agent installs one hook which allows configuration via
heat templates. The aim is to create another subpackage per
configuration tool hook in heat-templates. So python-heat-agent-puppet
will install the puppet hook and depend on python-heat-agent and
puppet packages.
This depends on some upstream heat-templates changes:
As far as TripleO goes, this packaging approach has the potential to
eliminate the need for diskimage-builder invoking heat-templates
elements, and further reducing the use of tripleo-image-elements - I'd
like to have a discussion on openstack-dev around whether there should
be a push to remove tripleo-image-elements entirely.
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] Rebuild a newer version of python-crypto ?
by David Moreau Simard
I'm noticing an issue in the review.rdo gate.
We pip install zuul in the nodepool images (presumably for
zuul-cloner) which pulls in Paramiko which pulls pycrypto:
Collecting pycrypto!=2.4,<3.0,>=2.1 (from paramiko<2.0.0,>=1.8.0->zuul)
It looks like if we install crypto from both pip and packages, we're
bound to be running into issues like that:
Error: /Stage[main]/Glance/Package[openstack-glance]/ensure: change
from absent to present failed: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y
install openstack-glance' returned 1: Error downloading packages:
[Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Error: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install
openstack-barbican-api' returned 1: Error unpacking rpm package
error: unpacking of archive failed on file
cpio: rename failed - Is a directory
Reproduced here [1] on a fresh CentOS install with:
1 yum -y install "@Development Tools" python-devel openssl-devel
libffi-devel libxml2-devel python-setuptools python-crypto
2 yum -y remove python-crypto
3 easy_install pip
4 pip install pycrypto
5 yum -y install python-crypto
I am unable to reproduce the issue on Fedora.
CentOS extras (and RDO) has python-crypto-2.6.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64
(2014) while Fedora has python-crypto-2.6.1-10.fc24 (2016).
Can we update the version we have in RDO ? Or is there some other root
cause I'm missing ?
[1]: http://pastebin.centos.org/52006/raw/
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
8 years, 7 months
[rdo-list] Unanswered RDO questions, ask.openstack.org
by Rich Bowen
We've got the unanswered list down to the lowest level yet, so it's a
little less overwhelming now. Thanks, everyone!
25 unanswered questions:
"Parameter outiface failed on Firewall" during installation of openstack
rdo on centos 7
Tags: rdo, devstack#mitaka
multi nodes provider network ovs config
Tags: rdo, liberty-neutron
Adding additional packages to an RDO installation
Tags: rdo, mistral
RDO TripleO Mitaka HA Overcloud Failing
Tags: mitaka, tripleo, overcloud, centos7
RDO - is there any fedora package newer than puppet-4.2.1-3.fc24.noarch.rpm
Tags: rdo, puppet, install-openstack
OpenStack RDO mysqld 100% cpu
Tags: openstack, mysqld, cpu
Failed to set RDO repo on host-packstack-centOS-7
Tags: openstack-packstack, centos7, rdo
how to deploy haskell-distributed in RDO?
Tags: rdo
rdo tripleO liberty undercloud install failing
Tags: rdo, rdo-manager, liberty, undercloud, instack
AWS Ec2 inst Eth port loses IP when attached to linux bridge in Openstack
Tags: openstack, networking, aws
ceilometer: I've installed openstack mitaka. but swift stops working
when i configured the pipeline and ceilometer filter
Tags: ceilometer, openstack-swift, mitaka
Keystone authentication: Failed to contact the endpoint.
Tags: keystone, authenticate, endpoint, murano
Liberty RDO: stack resource topology icons are pink
Tags: resource, topology, dashboard, horizon, pink
No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg" while syncing
the glance database
Tags: liberty, glance, install-openstack
CentOS OpenStack - compute node can't talk
Tags: rdo
How to setup SWIFT_PROXY_NODE and SWIFT_STORAGE_NODEs separately on
RDO Liberty ?
Tags: rdo, liberty, swift, ha
VM and container can't download anything from internet
Tags: rdo, neutron, network, connectivity
Fedora22, Liberty, horizon VNC console and keymap=sv with ; and/
Tags: keyboard, map, keymap, vncproxy, novnc
OpenStack-Docker driver failed
Tags: docker, openstack, liberty
Routing between two tenants
Tags: kilo, fuel, rdo, routing
openstack baremetal introspection internal server error
Tags: rdo, ironic-inspector, tripleo
Installing openstack using packstack (rdo) failed
Tags: rdo, packstack, installation-error, keystone
VMware Host Backend causes No valid host was found. Bug ???
Tags: vmware, rdo
Mutlinode Devstack with two interfaces
Tags: devstack, vlan, openstack
Overcloud deployment on VM fails as IP address from DHCP is not assigned
Tags: overcloud_in_vm
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years, 7 months
Re: [rdo-list] Updated mitaka stable images for tripleo
by Wesley Hayutin
We would need to setup yet another pipeline. I can go after that if there
is a need and it sounds like there is. I'll reduce the cadence on some of
the other jobs to compensate.
We are already chewing up quite a bit of the ci.centos.org infra, KB we
may need to sync up regarding storage and network bandwidth.
I'll wait for KB's ack before proceeding.
Sent from my mobile
On Aug 18, 2016 05:05, "Graeme Gillies" <ggillies(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On 18/08/16 18:45, Haïkel wrote:
> 2016-08-18 9:42 GMT+02:00 Graeme Gillies <ggillies(a)redhat.com>:
>> On 18/08/16 17:14, Haïkel wrote:
>>> 2016-08-18 6:06 GMT+02:00 Hugh Brock <hbrock(a)redhat.com>:
>>>> On Aug 18, 2016 5:48 AM, "Graeme Gillies" <ggillies(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> In a follow up to my previous post about image building in
>>>>> do we currently have a timeline, process, or anything else regarding
>>>>> when rebuilt tripleo images are rebuilt and uploaded to
>>>>> buildlogs.centos.org? E.g. if you look at the mitaka images
>>>>> http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/tripleo_
>>>>> They were built back in April. Can we get something in place to have
>>>>> them updated more frequently?
>>> https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/images/
>> If you look under the mitaka directory at this link, you will notice the
>> only directory there is delorean.
>> I'm not talking about delorean, I'm not interested in that. I'm
>> interested in images built using the package manifests from
>> centos-release-openstack-mitaka and its dependencies (Ceph, qemu-ev,
>> The images at the link I gave originally are images that were built with
>> those CBS, non-delorean, repos
>> Regards,
>> Graeme
> The thing is there's no automation to periodically rebuild and test
> those images.
> Regards,
> H.
Ok no problem, now we have identified that, how can we go about getting
some automation to do this? It would ideally happen everytime we ship a
new package in those official channels, but failing, that, could we do
this periodically?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Graeme
>>>>> --
>>>>> Graeme Gillies
>>>>> Principal Systems Administrator
>>>>> Openstack Infrastructure
>>>>> Red Hat Australia
>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>> rdo-list(a)redhat.com
>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list
>>>>> To unsubscribe: rdo-list-unsubscribe(a)redhat.com
>>>> Graeme thanks for raising this.
>>>> RDO folks, should we not be building images every time we promote? If
we are
>>>> doing that, should we not be linking them more obviously?
>>>> -Hugh
>>> Seems like sync is broken.
>>> @KB; maybe, I'm missing some context but since John is in PTO, can you
>>> look at it?
>>> https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=10697
>>> Regards,
>>> H.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> rdo-list mailing list
>>>> rdo-list(a)redhat.com
>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list
>>>> To unsubscribe: rdo-list-unsubscribe(a)redhat.com
>> --
>> Graeme Gillies
>> Principal Systems Administrator
>> Openstack Infrastructure
>> Red Hat Australia
Graeme Gillies
Principal Systems Administrator
Openstack Infrastructure
Red Hat Australia
rdo-list mailing list
To unsubscribe: rdo-list-unsubscribe(a)redhat.com
8 years, 7 months