Hi Graeme,
Thanks for the reply.
I used these images -
I installed the stable repo following the documentation here -
for example -
sudo curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-newton.repo
sudo curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-deps-newton.repo
The difficulty I am having is that when I test with a small deployment
all works fine. So you would assume just adding more compute nodes would
not be an issue.
Testing this is painful due to the time it takes for a large deployment
to fail. It seems to be only scale that is the issue.
I will try and get you some logs
So the symptoms you are showing me above almost definitely leads me
believe that neutron-server failed on the undercloud, which would
explain why the deploy and nova failed to work. It could have failed
before or during the deploy. We regularly see instances where
neutron-server times out upon system boot (takes slightly longer to
start than systemd expects), so we need to start it manually.
To be clear, The undercloud has been installed using this repo
Which overcloud images are you using? I'm not seeing any provided in
that repo, and I just want to make sure the undercloud and overcloud
packages match (as the tripleo-heat-templates package on the undercloud
has to align with the openstack-puppet-modules package on the overcloud
Also, is it possible to get a copy of all the neutron-server log from
the undercloud? If we can understand why neutron-server failed, that is
the first step towards getting a working deployment.
It would be great if we could get a full sosreport with all the system
logs, to check for other errors. I'm assuming there were no problems
with the 'openstack undercloud install' process?