On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:40:32AM +0900, BYEONG-GI KIM wrote:
I'm getting started learning OpenStack, and decided to install it by
following multi node deployment.
If you're _just_ getting started and haven't done any OpenStack installs
before, I'd suggest to start small (with only the required OpenStack
services including networking) and then try to expand as you get things
I'm considering connecting the OpenStack with OpenFlow Controller, but I
was barely able to find related information for it.
Actually, I could not find any doccumentation or guide of Packstack
installation for multi node set up. Could anybody recommend me some
references for the installation?
Here's[1] some information on setting up Packstack with multi nodes.
To deploy RDO using Foreman (this is more recommended for multi node
installs), refer to this guide[2].
In the context of OpenStack Networking, here's[3] a recommended article
to read to understand what's happening under the hood.
I myself have not used OpenFlow, but here's some details[4] of OpenFlow
in the context of OpenDaylight and RDO.