On 18/09/17 19:48, Ken Dreyer wrote:
Hi Haïkel,
Recently I was looking into automatically building ceph-ansible in
CBS, and I was curious how you're doing automatic CBS builds for RDO.
I'm guessing you've generated your hguemar CentOS FAS x509 cert with
centos-cert, and then you upload that .centos.cert file into some
Jenkins instance as a "Global Credential"? Is that
ci.centos.org or
something else? Do you have to refresh that every three months?
- Ken
Yes, we uploaded my FAS certificate into
review.rdoproject.org Jenkins
instance (where they are securely stored thanks to the Jenkins
Credentials plugin). I do have to refresh it every 6 months, so I set
reminder (early january and july for RDO).
Then, we use gerrit reviews to manage distgit and automate builds.
Automation is stored in this repo:
The trick is that we detect that NVR changed to initiate a build, we
have a two step validation: check will always run a scratch build to
verify that build is working in Koji. But only at validate step, we will
initiate final build.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask :)