On 08/14/2015 09:07 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
Hi Adam,
Revising this thread with my own reasons...
On 08/05/2015 03:33 PM, Adam Young wrote:
> RDO Manager does a lot more than packstack. Too much, for many use
> cases, which is why we have people continuing to use packstack. Where do
> people use packstack?
> 1. Demos
> 2. Development Work
> 3. CI
Installing OpenStack on low-end hardware (1 NIC, no IPMI)
I'm guessing IPMI is a requirement of the Ironic driver.
or in VMs with nested virt.
This would work with the overcloud approach.
Personally, I have some NUCs for a personal OpenStack cluster. I also
have access to an internal OpenStack cloud and I want to test ODL for
Neutron on that.
What it seem like we want is to get the capabilities of the Undercloud
installable on a single Fedora box, and then be able to install the
Overcloud on top of that. An "undercloud light" based on libvirt?
Ultra simple deployment architecture (no HA, one controller, N compute
nodes, or all-in-one on a home server).
Personally, I'm OK manually powering on a host (when prompted) to PXE
boot an undercloud host. I don't know if it's even possible, but if we
could detect that hosts have only one NIC, using the same NIC for
management, data and provisioning, that would be awesome.