Clean install of CentOS 7.1 (as of yesterday) and following along with for Liberty.
When I go to run instack-virt-setup, I'm prompted to configure EPEL:
+ tripleo install-dependencies
EPEL repository is required to install python-pip for CentOS.
When I look at /usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/install-dependencies, I find
it does call for EPEL:
if [ "$TRIPLEO_OS_FAMILY" = "redhat" ]; then
# For CentOS, python-pip and jq are in EPEL
if [ "$TRIPLEO_OS_DISTRO" = "centos" ] && [ ! -f
/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo ]; then
echo EPEL repository is required to install python-pip for CentOS.
echo See
exit 1
sudo -E yum install -y python-lxml libvirt-python libvirt qemu-img
qemu-kvm git python-pip openssl-devel python-devel gcc audit
python-virtualenv openvswitch python-yaml net-tools redhat-lsb-core
libxslt-devel jq openssh-server libffi-devel which glusterfs-api
sudo service libvirtd restart
sudo service openvswitch restart
sudo chkconfig openvswitch on
Indeed after removing the if statement for EPEL, instack-virt-setup appears
to proceed without issue and provisions the instack VM, but that VM won't
allow me to login as root. Any pointers would be great.