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Thanks for being part of the RDO community!
Ocata Released!!!
The RDO community is proud to announce the release of RDO packages for
OpenStack Ocata. Following just a few hours after the upstream release
of Ocata, RDO's packages passed CI, and were delivered to our RPM
repositories around the Internet.
Javier Pena did a great writeup of the release on the RDO blog,
including details of what is new in Ocata, and where to try out the new
RDO packages. You can read that here
https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2017/02/rdo-ocata-released/>;. We
recommend using the TripleO Quickstart
https://www.rdoproject.org/tripleo/> to get started trying out Ocata.
For those who want to dig deeper into what goes on behind the scenes
during an RDO release, Haïkel Guémar did a writeup of exactly that in
the RDO blog
He covered the release process, as well as reflections on how it went
this time, and what we hope to improve on the next time. If you'd like
to be more involved in RDO, this is the perfect place to start.
Recent Events
OpenStack Project Teams Gathering
Two weeks ago in Atlanta, OpenStack held the first PTG - the Project
Teams Gathering. This is an outgrowth of the developers summit that,
until now, was held at OpenStack Summit. It's been split off into its
own event, so that the project teams can focus entirely on this one
task, without the distration of the larger event, customer meetings, and
so on. Each team had a dedicated room where they discussed what needs to
get done in the next release, code-named Pike, and how they're going to
get there. They also had cross-project meetings to discuss the places
where projects need to interact with one another, where they overlap,
and where they need to agree on common pieces.
During the event, I was on-site conducting engineer interviews. I talked
with 23 OpenStack engineers about what they worked on in Ocata, and
what's coming in Pike. Some of these interviews can already be seen on
the RDO YouTube channel, in the PTG playlist
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOuHvpVx7kYksG0NFaCaQsSkrUlj3Oq4S> and
more will be posted in the coming days as I work through editing them.
You'll also see this content on the RDO blog once I get them transcribed
over the coming weeks. So subscribe to the RDO channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWYIPZ4lm4P3_pzZ9Hx9awg> to see those
as soon as they become available.
These videos are a great insight both into what's new in Ocata, but also
into the passion that drives the RDO community. It was really cool to be
able to speak with all of these brilliant people, and share their
excitement about the next chapter of OpenStack.
On Wednesday evening, RDO contributors gathered at the Side Bar in
downtown Atlanta where we sent the release announcement, and celebrated
another successful delivery of RDO. We hope that you will be there the
next time we do this.
Last week in Pasadena, RDO was represented at SCALE - the Southern
California Linux Expo - as part of the Red Hat booth there. SCALE
follows in the tradition of old-school Linux conferences, with lots of
teaching, lots of desktop apps, and lots of kids learning about Linux
for the first time. But there was also a lot of space for infrastructure
projects like OpenStack, OpenShift, Ceph, and so on. We had many great
conversations with school kids who wanted to learn about the world of
If you have an opportunity to attend SCALE in coming years, we recommend
it. It's a fun event, with lots of great content for people at all
levels of expertise.
Upcoming Events
There's several events on the horizon that you should be aware of.
OpenStack Days Poland <
http://www.openstackday.pl/> will be held
March 22 in Warsaw. Community member Ana Krivokapic will be there
representing RDO, so drop by the Red Hat booth for your RDO stickers.
OpenStack Summit, Boston
https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017> is 2 months away -
May 8-12 - and it's time to get registered, and book your hotels,
since they'll fill up fast.
And speaking of OpenStack Summit, it's just been announced that
OpenStack Summit North America 2018 will be held in Vancouver, May
21-24 <
Other RDO events, including the many OpenStack meetups around the world,
are always listed on the RDO events page <
If you have an RDO-related event, please feel free to add it by
submitting a pull request on Github
Blog Posts
There's been some great blog posts in the last month. Here's a sampling:
*RDO Ocata Release Behind The Scenes* by Haïkel Guémar
I have been involved in 6 GA releases of RDO (From Juno to Ocata),
and I wanted to share a glimpse of the preparation work. Since Juno,
our process has tremendously evolved: we refocused RDO on EL7,
joined the CentOS Cloud SIG, moved to Software Factory.
Read more
*Developing Mistral workflows for TripleO* by Steve Hardy
During the newton/ocata development cycles, TripleO made changes to
the architecture so we make use of Mistral (the OpenStack workflow
API project) to drive workflows required to deploy your OpenStack cloud.
Read more
*OpenStack Pike PTG: TripleO, TripleO UI Some highlights* by jpichon
For the second part of the PTG (vertical projects), I mainly stayed
in the TripleO room, moving around a couple of times to attend
cross-project sessions related to i18n.
Read more
*OpenStack PTG, trip report* by rbowen
last week, I attended the OpenStack PTG (Project Teams Gathering) in
*Installing TripleO Quickstart* by Carlos Camacho
This is a brief recipe about how to manually install TripleO
Quickstart in a remote 32GB RAM box and not dying trying it.
Read more
*RDO Ocata released* by jpena
The RDO community is pleased to announce the general availability of
the RDO build for OpenStack Ocata for RPM-based distributions,
CentOS Linux 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. RDO is suitable for
building private, public, and hybrid clouds. Ocata is the 15th
release from the OpenStack project, which is the work of more than
2500 contributors from around the world (source).
As always, you can catch up with great OpenStack blog posts on Planet
OpenStack <
Community meetings
Every Wednesday at 15:00 UTC, we have the weekly RDO community meeting
on the #RDO channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting is
posted each week in a public etherpad
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting> and the minutes from the
meeting are posted on the RDO website
https://www.rdoproject.org/community/community-meeting/>;. If there's
something you'd like to see happen in RDO - a package that is missing, a
tool that you'd like to see included, or a change in how things are
governed - this is the best time and place to help make that happen.
Keep in touch
There's lots of ways to stay in in touch with what's going on in the RDO
community. The best ways are …
* RDO <
* OpenStack Q&A <
Mailing Lists:
* rdo-list mailing list <
* This newsletter <
* IRC - #rdo on
* Puppet module development - #rdo-puppet
Social Media
* Follow us on Twitter <
* Google+ <
* Facebook <
Thanks again for being part of the RDO community!
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
Rdo-newsletter mailing list