Kilo, released last spring, has broken with packages that get added
removed from the epel or rdo repository.
I unfortunately can't speak for Kilo or prior to that as I wasn't
involved in RDO at the time.
I know for a fact that for Liberty, we did a lot of work to ensure
that all of our dependencies were available from the RDO
repositories. I think we have a few outliers that need to be
identified, especially around RDO Manager.
In the meantime, everyone is working on Mikata because Liberty
just finished.
We're actually spending a lot of time and effort on Liberty still and
started just last week really taking out Mitaka for a spin.
I'm convinced we've made a lot of great progress late in the liberty
cycle and since Mitaka started, but the truth is that there are a lot
of improvements to do still.
But you and I already know that -- and I believe WeIRDO is another
step in the right direction.
If you notice things that are broken, I can't say this enough but it's
important to let us know - it's not normal.
There's the mailing list, IRC, or bugzilla. We're right there.
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]