I attempting to rebuild an SRPM from RDO (openstack-ironic) to apply a
patch needed for my environment.
I was simply trying to do
yumdownloader --source openstack-ironic
rpm2cpio openstack-ironic-2015.1-dev684.el7.centos.src.rpm | cpio -i
# modify spec and apply patch
rpmbuild --define '%_srcrpmdir .' --define '%_sourcedir .' -bs
mock openstack-ironic-2015.1-dev684.el7.centos.src.rpm
However this gives me a build failure with
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.jyD2vL: line 35: cd: ironic-%{upstream_version}: No
such file or directory
I had a feeling this was because of the workflow introduced by delorean
(something I am not immediately familiar with).
I started looking at this page
And followed it through I understand what delorean is, what it's trying
to achieve, and how the macros work etc.
I was able to fix my build with by adding
%{!?upstream_version: %global upstream_version 2015.1.dev684}
I'm just wondering if it is possible to tweak the rpm specs that
delorean/RDO use to add such a conditional above to all rpms, so that it
is possible for us Operators to still rebuild these SRPMS as needed
using the tools we always have used.
While I can appreciate delorean and everything it does, from a pure
operators perspective, we aren't a fan of having to use custom tools to
build packages for all different products/infrastructure under our control.
If this could be done it would be very much appreciated!
Graeme Gillies
Principal Systems Administrator
Openstack Infrastructure
Red Hat Australia