On Tuesday, October 24th, we will have an outage of the rdo-list mailing
list, starting at 10:30 JST (01:30 UTC) and potentially lasting until 12:00
JST (03:00 UTC).
During this time, we will be migrating rdo-list(a) to two new
mailing lists - dev(a) and users(a)
You will, initially, be subscribed to both of these lists. You can
unsubscribe according to the usual formula, eg sending a blank message to
The purpose of these lists are, respectively, development and user
New messages to those lists should be sent to those email addresses.
Messages to the old rdo-list email address will receive an auto-response
with the above information. The page at will also be updated to
reflect this information.
At the same time, the rdo-infra(a) mailing list will move to
infra(a) with existing subscriptions copied over. No
action is necessary to remain on that list. Likewise, the rdo-newsletter
mailing list will be moved to newsletter(a)
Please let us (Myself and Marc "Duck" Dequenes) know immediately of any
concerns around these changes.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)
@rbowen // @rdocommunity // @CentOSProject
859 351 9166