On 02/05/2018 06:32 AM, Jakub Ruzicka wrote:
P.S.: Do I get it right we migrated from simple universal Markdown
towards PHP powered WYSIWYG attrocity that is WordPress? What was the
motivation behind this downgrade?
I certainly see that you don't have a high opinion of this move. I
rather wish we had seen your feedback earlier in this process, as we've
been discussing it for some time.
On the one hand, you can, in fact, still author in simple universal
markdown, so that, at least, has not become more difficult.
The move to Wordpress is all about the things that it makes easier - if
not for the author, in your case, for the consumer of the content. The
ability to automatically promote this content to other social media
outlets. The ability to schedule posts to go out at a particular time.
The large ecosystem of plugins for doing all manner of things around the
blog post. The ability to have a blog post in a draft, and give a team
of people the ability to review it and see what it's actually going to
look like when it's published.
We also simply wanted to merge the two blog presences to remove confusion.
I hope that we haven't lost you as an author with this move.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
@RDOcommunity // @CentOSProject // @rbowen