On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 1:17 AM, Adam Young <ayoung(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On 07/30/2015 07:14 AM, Perry Myers wrote:
>> >Well, for our packages, Fedora and EL would be fairly different. The
>> >MidoNet core is written in Java/Scala, so much more (tools, deps) is
>> >missing from EL, e.g. gradle and of course lots of artifacts. So we
>> >should target EPEL, I guess.
> I wouldn't follow Adam's advice here (starting with Fedora). Especially
> for the SDN solution which is Java based. That would lead to a lot of
> pain and overhead.
Heh...I still stand by it. But, to be clear: make sure the parts that you
want to ship with RDO are build able on Fedora; We want to be able to test
against as far upstream as possible. I tend to develop on Fedora and then
test against Centos and RHEL.
Personally, I would also do it that way - but I can't guarantee that
everyone involved will follow that approach.
For the Java stuff....yeah, it can be a lot of work, but ultimately
is worth
the effort. We went through a lot of packaging pain for Dogtag, whcih is
part of Barbican...Dogtag was, I think, the first Tomcat Application that
got into Fedora. WIth JPackage etc, getting RPMs for the Software you have
is manageable. But all that is is beyond the string need for the Neutron
SO, it depends on how far you want to go. If you only care about getting
the plugin into RDO, yeah, you don't need to package the Java code. If you
want to participate in the RDO and Fedora communities, I'd recommend getting
the packages done correctly, but that can be done over time.
I agree, but it will take a very long time to achieve this.
I'd recommend looking into hosting COPR for the components you
want to
build. You can start with the easy ones.
The Fedora Java team has done a lot of work on getting Maven builds to be
able to select only packages that are themselves part of Fedora. You might
be surprised at how much packaging you don't actually have to write today.
As an added benefit, you get code that will help you installing the rest of
MidoNet on a RHEL system.
Well, we currently use gradle, not maven - but as of F22 gradle and
gradle-local are available as well. However, trying to build MidoNet,
I didn't even get past the build dependencies (gradle plugins, I
think). Having packaged ant and maven based stuff for Fedora before, I
was rather surprised how fast it failed ;) But I get your point :)
-- Sandro
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