Hey Fred,
Our setup is a bit all over the place right now - in my day-to-day I
deal with three gerrits, four jenkins - delorean and mirrors on
trunk.rdoproject, cbs, fedorapeople and so on.
As a relatively new guy, it took me far longer than I'd like to admit
to just wrap my head around what is where and how it works.. and
there's still some things I'm confused about.
So, the idea of centralizing stuff in one place is IMO a good one but
we need to make sure we get everyone aligned on the objectives and the
solutions as to not create yet another standard [1].
I think we're in the process of moving the Jenkins portion of the
infrastructure to
ci.centos.org right now. Perhaps you can chat about
Wes to get more information on the how, when and why.
My one question that comes to mind about making your experiment a
reality: do we have the resources (human, time and capex) to make
something like this happen ?
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 5:31 AM, Frédéric Lepied
<frederic.lepied(a)redhat.com> wrote:
After some discussions, we came up with the idea to have the RDO
project owns its build infrastructure. To play with this idea, we
propose to experiment to use an OpenStack like workflow to build RDO
packages by deploying a Software Factory instance
http://softwarefactory-project.io) on top of an RDO or RHEL-OSP
cloud. That will allow us to have our own Gerrit, Zuul, Nodepool and
Jenkins instances like in the OpenStack upstream project while adding
our package building specific needs like using the Delorean and
Mock/Koji/Mash machineries.
The objectives from these changes are:
1. to have a full gating CI for RDO to never break the package repository.
2. to be in control of our infrastructure.
3. to simplify the work-flow where we can to make it more efficient and
easier to grasp.
Nothing is set in stone so feel free to comment or ask questions.
Fred - May the Source be with you
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