Devendra Gupta wrote:
I have configured keystone to SSL and also update the endpoint in
service catalog. Keystone operations like endpoint/tenant list working
fine. I also update glance-api.conf and glance-registry.conf files
with ssl enabled keystone details but still glance is unable to find
images. It fails with following:
[root@openstack-centos65 glance(keystone_admin)]# glance --insecure image-list
Request returned failure status.
Invalid OpenStack Identity credentials.
Please see attached keystone.conf, glance-api.conf and
glance-registry.conf and debug output of glance image-list and
endpoint list.
The auth_uri in glance-api.conf is wrong. It should be
If you set cafile in that section you should be able to do this without
--insecure, assuming that openstack-centos65 is the CN value in the
certificate subject of the keystone server.
The admin_tenant_name is usually singular, service rather than services,
but it can vary by how you installed things.