* Latest promotions (TripleO CI):
* Master:27th February
* Train: 28th February
* Stein: 27th February
* RDO Phase1 has known issue, which is being fixed:
* With movement to CentOS8 and unpin of ussuri tags in rdoinfo, promotion
of centos7 master will stop soon.
* Tripleo-operator-ansible has been added in ussuri
* Mistral-extra has been added in Ussuri
* Glance has dropped py2 support, so is pinned to working commit
* As there has been a recent promotion including mistral-extra, we plan
to remove python2 related pins in ussuri-uc next week.
* Ci.centos weirdo jobs are migrated to vexxhost, Other RDO jobs are also
being evaluated on vexxhost
CentOS8 Preparation:
* Dependencies repo has been moved to CBS builds for CentOS8 master.
* Ansible is downgraded to 2.8.8 as ceph is not ready with 2.9
* CentOS8 CBS builds for RDO Train release are in progress, libraries,
clients, puppet modules, tempest plugins are mostly done, services
builds in progress
* Good progress in adding CentOS8 jobs by TripleO CI team, some jobs have
been added to the periodic pipeline and adding them to check and gate is
work in progress.
* A problem with macros expansion in RDO specs have been discovered when
running rpmbuild or rdopkg commands in Fedora31. A fix is being pushed to
all projects in train-rdo branch:
On behalf of RDO
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