You could try adding it via the CLI:
# generate the keypair; cloud.key is the private key; cloud.key.pub is
the public key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f cloud.key -N ''
# load the keystone credentials
source keystonerc_admin
# import the public key
nova keypair-add --pub_key cloud.key.pub cloudkey
On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 7:46 PM, Thales <thaleslv(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
I'm trying to learn OpenStack via RDO, so I downloaded packstack. I went to
this link to start on RDO
I set up a fixed IP in CentOS 7. CentOS 7 is a guest OS. I'm using
Virtualbox as my virtual machine, and Windows 10 is my host OS. I'm using a
Bridged adpater for Virtual Box.
I downloaded and installed RDO via packstack.
I then went here:
I went there to learn how to run an instance, and on step three on that
page, "Create or Import a Pair", I received an error. The error occurred
when I tried to "create" the key. It error was "Keypair data is invalid:
failed to generate fingerprint (HTTP 400)". I also tried to import a
key, by generating one on the command line. However, in both cases it
failed. I got some guidance from this video
,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYTctLuPbOs, but that didn't do the trick
for me, either.
I have been looking around for similar problems on the web, and I found a
couple, but none of the solutions worked for me. I recently disabled
SELinux with the "setenforce 0" command, and that didn't fix the problem
Does anyone have any idea what his could be? I'm really just learning
now, so I'm sure it's got to be something rudimentary.
Thanks for any help!
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