On 08/05/2013 11:08 AM, Kashyap Chamarthy wrote:
On 08/05/2013 03:18 PM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
> On 08/05/2013 07:10 AM, Kashyap Chamarthy wrote:
>> Heya (Pádraig?),
>> Installing the generic rdo-release-havana RPM pulls in the rdo-release-havana-3
>> (while earlier it pulled in rdo-release-havana-2)
>> As a result of pulling in rdo-release-havana-3, it fails with a dependency on
> Oops right, catch 22.
> It works for `yum install rdo-release`,
> but not with this initial install method
> when the repo is not in place at all.
> I've reverted that change now,
Cool, thanks.
Do you want to place a quick README denoting there are two milestone packages (m2, m3)
Or not really needed?
No need I think.
Changes here are usually uninteresting plumbing,
already documented in the rpm -q --changelog.
Scripts/docs reference generic links rather than specific milestones.
Also, while I have your attention here, maybe we should advertise the
usage of
'fedora-easy-karma' tool to provide up-votes by people who have been testing
stuff with
updates-testing enabled?
Packages are languishing in Bodhi:
It would be good to provide feedback from RDO to Fedora.
Note the caveat though where Fedora N+1 is being used
for the RDO Fedora N versions. I.E. the RDO Havana Fedora 19
repo currently contains openstack-packstack-2013.2.1-0.1.dev691.fc20
and whilst currently the same as fc19, may not be generally.
Also this would impact tools auto providing karma from installed versions.
Something to think about indeed.