Hi rdo-list,
We did something that bothered me a lot - we shipped what we
considered a stable GA for Liberty and we got some reports of packages
that were outright broken in the release.
This means some packages were not tested at all or else we would have
found these issues.
So I've went on to neglect my sleep, friends, wife and kids (okay, not
really... okay, maybe a little bit) because I was obsessed about
finding ways to improve our CI coverage in RDO to prevent this from
Testing everything in OpenStack is hard [1] and I'm convinced you can
agree with me.
So today I am launching the idea I've been working on in hope that it
becomes useful - I called it WeIRDO [2] and it stands for "We [
Install | Integrate | Improve ] RDO".
I've written a blog post [3] about the background, context and what
WeIRDO is about.
I would love to hear your thoughts about it - if you'd like to
contribute that is even better !
Thanks !
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]