Hi Pierre,
I submitted a patch to raise the minimum requirement for dateutil in
However, how are those requirements taken into consideration when
packaging OpenStack in RDO? RDO packages for CentOS7 provide
python2-dateutil-2.8.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm, but there is no such package
in the CentOS8 repository.
RDO sticks to the version from base OS if a package is available
there, as long as it works with upstream projects.
In EL7 base python-dateutil 1.5 was too old so it is overridden by an
updated version in the RDO repo.
When we moved to EL8, python3-dateutil 2.6 included in the base OS was
new enough so it was no introduced in RDO for EL8.
The whole process of maintaing RDO deps is documented at
Would it be better to just remove the use of tz.UTC? I believe we
could use dateutil.tz.tzutc() instead.
Yes backward compatibility would be good, if the upstream project is
happy with "available in RHEL8 base repo" justification.