Hi Adam,
Revising this thread with my own reasons...
On 08/05/2015 03:33 PM, Adam Young wrote:
RDO Manager does a lot more than packstack. Too much, for many use
cases, which is why we have people continuing to use packstack. Where do
people use packstack?
1. Demos
2. Development Work
3. CI
Installing OpenStack on low-end hardware (1 NIC, no IPMI) or in VMs with
nested virt. Personally, I have some NUCs for a personal OpenStack
cluster. I also have access to an internal OpenStack cloud and I want to
test ODL for Neutron on that.
Ultra simple deployment architecture (no HA, one controller, N compute
nodes, or all-in-one on a home server).
Personally, I'm OK manually powering on a host (when prompted) to PXE
boot an undercloud host. I don't know if it's even possible, but if we
could detect that hosts have only one NIC, using the same NIC for
management, data and provisioning, that would be awesome.
Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338