Luigi, Victoria,
Do you have an opinion on what would be the best approach to build and
distribute images for Sahara and Trove ?
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
On Feb 23, 2017 9:59 AM, "Mohammed Naser" <mnaser(a)> wrote:
Hi everyone,
In order to successfully deploy Sahara, Trove (or I’m sure a few other
projects), you need to build a few images using diskimage-builder and
publish them. There are a few images which are published and hosted at
Mirantis however they seem pretty out of date. This does not seem to be
something that is currently implemented and I was recommended by hguemar to
start a conversation around this in rdo-list. His suggestion was to start
some jobs which generate images that are simply published over HTTP, and
once we have that, we can dive into packaging them and making
the acquisition of images as simple as yum install
openstack-sahara-image-ambari for example.
I will be attempting to do some of the work to create jobs around this,
however, I would encourage others who would like to help and who can chime
in to work on this as well. I have good knowledge around CI,
building these images and JJB however I might struggle around finding the
right places to put things so we can get those images shipped out!
I hope this becomes useful for everyone and I’m looking for more feedback
and a bit of help to get this created!
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