Check versions of bundled Pig and version of Hadoop installed via upstream image for
Sahara cluster
( sahara-liberty-vanilla-2.7.1-centos-7.qcow2 from
[boris@ServerCentOS7 Downloads]$ ssh -i oskeydsa.pem ubuntu(a)
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Last login: Fri Feb 12 18:32:35 2016 from
ubuntu@demo-cluster271-hadoop-master-node-0:~$ sudo su - hadoop
hadoop@demo-cluster271-hadoop-master-node-0:~$ hadoop version
Hadoop 2.7.1 <==== Hadoop Version
Subversion -r
Compiled by jenkins on 2015-06-29T06:04Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum fc0a1a23fc1868e4d5ee7fa2b28a58a
command was run using /opt/hadoop-2.7.1/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-2.7.1.jar
hadoop@demo-cluster271-hadoop-master-node-0:~$ logout
ubuntu@demo-cluster271-hadoop-master-node-0:~$ sudo su -
root@demo-cluster271-hadoop-master-node-0:~# cd /
root@demo-cluster271-hadoop-master-node-0:/# find . -name "*pig*" -print
./opt/hive/hcatalog/share/webhcat/svr/lib/pig-0.10.1.jar <== Seems like version of
Pig is 0.10.1
./opt/hive/hcatalog/share/hcatalog/hcatalog-pig-adapter-0.11.0.jar <==== As Max
System Requirements
1. Java 1.6.x or newer, preferably from Sun ( Oracle acquired Sun in 2010 )
Set JAVA_HOME to the root of your Java installation
2. Ant build tool: - to build source only
3. Cygwin: - to run under Windows
4. This release is compatible with all Hadoop 0.20.X, 1.0.X and 0.23.X releases <===
doesn't include 2.7.1
Conclusion: bundled version of Pig 0.10.1 is not compatible with Hadoop 2.7.1
Please, advise if I am wrong.
From: rdo-list-bounces(a) <rdo-list-bounces(a)> on behalf of Boris
Derzhavets <bderzhavets(a)>
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:41 PM
To: Ethan Gafford
Cc: Luigi Toscano; rdo-list(a)
Subject: Re: [Rdo-list] How to set up EDP Pig jobs on Sahara Vanialla 2.7.1 Cluster (RDO
Liberty ) ?
Ethan ,
I am attaching real script from the box ( the one I am on right now, running AIO RDO
Liberty + Sahara+Heat )
[boris@ServerCentOS7 ~]$ cat prg1.pig
messages = LOAD '$INPUT';
out = FILTER messages BY $0 MATCHES '^+.*ERROR+.*';
STORE out INTO '$OUTPUT' USING PigStorage();
Thank you
From: Ethan Gafford <egafford(a)>
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:14 PM
To: Boris Derzhavets
Cc: Luigi Toscano; rdo-list(a)
Subject: Re: [Rdo-list] How to set up EDP Pig jobs on Sahara Vanialla 2.7.1 Cluster (RDO
Liberty ) ?
Hi Boris,
One possible source of error in your script is that (at least in your paste here) your
$OUTPUT variable seems to be misspelled ('$OUPUT').
If that's not the issue (and it might well not be, if that was only a typo in this
mail,) then I fear that debugging Pig jobs is one of the roughest spots of Sahara at
present. It looks, though, as though your job is being processed by grunt (the Pig
interpreter, as all things must be cute and pig-related), and that the interpreter is
failing to parse the job file, so the misspelling diagnosis does fit (if you're
telling it to output to a nonexistent variable, that fits; the rest of your script looks
syntactically correct to me and to my Lipstick equivalent.)
Could you check to see if this is a problem? If not, I can try to help you do a deeper
----- Original Message -----
From: "Boris Derzhavets" <bderzhavets(a)>
To: "Luigi Toscano" <ltoscano(a)>, rdo-list(a)
Cc: egafford(a)
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 12:29:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Rdo-list] How to set up EDP Pig jobs on Sahara Vanialla 2.7.1 Cluster (RDO
Liberty ) ?
From: rdo-list-bounces(a) <rdo-list-bounces(a)> on behalf of Boris
Derzhavets <bderzhavets(a)>
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:27 AM
To: Luigi Toscano; rdo-list(a)
Cc: egafford(a)
Subject: Re: [Rdo-list] How to set up EDP Pig jobs on Sahara Vanialla 2.7.1 Cluster (RDO
Liberty ) ?
From: rdo-list-bounces(a) <rdo-list-bounces(a)> on behalf of Boris
Derzhavets <bderzhavets(a)>
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 10:50 AM
To: Luigi Toscano; rdo-list(a)
Cc: egafford(a)
Subject: Re: [Rdo-list] How to set up EDP Pig jobs on Sahara Vanialla 2.7.1 Cluster (RDO
Liberty ) ?
From: Luigi Toscano <ltoscano(a)>
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 8:58 AM
To: rdo-list(a)
Cc: Boris Derzhavets; egafford(a)
Subject: Re: [Rdo-list] How to set up EDP Pig jobs on Sahara Vanialla 2.7.1 Cluster (RDO
Liberty ) ?
On Thursday 11 of February 2016 20:37:33 Boris Derzhavets wrote:
After several failures in Sahara UI environment, I just attempted to
set up
Pig on Mater Node (VM) following ( current release
Downloaded Pig on Master VM and configured it, so that I could run
simple pig script like (filtering "ERROR" line from sahara-engine.log) :-
You should not install Pig from, but it's already bundled on the
We may check :-
1. I will drop all VMs in Cluster
2. I will recreate new Vanilla 2.7.1 cluster
3 .Log into master and worker VMs and run :-
ubuntu$ sudo su - hadoop
hadoop$ which pig
If the last command wouldn't return me anything would it be a fair ?
Is it correct way for verification ?
Yes , I see presence of bundled pig on Master
Cluster based on Vanilla 271 plugin recreated .
hadoop@demo-cluster271-hadoop-master-node-0:~$ jps
4020 Bootstrap
2540 ResourceManager
4452 Jps
2285 NameNode
4242 RunJar
2977 JobHistoryServer
2392 SecondaryNameNode
ubuntu@demo-cluster271-hadoop-work-node-1:~$ sudo su - hadoop
hadoop@demo-cluster271-hadoop-work-node-1:~$ jps
2250 NodeManager
2193 DataNode
4159 Jps
hadoop-master-node -Template 1
vanilla 2.7.1
hadoop-work-node -Template 2
vanilla 2.7.1
Cluster Template ( XFS && SWIFT support enabled)
vanilla 2.7.1
hadoop-work-node: 3
hadoop-master-node: 1
Attempt to run same job-binary ( prg1.pig )
same input and output.
Generated logs on work-node-1
Either I have wrong understanding how set up Pig on Hadoop Cluster or doing
mistakes in Sahara GUI environment. One more thing confusing me Pig should
be installed during Sahara's Hadoop Cluster generating, it is not a part of
of Hadoop Cluster ( no matter which plugin has been used ), how Sahara
suggests to set up Pig Jobs if there is no any Pig on cluster's VMs. I am
missing something here.
It should be. Is there anything that let you think that Pig is not included?
Did you add oozie to the cluster templates?
Yes . I did it on Master's Template (Vanilla 2.7.1). Only datanode and nodemanager
were removed from Master template and added to Worker Template.
Master template :-
Everything except
- datanode
- nodemanager
Worker template:-
+ datanode
+ nodemanager
Clusters Template = 1*Master+3*Workers
I started without any Pig setup on Master and each time job finally got killed
and I could watch Java exception as above on one of Worker Nodes attempting
to run prg1.pig as job-binary :-
messages = LOAD '$INPUT';
out = FILTER messages BY $0 MATCHES '^+.*ERROR+.*';
STORE out INTO '$OUPUT' USING PigStorage() ;
1) input defined as swift ://demo.sahara/input.txt ( previously uploaded to public swift
container "demo" )
2) output defined as swift://demo/sahara/output
Just following up Mirantis's Video for Juno :-
I installed Pig on Master , to make sure that in Hadoop environment I am able to
succeed with
hadoop$ pig -x mapreduce prg1.pig ( i.e. running pig script within Hadoop Cluster, by
hadoop user )
There is one strange thing , when I suspend all VMs in Cluster and then resume all VMs in
Cluster (4)
It requires 10-15 min to be able manually run :-
hadooop$ pig -x mapreduce prg1.pig
Like some Java services are awakened very slow , even Master VM is resumed and available
logging into.
Thank you.
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