Strange, can you run cat and ssh-keygen -l -f and provide the output on a paste service such as
Thanks, Marius!
I get the same error.
"Error (BadRequest): Keypair data is invalid: failed to generate fingerprint
(HTTP p 400) (Requested ID: ...)"
I'm just staring out with OpenStack here, trying to get through my first
tutorial, so I'm fumbling around.
On Sunday, January 10, 2016 10:03 AM, Marius Cornea <marius(a)>
You could try adding it via the CLI:
# generate the keypair; cloud.key is the private key; is
the public key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f cloud.key -N ''
# load the keystone credentials
source keystonerc_admin
# import the public key
nova keypair-add --pub_key cloudkey
On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 7:46 PM, Thales <thaleslv(a)> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to learn OpenStack via RDO, so I downloaded packstack. I went
> to
> this link to start on RDO
> I set up a fixed IP in CentOS 7. CentOS 7 is a guest OS. I'm using
> Virtualbox as my virtual machine, and Windows 10 is my host OS. I'm using
> a
> Bridged adpater for Virtual Box.
> I downloaded and installed RDO via packstack.
> I then went here:
> I went there to learn how to run an instance, and on step three on that
> page, "Create or Import a Pair", I received an error. The error
> occurred
> when I tried to "create" the key. It error was "Keypair data is
> failed to generate fingerprint (HTTP 400)". I also tried to import a
> key, by generating one on the command line. However, in both cases it
> failed. I got some guidance from this video
> ,, but that didn't do the trick
> for me, either.
> I have been looking around for similar problems on the web, and I found a
> couple, but none of the solutions worked for me. I recently disabled
> SELinux with the "setenforce 0" command, and that didn't fix the
> either.
> Does anyone have any idea what his could be? I'm really just learning
> now, so I'm sure it's got to be something rudimentary.
> Thanks for any help!
> ...John
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