RDO User Survey
by Amy Marrich
Hi everyone,
During today's RDO meeting we had a few topics that we need further
information on in order to make decisions. As a result, we have created a 2
question survey[0] to collect the needed information. This survey will
remain open for 2 weeks so we can make plans for the Epoxy release with the
gathered information.
The first question is in regards to CentOS Stream version(s) for the Epoxy
release, CentOS Stream 9 only, 10 only, or both versions. The second
question is to determine whether future RDO releases will continue to be
all releases or only SLURP releases, if SLURP are the only releases folks
are using.
0 - https://forms.gle/44atURvazYPXVvwZ8
5 days, 1 hour
[meeting] RDO meeting - 2025-02-26
by Amy Marrich
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2025-02-26
Meeting started by spotz[m] at 14:05:15 UTC. The full logs are
available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2025_02_26/2025/rdo...
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (spotz[m], 14:05:22)
* RDO/CS10 (spotz[m], 14:06:20)
* CS10 is not supported in the upstream, RDO is working on adding
support it (jcapitao[m], 14:13:02)
* LINK: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-385 (jcapitao[m],
* LINK: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/glean/+/941672
(karolinku[m], 14:13:52)
* the main goal now is to adapt Glean project to support
NetworkManager keyfiles (jcapitao[m], 14:14:25)
* LINK: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-443 (jcapitao[m],
* Epoxy on CS9 (spotz[m], 14:38:49)
* LINK: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-454 (jcapitao[m],
* watcher? (spotz[m], 14:49:41)
* Next week's meeting (spotz[m], 14:50:50)
* open floor (spotz[m], 14:53:15)
Meeting ended at 14:56:02 UTC.
People present (lines said)
* jcapitao[m] (26)
* spotz[m] (19)
* karolinku[m] (14)
* opendevmeet (3)
* rdogerrit (3)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
5 days, 2 hours
Re: RDO - CentOS Stream version poll - request for volunteers
by Amy Marrich
Thanks Neil, I'm also answering folks who responded directly to make sure I
don't miss anyone!
If you log into the #rdo channel on OFTC the team will be happy to get you
onboarded. Using the channel will help give a central location to help
everyone who is stepping up to help!
On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 9:35 AM Neil Hanlon <neil(a)shrug.pw> wrote:
> I'm volunteering myself to help with this (packaging and CI infra wise) as
> I've already said I'd help with c10s in OSA and as we have RDO install path
> in addition to source.
> On Mon, Feb 3, 2025, 13:09 Dmitriy Rabotyagov <noonedeadpunk(a)gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Well, there is a huge blocker existing right now for CentOS Stream 10
>> testing in the OpenIfra CI, which is basically incompatibility of hardware
>> with minimal requirements provided by the CentOS.
>> I wanted to also start adding support for OpenStack-Ansible, but without
>> any CI around it feels weird. So pretty much if we won't be able to figure
>> out a way for CentOS 10 testing in OpenIfra Zuul, I won't be comfortable
>> saying this OS is supported.
>> On Mon, 3 Feb 2025, 13:03 Amy Marrich, <amy(a)demarco.com> wrote:
>>> The results of the poll showed an interest in having both Stream 9 and
>>> 10 versions for the Epoxy release. Due to limited resources, we are looking
>>> for volunteers in the community who would be interested in learning to
>>> build the RPMs and help maintain them.
>>> Please reach out if you are interested in participating in this effort.
>>> Amy (spotz)
3 weeks, 6 days
RDO - CentOS Stream version poll - request for volunteers
by Amy Marrich
The results of the poll showed an interest in having both Stream 9 and 10
versions for the Epoxy release. Due to limited resources, we are looking
for volunteers in the community who would be interested in learning to
build the RPMs and help maintain them.
Please reach out if you are interested in participating in this effort.
Amy (spotz)
4 weeks