[rdo-users] [Meeting] RDO meeting (2021-12-08) minutes
by Joel Capitao
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2021-12-08
Meeting started by jcapitao at 14:09:44 UTC. The full logs are
available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2021_12_08/2021/rdo...
Meeting summary
* roll call (jcapitao, 14:10:51)
* RDO SWAG (spotz, 14:14:11)
* Backport support for cs9 in wallaby (jcapitao, 14:30:11)
* LINK: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-4 (jcapitao, 14:30:20)
* chair for next week (jcapitao, 14:37:53)
* ACTION: PagliaccisCloud to chair next week (jcapitao, 14:39:50)
* open floor (jcapitao, 14:40:17)
Meeting ended at 14:56:53 UTC.
Action items, by person
* PagliaccisCloud
* PagliaccisCloud to chair next week
People present (lines said)
* jcapitao (33)
* spotz (33)
* PagliaccisCloud (8)
* opendevmeet (5)
* rdogerrit (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
3 years, 2 months
[RDO][Meeting] December Meeting Hiatus (12/22 and 12/29)
by Amy Marrich
In today's RDO meeting we decided to cancel the meetings which would have
been held on 12/22 and 12/29. We will still be holding meetings the other
weeks in December in the #RDO channel on OFTC and hope to see you there.
Amy (spotz)
3 years, 3 months