[Meeting] RDO meeting (2020-09-30) minutes
by Joel Capitao
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2020-09-30
Meeting started by jcapitao at 14:01:36 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (jcapitao, 14:01:50)
* jcapitao becoming RDO provenpackager !! (jcapitao, 14:08:00)
* jcapitao has become RDO provenpackager and superuser (amoralej,
* LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/29752/ (amoralej,
(jcapitao, 14:13:49)
* Mascot feedback (jcapitao, 14:16:03)
(jcapitao, 14:16:12)
* Update about Victoria release preparation (jcapitao, 14:27:38)
* next week's chair (jcapitao, 14:41:08)
* ACTION: ykarel to chair next week (jcapitao, 14:41:43)
* open floor (jcapitao, 14:42:00)
* LINK: http://anitab.org (spotz, 14:46:27)
Meeting ended at 15:02:01 UTC.
Action items, by person
* ykarel
* ykarel to chair next week
People present (lines said)
* jcapitao (47)
* spotz (27)
* amoralej (26)
* ykarel (12)
* openstack (6)
* rdogerrit (4)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
4 years, 5 months
[infra] Planned maintenance on DLRN DB on Thursday, Sep 24th
by Javier Pena
It looks like the previous maintenance on the DLRN database did not solve all issues, so we need to run some more maintenance activities to fix the DLRN DB replication next Thursday, September 24th, at 9:00 UTC.
These activities require the main DLRN DB to be set to read-only mode for a while, so the DLRN API will not allow write operations (reporting results or promotions) during that period. We expect the maintenance operation to last less than one hour.
If you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me.
4 years, 5 months
[infra] Planned maintenance on DLRN DB on Friday, Sep 18th
by Javier Pena
We are planning to run some maintenance activities to fix the DLRN DB replication next Friday, September 18th, at 9:00 UTC.
These activities require the main DLRN DB to be set to read-only mode for a while, so the DLRN API will not allow write operations (reporting results or promotions) during that period. We expect the maintenance operation to last less than one hour.
If you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me.
4 years, 5 months
HAProxy 2.2 in RDO repositories
by Carlos Goncalves
Octavia intensively builds atop HAProxy to provide a load balancing as a
service in OpenStack.
HAProxy 2.x includes many new features and improvements such as end-to-end
HTTP/2, gRPC, enhanced TCP Fast Open (TFO), tunning for optimal
performance, and improved HTTP/2 support.
Octavia roadmap includes adding support to new features and performance
improvements only available starting in HAProxy 2.0. CentOS 8 ships with
HAProxy 1.8, and according to the package maintainer there are no plans to
provide HAProxy 2.x in a foreseeable future.
I have rebuilt HAProxy 2.2 from Fedora rawhide against CentOS 8 and CentOS
Stream in [1] and validated it passed Octavia tests in [2] [3] (patchset 3,
ignore newer ones).
We would like to check if it would be possible to provide the latest stable
LTS HAProxy 2.2 in RDO repositories.
Please share any comments, questions or concerns you may have.
[1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/cgoncalves/haproxy/
[2] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/744102/
4 years, 5 months