[ptg] Interviews at OpenStack PTG Denver
by Rain Leander
Hello all!
I'm attending PTG this week to conduct project interviews [0]. These
interviews have several purposes. Please consider all of the following when
thinking about what you might want to say in your interview:
* Tell the users/customers/press what you've been working on in Rocky
* Give them some idea of what's (what might be?) coming in Stein
* Put a human face on the OpenStack project and encourage new participants
to join us
* You're welcome to promote your company's involvement in OpenStack but we
ask that you avoid any kind of product pitches or job recruitment
In the interview I'll ask some leading questions and it'll go easier if
you've given some thought to them ahead of time:
* Who are you? (Your name, your employer, and the project(s) on which you
are active.)
* What did you accomplish in Rocky? (Focus on the 2-3 things that will be
most interesting to cloud operators)
* What do you expect to be the focus in Stein? (At the time of your
interview, it's likely that the meetings will not yet have decided anything
firm. That's ok.)
* Anything further about the project(s) you work on or the OpenStack
community in general.
Finally, note that there are only 40 interview slots available, so please
consider coordinating with your project to designate the people that you
want to represent the project, so that we don't end up with 12 interview
about Neutron, or whatever. I mean, love me some Neutron, but twelve
interviews is a bit too many, eh?
It's fine to have multiple people in one interview - Maximum 3, probably.
Interview slots are 30 minutes, in which time we hope to capture somewhere
between 10 and 20 minutes of content. It's fine to run shorter but 15
minutes is probably an ideal length.
See you SOON!
K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team
6 years, 5 months
[meeting] RDO meeting (2018-09-05) minutes
by Rain Leander
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2018-09-05
Meeting started by leanderthal at 15:00:56 UTC. The full logs are
available athttp://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2018_09_05/2018/r...
Meeting summary
* rollcall (leanderthal, 15:01:05)
* RDO community involvement in OpenStack's rpm-packaging project
(leanderthal, 15:06:03)
(leanderthal, 15:07:30)
* ACTION: jpena to keep the email thread open for 2 weeks (jpena,
* ACTION: jruzicka and number80 to reply to jpena 's email thread
(leanderthal, 15:16:11)
* PTG lunch? (leanderthal, 15:16:58)
(leanderthal, 15:17:13)
* OpenStack Rocky released 30 August
https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/ (leanderthal, 15:27:21)
* LINK: https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/ (leanderthal, 15:27:38)
* RDO Rocky released 30 August
(leanderthal, 15:27:54)
(leanderthal, 15:28:03)
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-rocky-release
(leanderthal, 15:31:42)
* OpenStack PTG 10-14 September and is officially the last separate
event (leanderthal, 15:33:11)
* LINK: https://ttx.re/future-of-ptg.html (leanderthal, 15:33:21)
* 2018 CentOS Dojo / RDO Day at CERN 18-19 October (leanderthal,
* LINK: https://indico.cern.ch/event/727150/ (leanderthal, 15:36:14)
* PTG project interviews (leanderthal, 15:38:27)
(leanderthal, 15:39:46)
* next week's chair (leanderthal, 15:40:09)
* open floor (leanderthal, 15:43:23)
Meeting ended at 15:49:40 UTC.
Action items, by person
* jpena
* jpena to keep the email thread open for 2 weeks
* jruzicka and number80 to reply to jpena 's email thread
* jruzicka
* jruzicka and number80 to reply to jpena 's email thread
* number80
* jruzicka and number80 to reply to jpena 's email thread
People present (lines said)
* leanderthal (91)
* number80 (17)
* jpena (12)
* openstack (12)
* mjturek (8)
* jruzicka (5)
* baha (2)
* PagliaccisCloud (1)
* rdogerrit (1)
* ykarel (1)
* dmsimard (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
6 years, 6 months
RDO community involvement in OpenStack's rpm-packaging project
by Javier Pena
Hi all,
As you're probably aware, there is an OpenStack rpm-packaging project [1], where the RDO community has been collaborating with people from other rpm-based distributions. We have been successful in reusing some tools created by that project [2][3], but we've never been able to reuse the spec file templates generated by the project, besides openstack-macros and some python 3 tests done during the Rocky cycle.
As a community, we need to decide what we want our involvement in the project to be:
- Only get involved in the tooling side, if we have no plans to reuse the spec templates in the future.
- Try a deeper integration with the specs.
- Other alternatives?
Each option will carry its own consequences, e.g. if we stop contributing to the spec templates we should stop the 3rd party CI jobs and VMs that support them.
Please contribute to the discussion on this thread. We will vote for a final decision during the next RDO Community meeting on September 5th.
[1] - https://github.com/openstack/rpm-packaging
[2] - https://github.com/openstack/pymod2pkg
[3] - https://github.com/openstack/renderspec
6 years, 6 months
[ptg] Lunch at PTG next week?
by Michael Turek
Hey RDO,
I will be attending PTG next week and was wondering if anyone else will
be? Would you all be up for a birds of a feather lunch to discuss RDO
topics? On my end I'd like to talk about ppc64le containers and CI. Hope
to see you all there!
Mike Turek <mjturek>
6 years, 6 months
Upcoming Meetups
by Rain Leander
The following are the meetups I'm aware of over the next two weeks where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know of
others, please let me know, and/or add them to http://rdoproject.org/events
If there's a meetup in your area, it'd be super keen if you attended, took
a few pictures and especially wrote up a summary of what was covered. And,
as always, if you give me enough notice, I can send swag along with you.
* Wednesday September 05 in Plano, TX, US: Tungsten Fabric (formerly
OpenContrail) Multi-Cloud Networking at Scale -
* Thursday September 06 in Fort Lauderdale, FL, US: Monthly SFOUG Meeting -
* Thursday September 06 in Austin, TX, US: Edge Computing in and around
OpenStack - https://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Austin/events/253873820/
* Thursday September 06 in Zapopan, MX: OpenStack, ¿qué es y para qué me
sirve? - https://www.meetup.com/Guadalajara-Hack-Nights/events/254070013/
* Thursday September 13 in Palo Alto, CA, US: Managing Containers with
Oracle Cloud - https://www.meetup.com/openstack/events/254061509/
* Tuesday September 18 in al-Jaza´ir, DZ: First OpenStack User Group Meetup
in Algeria - https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-SdvTXmGl/events/253739754/
K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team
6 years, 6 months