[rdo-list] Outreachy
by Rich Bowen
I spoke with both Victoria and Flavio at the PTG this week about
Outreachy. The application deadline is coming up rapidly, and what's
needed is two things:
1) People willing to spend time mentoring someone through a task
2) People with ideas for what those tasks might be
If you are one or both of those things, please speak up.
Applications for the program are now open and the deadline for applying
is March 30, 2017.
More details may be found at https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/ and there
are a number of people on this list who have experience with the program
and can tell you more.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
7 years, 12 months
[rdo-list] Blog posts from recent weeks
by Rich Bowen
Here's what RDO enthusiasts have been blogging about in the last couple
of weeks. I encourage you to particularly read Julie' excellent writeup
of the OpenStack Pike PTG last week in Atlanta - http://tm3.org/eb . And
have a look at my video series from the PTG for other engineers'
perspectives -
OpenStack Pike PTG: OpenStack Client - Tips and background for
interested contributors by jpichon
Last week I went off to Atlanta for the first OpenStack Project Teams
Gathering, for a productive week discussing all sort of issues and
cross-projects concerns with fellow OpenStack contributors.
Read more at http://tm3.org/eb
SDN with Red Hat OpenStack Platform: OpenDaylight Integration by Nir
Yechiel, Senior Technical Product Manager at Red Hat
OpenDaylight is an open source project under the Linux Foundation with
the goal of furthering the adoption and innovation of software-defined
networking (SDN) through the creation of a common industry supported
platform. Red Hat is a Platinum Founding member of OpenDaylight and part
of the community alongside a list of participants that covers the gamut
from individual contributors to large network companies, making it a
powerful and innovative engine that can cover many use-cases.
Read more at http://tm3.org/e8
Installing TripleO Quickstart by Carlos Camacho
This is a brief recipe about how to manually install TripleO Quickstart
in a remote 32GB RAM box and not dying trying it.
Read more at http://tm3.org/ea
RDO Ocata released by jpena
The RDO community is pleased to announce the general availability of the
RDO build for OpenStack Ocata for RPM-based distributions, CentOS Linux
7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. RDO is suitable for building private,
public, and hybrid clouds. Ocata is the 15th release from the OpenStack
project, which is the work of more than 2500 contributors from around
the world (source).
Read more at http://tm3.org/e9
OpenStack Project Team Gathering, Atlanta, 2017 by Rich Bowen
Over the last several years, OpenStack has conducted OpenStack Summit
twice a year. One of these occurs in North America, and the other one
alternates between Europe and Asia/Pacific.
Read more at http://tm3.org/e0
Setting up a nested KVM guest for developing & testing PCI device
assignment with NUMA by Daniel Berrange
Over the past few years OpenStack Nova project has gained support for
managing VM usage of NUMA, huge pages and PCI device assignment. One of
the more challenging aspects of this is availability of hardware to
develop and test against. In the ideal world it would be possible to
emulate everything we need using KVM, enabling developers / test
infrastructure to exercise the code without needing access to bare metal
hardware supporting these features.
Read more at http://tm3.org/e1
ANNOUNCE: libosinfo 1.0.0 release by Daniel Berrange
NB, this blog post was intended to be published back in November last
year, but got forgotten in draft stage. Publishing now in case anyone
missed the release…
Read more at http://tm3.org/e2
Containerizing Databases with Kubernetes and Stateful Sets by Andrew Beekhof
The canonical example for Stateful Sets with a replicated application in
Kubernetes is a database.
Read more at http://tm3.org/e3
Announcing the ARA 0.11 release by dmsimard
We’re on the road to version 1.0.0 and we’re getting closer: introducing
the release of version 0.11!
Read more at http://tm3.org/e4
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years
[rdo-list] Meetups this week
by Rich Bowen
Sorry this is so late. Particularly notice the meetup in Paris which
happens in just a couple of hours.
The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the coming week where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
* Tuesday February 28 in Fort Collins, CO, US: Talk about Cinder -
* Tuesday February 28 in Paris, FR: Meetup#22 Containers avec OpenStack
+ Assemblée Générale OpenStackFR -
* Tuesday February 28 in México City, MX: Meetup 2 OpenStackCDMX -
América Móvil: Nube Privada, el reto en la organización -
* Wednesday March 01 in Richardson, TX, US: A Comparison of Amazon Web
Services vs OpenStack -
* Thursday March 02 in Dubai, AE: Free Seminar: Managing and Deploying
Instances on OpenStack Cloud -
* Thursday March 02 in Fort Lauderdale, FL, US: Monthly SFOUG Meeting -
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years
[rdo-list] Need help: Packstack + Ocala + rhel 7
by Dnyaneshwar Pawar
I am facing issue where packstack is hung while “Testing if puppet apply is finished:”.
Applying [ DONE ]
Applying [ DONE ]
Testing if puppet apply is finished: [ | ] <<<<<<<<<<
I have pasted required logs at http://paste.openstack.org/show/600784/
Can someone guide me?
Thanks and Regards,
8 years
[rdo-list] RDO Bug stats [28-02-2017]
by Chandan kumar
# RDO Bugs on 2017-02-28
This email summarizes the active RDO bugs listed in the Red Hat Bugzilla
database at <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/>.
To report a new bug against RDO, go to:
## Summary
- Open (NEW, ASSIGNED, ON_DEV): 219
- Fixed (MODIFIED, POST, ON_QA): 80
## Number of open bugs by component
dib-utils [ 1]
diskimage-builder [ 2] +
distribution [ 18] ++++++++++++++++
Documentation [ 2] +
instack [ 1]
instack-undercloud [ 10] ++++++++
openstack-ceilometer [ 2] +
openstack-cinder [ 7] ++++++
openstack-designate [ 2] +
openstack-glance [ 2] +
openstack-heat [ 2] +
openstack-horizon [ 4] +++
openstack-ironic-disco... [ 1]
openstack-keystone [ 1]
openstack-manila [ 1]
openstack-neutron [ 11] +++++++++
openstack-nova [ 9] ++++++++
openstack-packstack [ 45] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
openstack-puppet-modules [ 2] +
openstack-sahara [ 1]
openstack-swift [ 2] +
openstack-tripleo [ 38] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
openstack-tripleo-heat... [ 3] ++
openstack-tripleo-imag... [ 2] +
openstack-trove [ 1]
Package Review [ 25] ++++++++++++++++++++++
python-fixtures [ 1]
python-novaclient [ 1]
python-webob [ 1]
rdo-manager [ 15] +++++++++++++
rdopkg [ 3] ++
RFEs [ 2] +
tempest [ 1]
## Open bugs
This is a list of "open" bugs by component. An "open" bug is in state
NEW, ASSIGNED, ON_DEV and has not yet been fixed.
(219 bugs)
### dib-utils (1 bug)
[1263779 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1263779 (NEW)
Component: dib-utils
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Packstack Ironic admin_url misconfigured in nova.conf
### diskimage-builder (2 bugs)
[1422425 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422425 (NEW)
Component: diskimage-builder
Last change: 2017-02-27
Summary: Add nodev, nosuid, and noexec options to fstab
[1391162 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1391162 (NEW)
Component: diskimage-builder
Last change: 2017-01-04
Summary: RFE: diskimage-builder needs to support AArch64 for
TripleO installer
### distribution (18 bugs)
[1243533 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1243533 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: (RDO) Tracker: Review requests for new RDO Liberty
[1417592 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1417592 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2017-01-30
Summary: CVE-2017-2592 python-oslo-middleware: CatchErrors leaks
sensitive values into error logs [openstack-rdo]
[1397916 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1397916 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-11-24
Summary: rabbitmq-server version will not allow overcloud to
[1329341 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1329341 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-12-21
Summary: Tracker: Blockers and Review requests for new RDO
Newton packages
[1412837 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1412837 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2017-01-12
Summary: CVE-2016-9590 puppet-swift: installs config file with
world readable permissions [openstack-rdo]
[1290163 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1290163 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-05-17
Summary: Tracker: Blockers and Review requests for new RDO
Mitaka packages
[1376642 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1376642 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-09-16
Summary: CVE-2016-6519 openstack-manila-ui: persistent XSS in
metadata field [openstack-rdo]
[1337335 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1337335 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2017-02-15
Summary: Hiera >= 2.x packaging
[1422267 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422267 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2017-02-15
Summary: CVE-2017-2622 openstack-mistral: /var/log/mistral/ is
world readable [openstack-rdo]
[1346240 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1346240 (ASSIGNED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-11-01
Summary: Erlang 18.3.3 update fails
[1415219 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1415219 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2017-01-20
Summary: Need that puppet 4.8.1 is on master
[1359919 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1359919 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-07-25
Summary: Base url incorrect
[1373513 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1373513 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2017-02-27
Summary: Tracker: Blockers and Review requests for new RDO Ocata
[1349666 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1349666 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2016-4972 python-muranoclient: openstack-murano:
RCE via usage of insecure YAML tags [openstack-rdo]
[1301751 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1301751 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Move all logging to stdout/err to allow systemd
throttling logging of errors
[1079491 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1079491 (ASSIGNED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-07-26
Summary: Need a way to pass extra arguments to openstack
components at startup
[1357660 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1357660 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-07-18
Summary: python-kombu: rpm package and python/requires.txt has
different dependencies
[1349665 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1349665 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2016-4972 openstack-murano: RCE via usage of
insecure YAML tags [openstack-rdo]
### Documentation (2 bugs)
[1272108 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272108 (NEW)
Component: Documentation
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [DOC] External network should be documents in RDO
manager installation
[1369944 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1369944 (NEW)
Component: Documentation
Last change: 2016-08-24
Summary: Trunk won't work on RHEL 7 withou changing delorean-
deps.repo $releasever to "7"
### instack (1 bug)
[1315827 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1315827 (NEW)
Component: instack
Last change: 2016-05-09
Summary: openstack undercloud install fails with "Element pip-
and-virtualenv already loaded."
### instack-undercloud (10 bugs)
[1347736 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1347736 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: Unable to install undercloud because tripleo-common is
[1220509 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1220509 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: wget is missing from qcow2 image fails instack-build-
images script
[1199637 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1199637 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RDO][Instack-undercloud]: harmless ERROR: installing
'template' displays when building the images .
[1271200 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1271200 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Overcloud images contain Kilo repos
[1216982 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216982 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: instack-build-images does not stop on certain errors
[1400584 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1400584 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-12-01
Summary: undercloud installation Error: Failed to apply catalog:
Insufficient credentials to authenticate
[1265334 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265334 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: rdo-manager liberty instack undercloud puppet apply
fails w/ missing package dep pyinotify
[1211800 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211800 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Sphinx docs for instack-undercloud have an incorrect
network topology
[1369968 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1369968 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-08-28
Summary: Can't successfully install undercloud on mitaka/newton
[1175687 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1175687 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: instack is not configued properly to log all
Horizon/Tuskar messages in the undercloud deployment
### openstack-ceilometer (2 bugs)
[1348222 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1348222 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2016-08-25
Summary: Unable to start ceilometer-central and gnocchi since
redis module is missing on controller
[1265741 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265741 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2016-04-27
Summary: python-redis is not installed with packstack allinone
### openstack-cinder (7 bugs)
[1391489 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1391489 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-11-03
Summary: Service graceful shutdown not working
[1121256 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1121256 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: Configuration file in share forces ignore of auth_uri
[1382572 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1382572 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-10-07
Summary: CVE-2015-5162 openstack-cinder: openstack-nova:
Malicious image causes OOM on the compute host
[1397534 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1397534 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-11-28
Summary: Missing dependency of python2-keystonemiddleware
[1391165 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1391165 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-11-02
Summary: Segfault Cinder Newton Release
[1356690 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1356690 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-07-14
Summary: Can't attach additional volumes to volume-backed
[1391484 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1391484 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2017-01-11
Summary: Service graceful shutdown not working
### openstack-designate (2 bugs)
[1343663 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1343663 (NEW)
Component: openstack-designate
Last change: 2016-07-07
Summary: openstack-designate are missing dependancies
[1361701 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1361701 (NEW)
Component: openstack-designate
Last change: 2017-01-18
Summary: package and ship openstack-designate-ui rpm package
### openstack-glance (2 bugs)
[1382573 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1382573 (NEW)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2016-10-07
Summary: CVE-2015-5162 openstack-glance: openstack-nova:
Malicious image causes OOM on the compute host
[1312466 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1312466 (NEW)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: Support for blueprint cinder-store-upload-download in
### openstack-heat (2 bugs)
[1424892 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1424892 (NEW)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2017-02-20
Summary: Password written in clear text in heat-api.log with
DEBUG mode [openstack-rdo]
[1422265 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422265 (NEW)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2017-02-15
Summary: CVE-2017-2621 openstack-heat: /var/log/heat/ is world
readable [openstack-rdo]
### openstack-horizon (4 bugs)
[1387446 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1387446 (NEW)
Component: openstack-horizon
Last change: 2016-10-21
Summary: Horizon Dashboard is not possible create images
[1397792 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1397792 (NEW)
Component: openstack-horizon
Last change: 2016-11-24
Summary: Resource Usage page popup error
[1333508 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1333508 (NEW)
Component: openstack-horizon
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: LBaaS v2 Dashboard UI
[1415734 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1415734 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-horizon
Last change: 2017-01-24
Summary: Uninstalling Horizon plugins leaves stale files that
result in failure of httpd
### openstack-ironic-discoverd (1 bug)
[1211069 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211069 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ironic-discoverd
Last change: 2016-02-26
Summary: [RFE] [RDO-Manager] [discoverd] Add possibility to kill
node discovery
### openstack-keystone (1 bug)
[1337346 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1337346 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: CVE-2016-4911 openstack-keystone: Incorrect Audit IDs
in Keystone Fernet Tokens can result in revocation
bypass [openstack-rdo]
### openstack-manila (1 bug)
[1426963 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1426963 (NEW)
Component: openstack-manila
Last change: 2017-02-26
Summary: missing manlia-data rpm when using Kolla build image
### openstack-neutron (11 bugs)
[1421022 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1421022 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2017-02-10
Summary: Neutron-linuxbridge-agent startup bridge configuration
[1065826 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1065826 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-08-26
Summary: [RFE] [neutron] neutron services needs more RPM
[1282403 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1282403 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2017-01-15
Summary: Errors when running tempest.api.network.test_ports with
IPAM reference driver enabled
[1425664 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1425664 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2017-02-22
Summary: python2-ryu fails to install due to missing python-
tinyrpc dependency
[1372865 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1372865 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-10-17
Summary: mitaka neutron 8.2.0 point release
[1353351 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353351 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-07-06
Summary: vpnaas doesn't work
[1422028 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422028 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2017-02-14
Summary: Add to README explanation of config folder
[1349670 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1349670 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2015-8914 CVE-2016-5362 CVE-2016-5363 openstack-
neutron: various flaws [openstack-rdo]
[1389305 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1389305 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-10-27
Summary: Move rootwrap filters for openvswitch from openstack-
neutron-openvswitch to python-neutron or other
[1378989 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1378989 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-10-21
Summary: tempest.api.network.test_ports failures
[1421701 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1421701 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2017-02-23
Summary: openstack-neutron-bgp-dragent missing from RDO Newton
### openstack-nova (9 bugs)
[1228836 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1228836 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: Is there a way to configure IO throttling for RBD
devices via configuration file
[1382553 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1382553 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-10-07
Summary: CVE-2015-5162 openstack-nova: Malicious image causes
OOM on the compute host [openstack-rdo]
[1381323 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1381323 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-10-03
Summary: nova image-create fails with instances booted from
[1294747 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1294747 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-05-16
Summary: Migration fails when the SRIOV PF is not online
[1374727 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1374727 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-09-09
Summary: Newly created instances sometimes get two private
interfaces assigned
[1379829 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1379829 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-10-24
Summary: tempest failure:
[1123298 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1123298 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-11-16
Summary: logrotate should copytruncate to avoid openstack
logging to deleted files
[1361908 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1361908 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-08-02
Summary: nova can't mount instance disk with libguestfs -
Permission denied
[1406186 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1406186 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-12-19
Summary: instance hangs on boot, without throwing any errors
### openstack-packstack (45 bugs)
[1418670 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1418670 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2017-02-02
Summary: Installation fails when using hostnames
[1351873 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1351873 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-07-01
Summary: keystone.pp sets unreasonable execution time for
keystone_manage token_flush
[1371582 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1371582 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-08-30
Summary: dnsmasq-neutron.conf is left unmanaged after
[1353195 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353195 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-07-06
Summary: [RFE] enable configuration of cinder lvm volume group
name in packstack
[1353048 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353048 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-07-05
Summary: manila is misconfigured after deployment
[1297692 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1297692 (ON_DEV)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Raise MariaDB max connections limit
[1361704 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1361704 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-07-29
Summary: [RFE] add support for designate
[1188491 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1188491 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Packstack wording is unclear for demo and testing
[1201612 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1201612 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Interactive - Packstack asks for Tempest details even
when Tempest install is declined
[1061753 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1061753 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-16
Summary: [RFE] Create an option in packstack to increase
verbosity level of libvirt
[903645 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/903645 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RFE: Include the ability in PackStack to support SSL
for all REST services and message bus communication
[1324070 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1324070 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RFE: PackStack Support for LBaaSv2
[1292271 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1292271 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2017-01-31
Summary: Receive Msg 'Error: Could not find user glance'
[1097291 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1097291 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: [RFE] SPICE support in packstack
[1353050 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353050 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-07-05
Summary: packages openstack-manila-ui and openstack-trove-ui are
not installed by packstack
[1107907 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1107907 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2017-01-31
Summary: Offset Swift ports to 6200
[1012382 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1012382 (ON_DEV)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: swift: Admin user does not have permissions to see
containers created by glance service
[1289761 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1289761 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2017-02-16
Summary: PackStack installs Nova crontab that nova user can't
[1352980 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1352980 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-09-23
Summary: it's not possible to deploy openstack with keystone api
version v3
[1286828 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1286828 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Packstack should have the option to install QoS
[1382100 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1382100 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-10-11
Summary: Running packstack with answer file "Error: Error
appeared during puppet run:"
[1403636 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1403636 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-12-12
Summary: Packstack cannot detect IP of the 2nd NIC
[1353045 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353045 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-07-05
Summary: CONFIG_KEYSTONE_REGION is not honoured for all
[1023533 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1023533 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: API services has all admin permission instead of
[1063393 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1063393 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: RFE: Provide option to set bind_host/bind_port for API
[1302766 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1302766 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Add Magnum support using puppet-magnum
[1285494 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1285494 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: openstack-
cripples(?) httpd.conf
[1291492 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1291492 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Unfriendly behavior of IP filtering for VXLAN with
[1316222 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1316222 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Packstack installation failed due to wrong http config
[1227298 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1227298 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-08-30
Summary: Packstack should support MTU settings
[1316856 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1316856 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2017-01-31
Summary: packstack fails to configure ovs bridge for CentOS
[1269535 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1269535 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-08-29
Summary: packstack script does not test to see if the rc files
*were* created.
[1005073 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1005073 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: [RFE] Please add glance and nova lib folder config
[1239027 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1239027 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: please move httpd log files to corresponding dirs
[1383620 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1383620 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-10-11
Summary: Packstack fails tox py27 unit tests only on RHEL
[1168113 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1168113 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: The warning message " NetworkManager is active "
appears even when the NetworkManager is inactive
[1116019 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1116019 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-09-07
Summary: AMQP1.0 server configurations needed
[1312487 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1312487 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Packstack with Swift Glance backend does not seem to
[1184806 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1184806 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-28
Summary: [RFE] Packstack should support deploying Nova and
Glance with RBD images and Ceph as a backend
[1172310 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1172310 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: support Keystone LDAP
[1385025 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1385025 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-10-14
Summary: Manila image corruted
[1200129 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1200129 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE] add support for ceilometer workload partitioning
via tooz/redis
[1194678 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1194678 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: On aarch64, nova.conf should default to
[1293693 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1293693 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Keystone setup fails on missing required parameter
[1286995 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1286995 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: PackStack should configure LVM filtering with LVM/iSCSI
### openstack-puppet-modules (2 bugs)
[1150902 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1150902 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: selinux prevents httpd to write to
[1240736 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1240736 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: trove guestagent config mods for integration testing
### openstack-sahara (1 bug)
[1305790 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1305790 (NEW)
Component: openstack-sahara
Last change: 2016-07-13
Summary: Failure to launch Caldera 5.0.4 Hadoop Cluster via
Sahara Wizards on RDO Liberty
### openstack-swift (2 bugs)
[1382921 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1382921 (NEW)
Component: openstack-swift
Last change: 2016-11-29
Summary: swift-object-expirer packaged in wrong package
[1352456 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1352456 (NEW)
Component: openstack-swift
Last change: 2016-07-04
Summary: Swift Liberty reports "%RPMVERSION%" instead of actual
version string
### openstack-tripleo (38 bugs)
[1056109 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056109 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Making the overcloud deployment fully
[1351570 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1351570 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-30
Summary: Failure to deploy 3 Node HA Controller and 2 Compute
Nodes via Tripleo QuickStart
[1344620 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344620 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-10
Summary: Nova instance live migration fails: migrateToURI3() got
an unexpected keyword argument 'bandwidth'
[1364789 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1364789 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-08-17
Summary: Openstack undercloud install ( via instack-virt-setup )
craches on instack VM with error 'ImportError: No
module named osc_lib'
[1422835 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422835 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2017-02-23
Summary: Mongodb currently runs with noauth on the undercloud /
controller roles.
[1422281 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422281 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2017-02-14
Summary: CVE-2017-2627 openstack-tripleo-common: sudoers file is
too permissive [openstack-rdo]
[1426582 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1426582 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2017-02-24
Summary: TripleO management of AIDE
[1344495 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344495 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: Horizon: Error: Unable to retrieve project list and
Error: Unable to retrieve domain list.
[1329095 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1329095 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: mariadb and keystone down after an upgrade from liberty
to mitaka
[1351547 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1351547 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-07-05
Summary: Rabbitmq clone starts on just one node in a HA deploy
[1344442 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344442 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: Ceilometer central fails to start: ImportError: No
module named redis
[1056106 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056106 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][ironic]: Integration of Ironic in to TripleO
[1277980 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1277980 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: missing python-proliantutils
[1422612 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422612 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2017-02-23
Summary: Install and manage AIDE
[1358083 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1358083 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-07-20
Summary: openstack-tripleo: /usr/share/instack-undercloud
(line 429) misses right curly bracket, this creates
misconfigured /httpboot/inspector.ipxe and
introspection fails.
[1361613 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1361613 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-07-29
Summary: Deployment of RDO M2, Gnocchi statsd gets configured
only on first controller in HA environment and it fails
to start on the rest of 2 controllers
[1340865 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1340865 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-07
Summary: Tripleo QuickStart HA deployment attempts constantly
[1056112 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056112 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Deploying different architecture
topologies with Tuskar
[1353915 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353915 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-07-18
Summary: [RFE] Add to scripts generated by undercloud install -
script to replace failed TripleO QuickStart HA
[1422802 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1422802 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2017-02-23
Summary: Migrate from soon to be depreciated admin_token
[1174776 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1174776 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: User can not login into the overcloud horizon using the
proper credentials
[1353976 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353976 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-07-11
Summary: tripleo ceontos7 images missing linux-firmware package
[1303614 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1303614 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: overcloud deployment failed AttributeError: 'Proxy'
object has no attribute 'api'
[1364129 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1364129 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-08-05
Summary: Overcloud pacemaker services restart behavior causes
[1341093 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1341093 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: Tripleo QuickStart HA deployment attempts constantly
[1056114 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056114 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Implement a complete overcloud
installation story in the UI
[1359911 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1359911 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-07-25
Summary: Cannot generate overcloud images with liberty
[1365545 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1365545 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-08-09
Summary: Overcloud been set up via instack-virt-setup fails to
run `nova keypair-add oskey > oskey.pem`
[1380207 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1380207 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-09-29
Summary: Doing overcloud stack update (package upgrade) fails
with error saying can't find resource openstack-
[1344398 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344398 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: SSL enabled undercloud doesn't configure https protocol
for several endpoints
[1350605 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1350605 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-27
Summary: Error regarding the TUN device using quickstart.sh
[1344467 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344467 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-08-29
Summary: Unable to launch instance: Invalid: Volume sets discard
option, qemu (1, 6, 0) or later is required.
[1277990 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1277990 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq.service: failed to
start during undercloud installation
[1344447 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344447 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-21
Summary: Openstack-gnocchi-statsd fails to start; ImportError:
Your rados python module does not support omap feature.
Install 'cradox' (recommended) or upgrade 'python-
rados' >= 9.1.0
[1344451 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344451 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-20
Summary: HAProxy logs show up in the os-collect-config journal
[1420853 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1420853 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2017-02-13
Summary: Openvswitch package not build with dpdk
[1334259 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1334259 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-05-09
Summary: openstack overcloud image upload fails with "Required
file "./ironic-python-agent.initramfs" does not exist."
[1056110 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056110 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Scaling work to do during icehouse
### openstack-tripleo-heat-templates (3 bugs)
[1386447 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1386447 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2016-10-19
Summary: Newton (HA) Deployments failing w/ httpd service
restart timeout
[1364032 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1364032 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2016-08-23
Summary: Mixed deployment with UC in Mitaka and OC in Newton
scale up fails with sql error
[1266027 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266027 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: TripleO should use pymysql database driver since
### openstack-tripleo-image-elements (2 bugs)
[1347652 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1347652 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-image-elements
Last change: 2016-06-22
Summary: post-install deletes foreign o-r-c configure.d scripts
[1303567 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1303567 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-image-elements
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Overcloud deployment fails using Ceph
### openstack-trove (1 bug)
[1327068 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1327068 (NEW)
Component: openstack-trove
Last change: 2016-05-24
Summary: trove guest agent should create a sudoers entry
### Package Review (25 bugs)
[1426551 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1426551 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-24
Summary: Review Request: Senlin - is a clustering service for
[1406146 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1406146 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-17
Summary: Review Request: python-collectd-gnocchi gnocchi
collectd plugin
[1365932 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1365932 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-09-20
Summary: import puppet-barbican into OPM
[1392309 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1392309 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-12-05
Summary: Review Request: python-os-faults - OpenStack fault-
injection library
[1420931 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1420931 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-14
Summary: Review Request: tripleo-repos - repo management tool
for tripleo
[1393996 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1393996 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-17
Summary: Review Request: python-novajoin - Nova integration to
enroll IPA clients
[1272513 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272513 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: Review Request: Murano - is an application catalog for
[1331486 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1331486 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-12-07
Summary: Tracker bugzilla for puppet packages in RDO Newton
[1403740 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1403740 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-12-12
Summary: Review request: puppet-logstash logging service
[1403756 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1403756 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-12-12
Summary: Review request: puppet-midonet_openstack
[1385604 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1385604 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-01-09
Summary: New package: python-networking-vsphere - A set of
Neutron drivers and agents to manage vSphere clusters.
[1421680 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1421680 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-26
Summary: Review Request: puppet-vitrage Root Cause Analysis
[1414051 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1414051 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-15
Summary: New package: openstack-heat-agents
[1374800 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1374800 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-12-07
Summary: Review Request: puppet-magnum
[1342227 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1342227 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-06
Summary: Review Request: python-designate-tests-tempest -
Tempest Integration of Designate
[1400150 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1400150 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-12-21
Summary: Review Request: puppet-ec2api
[1419573 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1419573 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-06
Summary: New package: python-bagpipe-bgp
[1279513 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1279513 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-10-08
Summary: New Package: python-dracclient
[1326586 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1326586 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-08-24
Summary: Review request: Sensu
[1373511 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1373511 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-11-14
Summary: New Package Request: virtualbmc
[1272524 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272524 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Review Request: openstack-mistral - workflow Service
for OpenStack cloud
[1361959 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1361959 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-09-01
Summary: Include puppet-ovn in openstack-puppet-modules
[1426193 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1426193 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-23
Summary: Review Request: ara - Ansible Run Analysis
[1409964 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1409964 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-01-04
Summary: New package : Tap as a service extension for neutron
[1406909 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1406909 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2017-02-24
Summary: Review request: python-scciclient - Ironic plugin
### python-fixtures (1 bug)
[1379427 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1379427 (NEW)
Component: python-fixtures
Last change: 2016-09-27
Summary: python-fixtures >= 3 is required for neutron
### python-novaclient (1 bug)
[1123451 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1123451 (ASSIGNED)
Component: python-novaclient
Last change: 2016-05-02
Summary: Missing versioned dependency on python-six
### python-webob (1 bug)
[1384058 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1384058 (NEW)
Component: python-webob
Last change: 2016-10-12
Summary: In Newton python-webob 1.6.1 is required as in upper-
### rdo-manager (15 bugs)
[1306350 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1306350 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: With RDO-manager, if not configured, the first nic on
compute nodes gets addresses from dhcp as a default
[1370653 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1370653 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2017-01-24
Summary: Deploying overcloud fails at step4 of the controllers
[1270910 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270910 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-07-27
Summary: IP address from external subnet gets assigned to br-ex
when using default single-nic-vlans templates
[1306364 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1306364 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: With RDO-manager, using bridge mappings, Neutron
opensvswitch-agent plugin's config file don't gets
populated correctly
[1230582 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230582 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: there is a newer image that can be used to deploy
[1294683 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1294683 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: instack-undercloud: "openstack undercloud install"
throws errors and then gets stuck due to selinux.
[1271289 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1271289 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: overcloud-novacompute stuck in spawning state
[1216981 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216981 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: No way to increase yum timeouts when building images
[1270370 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270370 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RDO-Manager] bulk introspection moving the nodes from
available to manageable too quickly [getting:
[1292253 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1292253 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Production + EPEL + yum-plugin-priorities results in
wrong version of hiera
[1273541 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1273541 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RDO-Manager needs epel.repo enabled (otherwise
undercloud deployment fails.)
[1271726 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1271726 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: 1 of the overcloud VMs (nova) is stack in spawning
[1273680 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1273680 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: HA overcloud with network isolation deployment fails
[1270805 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270805 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Glance client returning 'Expected endpoint'
[1272376 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272376 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Duplicate nova hypervisors after rebooting compute
### rdopkg (3 bugs)
[1386460 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1386460 (NEW)
Component: rdopkg
Last change: 2016-10-19
Summary: can not install allinone ironic with RDO Newton version
[1353406 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353406 (NEW)
Component: rdopkg
Last change: 2016-07-07
Summary: Expired SSL for RPM package.
[1419133 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1419133 (NEW)
Component: rdopkg
Last change: 2017-02-03
Summary: Add OpenStack Freezer Support
### RFEs (2 bugs)
[1193886 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1193886 (ASSIGNED)
Component: RFEs
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RFE: wait for DB after boot
[1158517 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1158517 (NEW)
Component: RFEs
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: [RFE] Provide easy to use upgrade tool
### tempest (1 bug)
[1250081 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1250081 (NEW)
Component: tempest
Last change: 2015-08-06
Summary: test_minimum_basic scenario failed to run on rdo-
## Fixed bugs
This is a list of "fixed" bugs by component. A "fixed" bug is fixed state
MODIFIED, POST, ON_QA and has been fixed. You can help
out by testing the fix to make sure it works as intended.
(80 bugs)
### distribution (7 bugs)
[1328980 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1328980 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-04-21
Summary: Log handler repeatedly crashes
[1368182 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1368182 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-09-02
Summary: Rabbitmq-server has a new version in Fedora that
addresses several bugs
[1134121 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1134121 (POST)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Tuskar Fails After Remove/Reinstall Of RDO
[1409689 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1409689 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2017-01-03
Summary: CVE-2016-9599 puppet-tripleo:if ssl is enabled, traffic
is open on both undercloud and overcloud [openstack-
[1344148 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344148 (ON_QA)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: RDO mitaka openstack-tempest build requires updated
[1400533 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1400533 (ON_QA)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-12-02
Summary: Could not find fact 'search_external'
[1397098 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1397098 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-12-21
Summary: Upgrade python-requests to 2.11.1 for Newton
### instack-undercloud (1 bug)
[1270033 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270033 (POST)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-05-05
Summary: [RDO-Manager] Node inspection fails when changing the
default 'inspection_iprange' value in undecloud.conf.
### mariadb (1 bug)
[1406320 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1406320 (MODIFIED)
Component: mariadb
Last change: 2017-02-17
Summary: Yum transaction error when installing mariadb-server
from RDO in CentOS 7.3
### openstack-ceilometer (2 bugs)
[1287252 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1287252 (POST)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: openstack-ceilometer-alarm-notifier does not start:
unit file is missing
[1331510 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1331510 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2017-02-27
Summary: Gnocchi 2.0.2-1 release does not have Mitaka default
configuration file
### openstack-glance (1 bug)
[1074724 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1074724 (POST)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: Glance api ssl issue
### openstack-ironic (1 bug)
[1348817 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1348817 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-ironic
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2016-4985 openstack-ironic: Ironic Node information
including credentials exposed to unauthenticated users
### openstack-ironic-discoverd (1 bug)
[1322892 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1322892 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-ironic-discoverd
Last change: 2016-10-08
Summary: No valid interfaces found during introspection
### openstack-keystone (2 bugs)
[1280530 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1280530 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: Fernet tokens cannot read key files with SELInux
[1341332 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1341332 (POST)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: keystone logrotate configuration should use size
### openstack-nova (2 bugs)
[1367696 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1367696 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-12-15
Summary: Add RPM deps to require install of qemu-kvm-rhev, not
[1301156 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1301156 (POST)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: openstack-nova missing specfile requires on
### openstack-packstack (18 bugs)
[1288179 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1288179 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Mitaka: Packstack image provisioning fails with "Store
filesystem could not be configured correctly"
[1018900 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1018900 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Packstack fails with "The iptables provider can not
handle attribute outiface"
[1080369 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1080369 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: packstack fails with KeyError
are added
[1302275 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1302275 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: neutron-l3-agent does not start on Mitaka-2 when
enabling FWaaS
[1302256 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1302256 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: neutron-server does not start on Mitaka-2 when enabling
[1150652 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1150652 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: PackStack does not provide an option to register hosts
to Red Hat Satellite 6
[1049537 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049537 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Horizon help url in RDO points to the RHOS
[1255369 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1255369 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Improve session settings for horizon
[1148949 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1148949 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: openstack-packstack: installed "packstack --allinone"
on Centos7.0 and configured private networking. The
booted VMs are not able to communicate with each other,
nor ping the gateway.
[1172467 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1172467 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-09-06
Summary: New user cannot retrieve container listing
[1124982 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1124982 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Help text for SSL is incorrect regarding passphrase on
the cert
[1330289 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1330289 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-10-17
Summary: Failure to install Controller/Network&&Compute Cluster
on RDO Mitaka with keystone API V3
[1282746 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1282746 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-09-09
Summary: Swift's proxy-server is not configured to use
[1297833 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1297833 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: VPNaaS should use libreswan driver instead of openswan
by default
[1187412 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187412 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Script wording for service installation should be
[1376769 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1376769 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-09-16
Summary: Could not find data item CONFIG_CINDER_VOLUMES_CREATE
in any Hiera data file and no default supplied
[1335612 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1335612 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-31
Summary: CONFIG_USE_SUBNETS=y won't work correctly with VLAN
[1028690 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1028690 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: packstack requires 2 runs to install ceilometer
### openstack-puppet-modules (1 bug)
[1365892 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1365892 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-09-07
Summary: obsolete network_device_mtu configuration persists in
configuration files
### openstack-selinux (3 bugs)
[1357961 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1357961 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2016-07-19
Summary: neutron-openvswitch-agent using of_interface = native
triggers AVCs and fails to receive flow updates
[1353227 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1353227 (POST)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2017-02-17
Summary: openstack-designate AVCs when named/bind tries to read
configuration out of /var/lib/designate
[1419418 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1419418 (POST)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2017-02-20
Summary: Selinux is preventing neutron-openvswitch-agent from
starting properly
### openstack-tripleo (1 bug)
[1344507 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344507 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-10-21
Summary: Nova novnc console d
8 years
[rdo-list] Upgrade from Mitaka to Ocata (RDO w/ Packstack Multi-Node), Keystone problem?
by Arash Kaffamanesh
Hello together,
Followed the nice guide here (upgrade from Mitaka to Newton):
to upgrade a 4 node Mitaka QA environment deployed with packstack (1
controller, 3 compute) to *Ocata*.
The good news is that all VMs are running on the compute nodes and horizon
can be reached with the new nice OpenStack logo :-), but I can't login to
horizon anymore. After the package upgarde and following the steps on the
mentioned guide above, the call:
# systemctl isolate openstack-services.snapshot
didn't work as expected (it got stuck for a long time and I'd to reboot the
One issue which I'd to deal with was the dependency with some Ceph packages:
Error: centos-release-ceph-jewel conflicts with
(I'd to erase the Mitaka rpm and disable the Ceph repo and first after that
the yum install -y centos-release-openstack-ocata worked)
So, now after the upgrade if I call openstack-status, some services like
nova-api are showing up in "activating" phase and keystone is disabled and
there are some 500 internal server errors as provided below.
To be honest, I'm not sure if the direct upgrade from Mitaka to Ocata is
the right way and most probably it'd be better to upgarde first to Newton
and then to Ocata, right?.
On Mitaka Keystone v2 was activated and as I know in Newton Keystone v3 is
the default version.
Now my questions are:
Does the guide above work for upgrading to Ocata at all, e.g. from Newton
to Ocata?
Are there any additional steps which one needs to consider?
What happens if I create a new packstack answer-file and run a new
deployment? (well, I know the answer might be, try it yourself :-))
Do I need to adjust the nova.conf, keystone.conf files?
Thanks for any hints in advance!
[root@controller~(keystone_admin)]# openstack-status
== Nova services ==
openstack-nova-api: activating
openstack-nova-compute: inactive (disabled on boot)
openstack-nova-network: inactive (disabled on boot)
openstack-nova-scheduler: activating
openstack-nova-cert: activating
openstack-nova-conductor: activating
openstack-nova-console: inactive (disabled on boot)
openstack-nova-consoleauth: activating
openstack-nova-xvpvncproxy: inactive (disabled on boot)
== Glance services ==
openstack-glance-api: active
openstack-glance-registry: active
== Keystone service ==
openstack-keystone: inactive (disabled on boot)
== Horizon service ==
openstack-dashboard: 301
== neutron services ==
neutron-server: active
neutron-dhcp-agent: active
neutron-l3-agent: active
neutron-metadata-agent: active
neutron-openvswitch-agent: active
neutron-metering-agent: active
== Cinder services ==
openstack-cinder-api: active
openstack-cinder-scheduler: inactive
openstack-cinder-volume: active
openstack-cinder-backup: active
== Ceilometer services ==
openstack-ceilometer-api: inactive (disabled on boot)
openstack-ceilometer-central: active
openstack-ceilometer-compute: inactive (disabled on boot)
openstack-ceilometer-collector: active
openstack-ceilometer-notification: active
== Heat services ==
openstack-heat-api: active
openstack-heat-api-cfn: inactive (disabled on boot)
openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch: inactive (disabled on boot)
openstack-heat-engine: inactive
== Support services ==
mariadb: active
openvswitch: active
dbus: active
target: active
rabbitmq-server: active
memcached: active
== Keystone users ==
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/keystone", line 6, in <module>
from keystoneclient.shell import main
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/shell.py", line 32,
in <module>
from keystoneclient.contrib.bootstrap import shell as shell_bootstrap
line 17, in <module>
@utils.arg('--user-name', metavar='<user-name>', default='admin',
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'arg'
== Glance images ==
Internal Server Error (HTTP 500)
== Nova managed services ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (InternalServerError): Internal Server Error (HTTP 500)
== Nova networks ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (InternalServerError): Internal Server Error (HTTP 500)
== Nova instance flavors ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (InternalServerError): Internal Server Error (HTTP 500)
== Nova instances ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (InternalServerError): Internal Server Error (HTTP 500)
8 years
[rdo-list] [release] RDO Ocata packages released
by Javier Pena
The RDO community is pleased to announce the general availability of the RDO build for OpenStack Ocata for RPM-based distributions, CentOS Linux 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
RDO is suitable for building private, public, and hybrid clouds. Ocata is the 15th release from the OpenStack project (http://openstack.org), which is the work of more than 2500 contributors from around the world (source http://stackalytics.com/).
The RDO community project (https://www.rdoproject.org/) curates, packages, builds, tests and maintains a complete OpenStack component set for RHEL and CentOS Linux and is a member of the CentOS Cloud Infrastructure SIG (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud). The Cloud Infrastructure SIG focuses on delivering a great user experience for CentOS Linux users looking to build and maintain their own on-premise, public or hybrid clouds.
All work on RDO, and on the downstream release, Red Hat OpenStack Platform, is 100% open source, with all code changes going upstream first.
Interesting things in the Ocata release include:
- Significant Improvements (https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2017/02/testing-rdo-with-tempest-new-feat...) to Tempest and Tempest plugin packaging in RDO
- The OpenStack-Ansible (https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/openstack-ansible/ocata.html#new-...) project now supports deployment on top of CentOS with the help of RDO-packaged dependencies
For cloud operators, RDO now provides packages for some new OpenStack Services:
- Tacker (https://docs.openstack.org/developer/tacker/): an ETSI MANO NFV Orchestrator and VNF Manager
- Congress (https://docs.openstack.org/developer/congress/architecture.html): an open policy framework for the cloud
- Vitrage (https://docs.openstack.org/developer/vitrage/): the OpenStack RCA (Root Cause Analysis) Service
- Kolla (https://github.com/openstack/kolla): The Kolla project provides tooling to build production-ready container images for deploying OpenStack clouds
Some other notable additions:
- novajoin (https://github.com/openstack/novajoin): a dynamic vendordata plugin for the OpenStack nova metadata service to manage automatic host instantiation in an IPA server
- ironic-ui (https://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic-ui/): a new Horizon plugin to view and manage baremetal servers
- python-virtualbmc (https://github.com/openstack/virtualbmc) VirtualBMC is a proxy that translates IPMI commands to libvirt calls. This allows projects such as OpenStack Ironic to test IPMI drivers using VMs.
- python-muranoclient (https://github.com/openstack/python-muranoclient): a client for the Application Catalog service.
- python-monascaclient (https://github.com/openstack/python-monascaclient): a client for the Monasca monitoring-as-a-service solution.
- Shaker (http://pyshaker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/): the distributed data-plane testing tool built for OpenStack
- Multi-architecture support: aarch64 builds are now provided through an experimental repository - enable the RDO 'testing' repositories to get started
>From a networking perspective, we have added some new Neutron plugins that can help Cloud users and operators to address new use cases and scenarios:
- networking-bagpipe (https://docs.openstack.org/developer/networking-bagpipe/): a mechanism driver for Neutron ML2 plugin using BGP E-VPNs/IP VPNs as a backend
- networking-bgpvpn (https://docs.openstack.org/developer/networking-bgpvpn/): an API and framework to interconnect BGP/MPLS VPNs to Openstack Neutron networks
- networking-fujitsu (https://github.com/openstack/networking-fujitsu): FUJITSU ML2 plugins/drivers for OpenStack Neutron
- networking-l2gw (https://github.com/openstack/networking-l2gw): APIs and implementations to support L2 Gateways in Neutron
- networking-sfc (https://github.com/openstack/networking-sfc): APIs and implementations to support Service Function Chaining in Neutron
>From the Packstack (https://github.com/openstack/packstack) side, we have several improvements:
- We have added support to install Panko and Magnum
- Puppet 4 is now supported, and we have updated our manifests to cover the latest changes in the supported projects
**Getting Started**
There are three ways to get started with RDO.
- To spin up a proof of concept cloud, quickly, and on limited hardware, try the All-In-One Quickstart (http://rdoproject.org/Quickstart). You can run RDO on a single node to get a feel for how it works.
- For a production deployment of RDO, use the TripleO Quickstart (https://www.rdoproject.org/tripleo/) and you'll be running a production cloud in short order.
- Finally, if you want to try out OpenStack, but don't have the time or hardware to run it yourself, visit TryStack (http://trystack.org/), where you can use a free public OpenStack instance, running RDO packages, to experiment with the OpenStack management interface and API, launch instances, configure networks, and generally familiarize yourself with OpenStack. (TryStack is not, at this time, running Ocata, although it is running RDO.)
**Getting Help**
The RDO Project participates in a Q&A service at ask.openstack.org (http://ask.openstack.org), for more developer-oriented content we recommend joining the rdo-list mailing list (https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list). Remember to post a brief introduction about yourself and your RDO story. You can also find extensive documentation on the RDO docs site (https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation).
The #rdo channel on Freenode IRC is also an excellent place to find help and give help.
We also welcome comments and requests on the CentOS mailing lists (https://lists.centos.org/) and the CentOS and TripleO IRC channels (#centos, #centos-devel, and #tripleo on irc.freenode.net), however we have a more focused audience in the RDO venues.
**Getting Involved**
To get involved in the OpenStack RPM packaging effort, see the RDO community pages (https://www.rdoproject.org/community/) and the CentOS Cloud SIG page (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud). See also the RDO packaging documentation (https://www.rdoproject.org/packaging/).
Join us in #rdo on the Freenode IRC network, and follow us at @RDOCommunity (http://twitter.com/rdocommunity) on Twitter. If you prefer Facebook, we're there too (http://facebook.com/rdocommunity), and also Google+ (http://tm3.org/rdogplus).
8 years
[rdo-list] RDO Newton / Ocata Multi-Node with Packstack
by Arash Kaffamanesh
We're going to provide a hands on workshop for our OpenStack Cologne Meetup
Stackers in March for deploying OpenStack Newton or Ocata with RDO on
either Rackspace OnMetal or on Packet.net and I'd like to know if already
someone has done such a deployment and if we have to take care of something
Regarding Ocata, does it work with Packstack multi-node at this time?
Thanks for any hints and feedback in advance.
8 years