[rdo-list] Documenting RDO Stable and workarounds
by Christopher Brown
I'm happy to get involved in this - my intention is to move the
documented workarounds we have internally onto the RDO docs website.
I started doing this earlier in the year:
However I need to clarify where TripleO QuickStart fits into the
picture. I haven't used this but it doesn't appear to be a tool that
produces a production-capable deployment - by this I mean a minimum of
three controllers in HA configuration on separate hardware.
So it appears we have four offerings:
1. Trystack - Research
2. Packstack - PoC
3. TripleO quickstart - Dev
4. TripleO baremetal - Prod
Have I pigeon-holed these correctly?
Christopher Brown
OpenStack Engineer
OCF plc
Tel: +44 (0)114 257 2200
Web: www.ocf.co.uk
Blog: blog.ocf.co.uk
Twitter: @ocfplc
OCF plc is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number
4132533, VAT number GB 780 6803 14. Registered office address: OCF plc,
5 Rotunda Business Centre, Thorncliffe Park, Chapeltown, Sheffield S35
8 years, 8 months
Re: [rdo-list] Redeploying UnderCloud for baremetal triple-o deployment
by Gunjan, Milind [CTO]
Hi Dan,
Thanks a lot for your response.
Even after properly updating the undercloud.conf file and checking the network configuration, undercloud deployment still fails.
To recreate the issue , I am mentioning all the configuration steps:
1. Installed CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) image on baremetal.
2. created stack user and provided required permission to stack user .
3. setting hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname rdo-undercloud.mydomain
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --transient rdo-undercloud.mydomain
[stack@rdo-undercloud etc]$ cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 rdo-undercloud undercloud-rdo.mydomain
4. enable required repositories
sudo yum -y install epel-release
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-liberty.repo https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-liberty/current/delorean.repo
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-deps-liberty.repo http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-liberty/delorean-deps.repo
5. install repos
sudo yum -y install yum-plugin-priorities
sudo yum install -y python-tripleoclient
6. update undercloud.conf
[stack@rdo-undercloud ~]$ cat undercloud.conf
local_ip =
undercloud_public_vip =
undercloud_admin_vip =
local_interface = enp6s0
masquerade_network =
dhcp_start =
dhcp_end =
network_cidr =
network_gateway =
discovery_iprange =,
discovery_runbench = false
7. install undercloud
openstack undercloud install
install ends in error:
Error: /Stage[main]/Neutron::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[neutron]/Keystone_user[neutron]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: /Stage[main]/Heat::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[heat]/Keystone_user[heat]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: Could not prefetch keystone_service provider 'openstack': Execution of '/bin/openstack service list --quiet --format csv --long' returned 1: Gateway Timeout (HTTP 504)
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[glance] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Glance::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[glance]/Keystone_service[glance::image]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[glance] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Could not prefetch keystone_role provider 'openstack': Execution of '/bin/openstack role list --quiet --format csv' returned 1: Gateway Timeout (HTTP 504)
Error: Not managing Keystone_role[ResellerAdmin] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Ceilometer::Keystone::Auth/Keystone_role[ResellerAdmin]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_role[ResellerAdmin] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[ironic] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Ironic::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[ironic]/Keystone_service[ironic::baremetal]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[ironic] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Nova::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[nova service, user nova]/Keystone_user[nova]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: /Stage[main]/Glance::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[glance]/Keystone_user[glance]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[novav3] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Nova::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[nova v3 service, user novav3]/Keystone_service[novav3::computev3]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[novav3] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_role[heat_stack_user] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Heat::Keystone::Auth/Keystone_role[heat_stack_user]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_role[heat_stack_user] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Ironic::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[ironic]/Keystone_user[ironic]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[nova] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Nova::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[nova service, user nova]/Keystone_service[nova::compute]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[nova] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_role[swiftoperator] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Swift::Keystone::Auth/Keystone_role[swiftoperator]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_role[swiftoperator] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Ceilometer::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[ceilometer]/Keystone_user[ceilometer]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[neutron] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Neutron::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[neutron]/Keystone_service[neutron::network]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[neutron] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[ceilometer] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Ceilometer::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[ceilometer]/Keystone_service[ceilometer::metering]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[ceilometer] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[swift] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Swift::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[swift]/Keystone_service[swift::object-store]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[swift] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[keystone] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Endpoint/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[keystone]/Keystone_service[keystone::identity]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[keystone] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_service[heat] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Heat::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[heat]/Keystone_service[heat::orchestration]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_service[heat] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Could not prefetch keystone_endpoint provider 'openstack': Execution of '/bin/openstack endpoint list --quiet --format csv' returned 1: Gateway Timeout (HTTP 504)
Error: /Stage[main]/Swift::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[swift]/Keystone_user[swift]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: Could not prefetch keystone_tenant provider 'openstack': Execution of '/bin/openstack project list --quiet --format csv --long' returned 1: Gateway Timeout (HTTP 504)
Error: Not managing Keystone_tenant[service] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Roles::Admin/Keystone_tenant[service]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_tenant[service] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_tenant[admin] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Roles::Admin/Keystone_tenant[admin]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_tenant[admin] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: Not managing Keystone_role[admin] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Roles::Admin/Keystone_role[admin]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Not managing Keystone_role[admin] due to earlier Keystone API failures.
Error: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Roles::Admin/Keystone_user[admin]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack domain show --format shell Default' returned 1: Could not find resource Default
Error: Could not prefetch keystone_domain provider 'openstack': Execution of '/bin/openstack domain list --quiet --format csv' returned 1: Gateway Timeout (HTTP 504)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Heat::Db::Sync/Exec[heat-dbsync]/returns: ERROR: (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (1045, u"Access denied for user 'heat'@'rdo-undercloud' (using password: YES)")
Error: /Stage[main]/Heat::Db::Sync/Exec[heat-dbsync]: Failed to call refresh: heat-manage --config-file /etc/heat/heat.conf db_sync returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Heat::Db::Sync/Exec[heat-dbsync]: heat-manage --config-file /etc/heat/heat.conf db_sync returned 1 instead of one of [0]
[2016-06-27 18:54:04,092] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] during configure phase. [Command '['dib-run-parts', '/usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d']' returned non-zero exit status 1]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Heat::Deps/Anchor[heat::service::end]: Triggered 'refresh' from 4 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 5259.44 seconds
+ rc=6
+ set -e
+ echo 'puppet apply exited with exit code 6'
puppet apply exited with exit code 6
+ '[' 6 '!=' 2 -a 6 '!=' 0 ']'
+ exit 6
[2016-06-27 18:54:04,092] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] during configure phase. [Command '['dib-run-parts', '/usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d']' returned non-zero exit status 1]
[2016-06-27 18:54:04,093] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] Aborting...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py", line 815, in install
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py", line 699, in _run_orc
_run_live_command(args, instack_env, 'os-refresh-config')
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py", line 370, in _run_live_command
raise RuntimeError('%s failed. See log for details.' % name)
RuntimeError: os-refresh-config failed. See log for details.
Command 'instack-install-undercloud' returned non-zero exit status 1
I am not able to understand the exact cause of undercloud install failure. It would be really helpful if you guys can point be in direction to understand the exact cause of issue and any possible resolution.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Sneddon [mailto:dsneddon@redhat.com]
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Gunjan, Milind [CTO] <Milind.Gunjan(a)sprint.com>; rdo-list(a)redhat.com
Subject: Re: [rdo-list] Redeploying UnderCloud
On 06/27/2016 06:41 AM, Gunjan, Milind [CTO] wrote:
> Hi All,
> Greeting.
> This is my first post and I am fairly new to RDO OpenStack. I am
> working on RDO Triple-O deployment on baremetal. Due to incorrect
> values in undercloud.conf file , my undercloud deployment failed. I
> would like to redeploy undercloud and I am trying to understand what
> steps has to be taken before redeploying undercloud. All the
> deployment was under stack user . So first step will be to delete
> stack user. I am not sure what has to be done regarding the networking
> configuration autogenerated by os-net-config during the older install.
> Please advise.
> Best Regards,
> Milind
No, definitely you don't want to delete the stack user, especially not as your first step! That would get rid of the configuration files, etc.
that are in ~stack, and generally make your life harder than it needs to be.
Anyway, it isn't necessary. You can do a procedure very much like what you do when upgrading the undercloud, with a couple of extra steps.
As the stack user, edit your undercloud.conf, and make sure there are no more typos.
If the typos were in the network configuration, you should delete the bridge and remove the ifcfg files:
$ sudo ifdown br-ctlplane
$ sudo ovs-vsctl del-br br-ctlplane
$ sudo rm /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/*br-ctlplane
Next, run the underclound installation again:
$ sudo yum update -y # Reboot after if kernel or core packages updated $ openstack undercloud install
Then proceed with the rest of the instructions. You may find that if you already uploaded disk images or imported nodes that they will still be in the database. That's OK, or you can delete and reimport.
Dan Sneddon | Principal OpenStack Engineer
dsneddon(a)redhat.com | redhat.com/openstack
650.254.4025 | dsneddon:irc @dxs:twitter
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8 years, 9 months
[rdo-list] Replacing the tripleo-quickstart HA job with a single controller pacemaker job
by John Trowbridge
Howdy folks,
Just wanted to give a heads up that I plan to replace the
"high-availability" tripleo-quickstart job in the CI promotion
pipeline[1], with a job with a lower footprint. In CI, we get a virthost
with 32G of RAM and a mediocre CPU. It is really hard to fit 5 really
active VMs on that, and we have never had the HA job stable enough to
use as a gate for that reason.
Instead, we will test the pacemaker code path in tripleo by using a
single controller setup with pacemaker enabled. We were never actually
testing HA (ie failover scenarios) in the current job, so this should be
a pretty minimal loss in coverage.
Since this allows us to drop two CPU intensive nodes from the deploy, we
can add a ceph node to that job. This will end up with more code
coverage then the current HA job, and will hopefully will end up being
stable enough to use as a gate as well.
Longer term, it would be good to restore an actual HA job, maybe even
adding some failure scenario tests to the job. I have a couple of ideas
about how we could do this, but none are feasible in the short term.
1. Use pre-existing servers for deploying[2]
This would allow running the HA job against any cloud, where we could
size the nodes appropriately to make the job stable.
2. Use an OVB cloud for the HA job.
Soon we should have an OVB (openstack virtual baremetal) cloud to run
tests in. OVB would have all of the benefits of the solution above
(unrestricted VM size), and would also provide us a way to test Ironic
in a more realistic way since it mocks IPMI rather than our current
method of using a fake ironic driver (which just does virsh commands
over SSH).
3. Add a feature to tripleo-quickstart to bridge multiple virthosts
If we could deploy our virtual machines across 2 different hosts, we
would then have much more room to deploy the HA job.
If anyone has some better ideas, they are very welcome!
-- trown
[1] https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/promotion-pipeline/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/324777/
8 years, 9 months
[rdo-list] OS1 is down for the moment
by Michael Scherer
Hi *,
so the cloud where several services are hosted is currently down.
So that mean, if you receive this email that:
- new website will not auto deploy (ovirt, community.redhat.com, rdo)
- main website and associated services is down (rdo,
The team is working on it, I will send update when it is back (soon).
Michael Scherer
Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure and Platform, OSAS
8 years, 9 months
[rdo-list] [Minute] RDO meeting (2016-06-29) Minutes
by Ivan Chavero
#rdo: RDO meeting (2016-06-29)
Meeting started by imcsk8 at 15:00:45 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (imcsk8, 15:00:57)
* pinning some packages in RDO Trunk-not-all-master ? (imcsk8,
* ACTION: apevec post rdo-trunk-upper-constraints to rdo-list
(apevec, 15:14:36)
* Does it make sense to have an RDO ISO installer? (imcsk8, 15:23:51)
* LINK: https://github.com/asadpiz/org_centos_cloud (number80,
* ACTION: imcsk8 to send message to ML about ISO PoC installer
(imcsk8, 15:34:22)
* open floor (imcsk8, 15:35:32)
Meeting ended at 15:52:50 UTC.
Action Items
* apevec post rdo-trunk-upper-constraints to rdo-list
* imcsk8 to send message to ML about ISO PoC installer
Action Items, by person
* apevec
* apevec post rdo-trunk-upper-constraints to rdo-list
* imcsk8
* imcsk8 to send message to ML about ISO PoC installer
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* apevec (66)
* imcsk8 (34)
* trown (27)
* amoralej (16)
* jpena (15)
* number80 (12)
* zodbot (11)
* openstack (6)
* leifmadsen (4)
* chandankumar (4)
* weshay (3)
* kbsingh (1)
* rdobot (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
8 years, 9 months
[rdo-list] RDO Bugs statistics on 2016-06-29
by Chandan kumar
# RDO Bugs on 2016-06-29
This email summarizes the active RDO bugs listed in the Red Hat Bugzilla
database at <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/>.
To report a new bug against RDO, go to:
## Summary
- Open (NEW, ASSIGNED, ON_DEV): 150
- Fixed (MODIFIED, POST, ON_QA): 43
## Number of open bugs by component
dib-utils [ 1] +
distribution [ 9] ++++++++++
Documentation [ 1] +
instack [ 1] +
instack-undercloud [ 10] +++++++++++
openstack-ceilometer [ 3] +++
openstack-cinder [ 2] ++
openstack-designate [ 1] +
openstack-glance [ 1] +
openstack-horizon [ 1] +
openstack-ironic-disco... [ 1] +
openstack-keystone [ 1] +
openstack-neutron [ 4] ++++
openstack-nova [ 5] +++++
openstack-packstack [ 34] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
openstack-puppet-modules [ 7] ++++++++
openstack-sahara [ 2] ++
openstack-selinux [ 3] +++
openstack-tripleo [ 23] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
openstack-tripleo-heat... [ 2] ++
openstack-tripleo-imag... [ 2] ++
openstack-trove [ 1] +
Package Review [ 14] ++++++++++++++++
python-novaclient [ 1] +
rdo-manager [ 14] ++++++++++++++++
rdopkg [ 1] +
RFEs [ 2] ++
tempest [ 3] +++
## Open bugs
This is a list of "open" bugs by component. An "open" bug is in state
NEW, ASSIGNED, ON_DEV and has not yet been fixed.
(150 bugs)
### dib-utils (1 bug)
[1263779 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1263779 (NEW)
Component: dib-utils
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Packstack Ironic admin_url misconfigured in nova.conf
### distribution (9 bugs)
[1349665 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1349665 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2016-4972 openstack-murano: RCE via usage of
insecure YAML tags [openstack-rdo]
[1243533 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1243533 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: (RDO) Tracker: Review requests for new RDO Liberty
[1316169 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1316169 (ASSIGNED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: openstack-barbican-api missing pid dir or wrong pid
file specified
[1329341 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1329341 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: Tracker: Blockers and Review requests for new RDO
Newton packages
[1349666 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1349666 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2016-4972 python-muranoclient: openstack-murano:
RCE via usage of insecure YAML tags [openstack-rdo]
[1301751 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1301751 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Move all logging to stdout/err to allow systemd
throttling logging of errors
[1290163 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1290163 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-05-17
Summary: Tracker: Blockers and Review requests for new RDO
Mitaka packages
[1337335 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1337335 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-05-25
Summary: Hiera >= 2.x packaging
[1346240 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1346240 (ASSIGNED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-21
Summary: Erlang 18.3.3 update fails
### Documentation (1 bug)
[1272108 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272108 (NEW)
Component: Documentation
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [DOC] External network should be documents in RDO
manager installation
### instack (1 bug)
[1315827 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1315827 (NEW)
Component: instack
Last change: 2016-05-09
Summary: openstack undercloud install fails with "Element pip-
and-virtualenv already loaded."
### instack-undercloud (10 bugs)
[1347736 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1347736 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: Unable to install undercloud because tripleo-common is
[1175687 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1175687 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: instack is not configued properly to log all
Horizon/Tuskar messages in the undercloud deployment
[1220509 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1220509 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: wget is missing from qcow2 image fails instack-build-
images script
[1199637 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1199637 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RDO][Instack-undercloud]: harmless ERROR: installing
'template' displays when building the images .
[1271200 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1271200 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Overcloud images contain Kilo repos
[1216982 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216982 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: instack-build-images does not stop on certain errors
[1134073 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1134073 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: Nova default quotas insufficient to deploy baremetal
[1265334 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265334 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: rdo-manager liberty instack undercloud puppet apply
fails w/ missing package dep pyinotify
[1211800 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211800 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Sphinx docs for instack-undercloud have an incorrect
network topology
[1200081 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1200081 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Installing instack undercloud on Fedora20 VM fails
### openstack-ceilometer (3 bugs)
[1331510 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1331510 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: Gnocchi 2.0.2-1 release does not have Mitaka default
configuration file
[1348222 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1348222 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2016-06-20
Summary: Unable to start ceilometer-central and gnocchi since
redis module is missing on controller
[1265741 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265741 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2016-04-27
Summary: python-redis is not installed with packstack allinone
### openstack-cinder (2 bugs)
[1121256 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1121256 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: Configuration file in share forces ignore of auth_uri
[1049535 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049535 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: [RFE] permit cinder to create a volume when root_squash
is set to on for gluster storage
### openstack-designate (1 bug)
[1343663 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1343663 (NEW)
Component: openstack-designate
Last change: 2016-06-07
Summary: openstack-designate are missing dependancies
### openstack-glance (1 bug)
[1312466 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1312466 (NEW)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: Support for blueprint cinder-store-upload-download in
### openstack-horizon (1 bug)
[1333508 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1333508 (NEW)
Component: openstack-horizon
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: LBaaS v2 Dashboard UI
### openstack-ironic-discoverd (1 bug)
[1211069 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211069 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ironic-discoverd
Last change: 2016-02-26
Summary: [RFE] [RDO-Manager] [discoverd] Add possibility to kill
node discovery
### openstack-keystone (1 bug)
[1337346 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1337346 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: CVE-2016-4911 openstack-keystone: Incorrect Audit IDs
in Keystone Fernet Tokens can result in revocation
bypass [openstack-rdo]
### openstack-neutron (4 bugs)
[1065826 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1065826 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-06-15
Summary: [RFE] [neutron] neutron services needs more RPM
[1282403 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1282403 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-06-15
Summary: Errors when running tempest.api.network.test_ports with
IPAM reference driver enabled
[1147152 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1147152 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-06-07
Summary: Use neutron-sanity-check in CI checks
[1349670 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1349670 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2015-8914 CVE-2016-5362 CVE-2016-5363 openstack-
neutron: various flaws [openstack-rdo]
### openstack-nova (5 bugs)
[1228836 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1228836 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: Is there a way to configure IO throttling for RBD
devices via configuration file
[1344315 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344315 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: SRIOV PF/VF allocation fails with NUMA aware flavor
[1123298 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1123298 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: logrotate should copytruncate to avoid openstack
logging to deleted files
[1294747 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1294747 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-05-16
Summary: Migration fails when the SRIOV PF is not online
[1086247 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1086247 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-05-11
Summary: Ensure translations are installed correctly and picked
up at runtime
### openstack-packstack (34 bugs)
[1200129 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1200129 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE] add support for ceilometer workload partitioning
via tooz/redis
[1194678 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1194678 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: On aarch64, nova.conf should default to
[1293693 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1293693 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Keystone setup fails on missing required parameter
[1286995 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1286995 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: PackStack should configure LVM filtering with LVM/iSCSI
[1344706 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344706 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-06-10
Summary: openstack-ceilometer-compute fails to send metrics
[1297692 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1297692 (ON_DEV)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Raise MariaDB max connections limit
[1302766 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1302766 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Add Magnum support using puppet-magnum
[1285494 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1285494 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: openstack-
cripples(?) httpd.conf
[1316222 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1316222 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Packstack installation failed due to wrong http config
[1291492 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1291492 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Unfriendly behavior of IP filtering for VXLAN with
[1227298 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1227298 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Packstack should support MTU settings
[1188491 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1188491 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Packstack wording is unclear for demo and testing
[1208812 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1208812 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-06-15
Summary: add DiskFilter to scheduler_default_filters
[1201612 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1201612 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Interactive - Packstack asks for Tempest details even
when Tempest install is declined
[1061753 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1061753 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-16
Summary: [RFE] Create an option in packstack to increase
verbosity level of libvirt
[982035 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/982035 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: [RFE] Include Fedora cloud images in some nice way
[1005073 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1005073 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: [RFE] Please add glance and nova lib folder config
[903645 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/903645 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RFE: Include the ability in PackStack to support SSL
for all REST services and message bus communication
[1239027 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1239027 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: please move httpd log files to corresponding dirs
[1324070 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1324070 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RFE: PackStack Support for LBaaSv2
[1168113 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1168113 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: The warning message " NetworkManager is active "
appears even when the NetworkManager is inactive
[1292271 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1292271 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Receive Msg 'Error: Could not find user glance'
[1116019 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1116019 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: AMQP1.0 server configurations needed
[1097291 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1097291 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: [RFE] SPICE support in packstack
[1338496 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1338496 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-31
Summary: Failed to install with packstack
[1312487 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1312487 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Packstack with Swift Glance backend does not seem to
[1184806 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1184806 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-28
Summary: [RFE] Packstack should support deploying Nova and
Glance with RBD images and Ceph as a backend
[1172310 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1172310 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: support Keystone LDAP
[1012382 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1012382 (ON_DEV)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: swift: Admin user does not have permissions to see
containers created by glance service
[1286828 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1286828 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Packstack should have the option to install QoS
[1172467 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1172467 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: New user cannot retrieve container listing
[1023533 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1023533 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: API services has all admin permission instead of
[1344663 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344663 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: packstack install fails if CONFIG_HEAT_CFN_INSTALL=y
[1063393 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1063393 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: RFE: Provide option to set bind_host/bind_port for API
### openstack-puppet-modules (7 bugs)
[1318332 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1318332 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: Cinder workaround should be removed
[1297535 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1297535 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Undercloud installation fails ::aodh::keystone::auth
not found for instack
[1150902 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1150902 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: selinux prevents httpd to write to
[1316856 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1316856 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-04-28
Summary: packstack fails to configure ovs bridge for CentOS
[1240736 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1240736 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: trove guestagent config mods for integration testing
[1107907 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1107907 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Offset Swift ports to 6200
[1289761 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1289761 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2016-05-25
Summary: PackStack installs Nova crontab that nova user can't
### openstack-sahara (2 bugs)
[1305790 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1305790 (NEW)
Component: openstack-sahara
Last change: 2016-02-09
Summary: Failure to launch Caldera 5.0.4 Hadoop Cluster via
Sahara Wizards on RDO Liberty
[1305419 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1305419 (NEW)
Component: openstack-sahara
Last change: 2016-02-10
Summary: Failure to launch Hadoop HDP 2.0.6 Cluster via Sahara
Wizards on RDO Liberty
### openstack-selinux (3 bugs)
[1320043 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1320043 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: rootwrap-daemon can't start after reboot due to AVC
[1174795 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1174795 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: keystone fails to start: raise exception.ConfigFileNotF
[1341738 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1341738 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: AVC: beam.smp tries to write in SSL certificate
### openstack-tripleo (23 bugs)
[1056109 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056109 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Making the overcloud deployment fully
[1344620 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344620 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-10
Summary: Nova instance live migration fails: migrateToURI3() got
an unexpected keyword argument 'bandwidth'
[1056110 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056110 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Scaling work to do during icehouse
[1344507 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344507 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-21
Summary: Nova novnc console doesn't load 2/3 times: Failed to
connect to server (code: 1006)
[1344495 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344495 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: Horizon: Error: Unable to retrieve project list and
Error: Unable to retrieve domain list.
[1329095 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1329095 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: mariadb and keystone down after an upgrade from liberty
to mitaka
[1344398 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344398 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: SSL enabled undercloud doesn't configure https protocol
for several endpoints
[1343634 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1343634 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-07
Summary: controller-no-external.yaml template still creates
external network and fails to deploy
[1350605 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1350605 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-27
Summary: Error regarding the TUN device using quickstart.sh
[1344467 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344467 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: Unable to launch instance: Invalid: Volume sets discard
option, qemu (1, 6, 0) or later is required.
[1344442 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344442 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: Ceilometer central fails to start: ImportError: No
module named redis
[1056106 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056106 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][ironic]: Integration of Ironic in to TripleO
[1277990 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1277990 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq.service: failed to
start during undercloud installation
[1344447 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344447 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-21
Summary: Openstack-gnocchi-statsd fails to start; ImportError:
Your rados python module does not support omap feature.
Install 'cradox' (recommended) or upgrade 'python-
rados' >= 9.1.0
[1277980 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1277980 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: missing python-proliantutils
[1344451 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344451 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-20
Summary: HAProxy logs show up in the os-collect-config journal
[1334259 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1334259 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-05-09
Summary: openstack overcloud image upload fails with "Required
file "./ironic-python-agent.initramfs" does not exist."
[1340865 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1340865 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-07
Summary: Tripleo QuickStart HA deployment attempts constantly
[1056112 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056112 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Deploying different architecture
topologies with Tuskar
[1174776 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1174776 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: User can not login into the overcloud horizon using the
proper credentials
[1303614 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1303614 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: overcloud deployment failed AttributeError: 'Proxy'
object has no attribute 'api'
[1341093 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1341093 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: Tripleo QuickStart HA deployment attempts constantly
[1056114 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056114 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Implement a complete overcloud
installation story in the UI
### openstack-tripleo-heat-templates (2 bugs)
[1342145 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1342145 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2016-06-02
Summary: Deploying Manila is not possible due to missing
[1266027 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266027 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: TripleO should use pymysql database driver since
### openstack-tripleo-image-elements (2 bugs)
[1303567 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1303567 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-image-elements
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Overcloud deployment fails using Ceph
[1347652 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1347652 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-image-elements
Last change: 2016-06-22
Summary: post-install deletes foreign o-r-c configure.d scripts
### openstack-trove (1 bug)
[1327068 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1327068 (NEW)
Component: openstack-trove
Last change: 2016-05-24
Summary: trove guest agent should create a sudoers entry
### Package Review (14 bugs)
[1342987 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1342987 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-19
Summary: Review Request: openstack-vitrage - OpenStack RCA (Root
Cause Analysis) Engine
[1344368 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344368 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: Review Request: openstack-ironic-ui - OpenStack Ironic
[1177361 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1177361 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-15
Summary: Review Request: sahara-image-elements - Image creation
tools for Openstack Sahara
[1341687 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1341687 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-03
Summary: Review request: openstack-neutron-lbaas-ui
[1272513 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272513 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: Review Request: Murano - is an application catalog for
[1329125 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1329125 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-04-26
Summary: Review Request: python-oslo-privsep - OpenStack library
for privilege separation
[1350974 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1350974 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-28
Summary: Openstack python-watcherclient
[1331486 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1331486 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-05-24
Summary: Tracker bugzilla for puppet packages in RDO Newton
[1312328 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1312328 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: New Package: openstack-ironic-staging-drivers
[1318765 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1318765 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-16
Summary: Review Request: openstack-sahara-tests - Sahara
Scenario Test Framework
[1342227 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1342227 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-06
Summary: Review Request: python-designate-tests-tempest -
Tempest Integration of Designate
[1279513 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1279513 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: New Package: python-dracclient
[1326586 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1326586 (NEW)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-04-13
Summary: Review request: Sensu
[1272524 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272524 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Review Request: openstack-mistral - workflow Service
for OpenStack cloud
### python-novaclient (1 bug)
[1123451 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1123451 (ASSIGNED)
Component: python-novaclient
Last change: 2016-05-02
Summary: Missing versioned dependency on python-six
### rdo-manager (14 bugs)
[1306350 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1306350 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: With RDO-manager, if not configured, the first nic on
compute nodes gets addresses from dhcp as a default
[1272376 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272376 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Duplicate nova hypervisors after rebooting compute
[1216981 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216981 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: No way to increase yum timeouts when building images
[1270370 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270370 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: [RDO-Manager] bulk introspection moving the nodes from
available to manageable too quickly [getting:
[1273541 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1273541 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RDO-Manager needs epel.repo enabled (otherwise
undercloud deployment fails.)
[1292253 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1292253 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Production + EPEL + yum-plugin-priorities results in
wrong version of hiera
[1271726 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1271726 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: 1 of the overcloud VMs (nova) is stack in spawning
[1270910 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270910 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: IP address from external subnet gets assigned to br-ex
when using default single-nic-vlans templates
[1306364 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1306364 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: With RDO-manager, using bridge mappings, Neutron
opensvswitch-agent plugin's config file don't gets
populated correctly
[1273680 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1273680 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: HA overcloud with network isolation deployment fails
[1270805 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270805 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Glance client returning 'Expected endpoint'
[1230582 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230582 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: there is a newer image that can be used to deploy
[1294683 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1294683 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: instack-undercloud: "openstack undercloud install"
throws errors and then gets stuck due to selinux.
[1271289 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1271289 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: overcloud-novacompute stuck in spawning state
### rdopkg (1 bug)
[1100405 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1100405 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdopkg
Last change: 2014-05-22
Summary: [RFE] Add option to force overwrite build files on
update download
### RFEs (2 bugs)
[1193886 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1193886 (ASSIGNED)
Component: RFEs
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: RFE: wait for DB after boot
[1158517 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1158517 (NEW)
Component: RFEs
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: [RFE] Provide easy to use upgrade tool
### tempest (3 bugs)
[1345736 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1345736 (NEW)
Component: tempest
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: Installing mitaka openstack-tempest RDO build with some
workarounds fails to run tempest smoke tests
[1344339 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344339 (NEW)
Component: tempest
Last change: 2016-06-14
Summary: install_venv script fails to open requirements file
[1250081 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1250081 (NEW)
Component: tempest
Last change: 2015-08-06
Summary: test_minimum_basic scenario failed to run on rdo-
## Fixed bugs
This is a list of "fixed" bugs by component. A "fixed" bug is fixed state
MODIFIED, POST, ON_QA and has been fixed. You can help
out by testing the fix to make sure it works as intended.
(43 bugs)
### distribution (5 bugs)
[1328980 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1328980 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-04-21
Summary: Log handler repeatedly crashes
[1344148 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1344148 (ON_QA)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: RDO mitaka openstack-tempest build requires updated
[1336566 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1336566 (ON_QA)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: Paramiko needs to be updated to 2.0 to match upstream
[1317971 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1317971 (POST)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-05-23
Summary: openstack-cloudkitty-common should have a
[1134121 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1134121 (POST)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Tuskar Fails After Remove/Reinstall Of RDO
### instack-undercloud (1 bug)
[1270033 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1270033 (POST)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2016-05-05
Summary: [RDO-Manager] Node inspection fails when changing the
default 'inspection_iprange' value in undecloud.conf.
### openstack-ceilometer (1 bug)
[1287252 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1287252 (POST)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: openstack-ceilometer-alarm-notifier does not start:
unit file is missing
### openstack-glance (1 bug)
[1074724 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1074724 (POST)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: Glance api ssl issue
### openstack-ironic (1 bug)
[1348817 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1348817 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-ironic
Last change: 2016-06-23
Summary: CVE-2016-4985 openstack-ironic: Ironic Node information
including credentials exposed to unauthenticated users
### openstack-ironic-discoverd (1 bug)
[1322892 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1322892 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-ironic-discoverd
Last change: 2016-06-17
Summary: No valid interfaces found during introspection
### openstack-keystone (2 bugs)
[1341332 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1341332 (POST)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: keystone logrotate configuration should use size
[1280530 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1280530 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2016-05-20
Summary: Fernet tokens cannot read key files with SELInux
### openstack-neutron (1 bug)
[1334797 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1334797 (POST)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2016-06-15
Summary: Ensure translations are installed correctly and picked
up at runtime
### openstack-nova (1 bug)
[1301156 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1301156 (POST)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2016-04-22
Summary: openstack-nova missing specfile requires on
### openstack-packstack (18 bugs)
[1335612 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1335612 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-31
Summary: CONFIG_USE_SUBNETS=y won't work correctly with VLAN
[1028690 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1028690 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: packstack requires 2 runs to install ceilometer
[1288179 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1288179 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Mitaka: Packstack image provisioning fails with "Store
filesystem could not be configured correctly"
[1018900 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1018900 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Packstack fails with "The iptables provider can not
handle attribute outiface"
[1080369 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1080369 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: packstack fails with KeyError
are added
[1302275 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1302275 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: neutron-l3-agent does not start on Mitaka-2 when
enabling FWaaS
[1302256 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1302256 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: neutron-server does not start on Mitaka-2 when enabling
[1296899 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1296899 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-06-15
Summary: Swift's proxy-server is not configured to use
[1282746 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1282746 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Swift's proxy-server is not configured to use
[1150652 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1150652 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: PackStack does not provide an option to register hosts
to Red Hat Satellite 6
[1297833 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1297833 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: VPNaaS should use libreswan driver instead of openswan
by default
[1049537 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049537 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-18
Summary: Horizon help url in RDO points to the RHOS
[1187412 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187412 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Script wording for service installation should be
[1255369 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1255369 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-19
Summary: Improve session settings for horizon
[1298245 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1298245 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Add possibility to change DEFAULT/api_paste_config in
[1148949 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1148949 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: openstack-packstack: installed "packstack --allinone"
on Centos7.0 and configured private networking. The
booted VMs are not able to communicate with each other,
nor ping the gateway.
[1124982 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1124982 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: Help text for SSL is incorrect regarding passphrase on
the cert
[1330289 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1330289 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2016-05-21
Summary: Failure to install Controller/Network&&Compute Cluster
on RDO Mitaka with keystone API V3
### openstack-utils (1 bug)
[1211989 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211989 (POST)
Component: openstack-utils
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: openstack-status shows 'disabled on boot' for the
mysqld service
### Package Review (4 bugs)
[1347193 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1347193 (MODIFIED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-24
Summary: Openstack Watcher service
[1323219 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1323219 (ON_QA)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-05-12
Summary: Review Request: openstack-trove-ui - OpenStack
Dashboard plugin for Trove project
[1318310 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1318310 (POST)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-07
Summary: Review Request: openstack-magnum-ui - OpenStack Magnum
UI Horizon plugin
[1331952 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1331952 (POST)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2016-06-01
Summary: Review Request: openstack-mistral-ui - OpenStack
Mistral Dashboard
### python-keystoneclient (1 bug)
[973263 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/973263 (POST)
Component: python-keystoneclient
Last change: 2016-04-19
Summary: user-get fails when using IDs which are not UUIDs
### rdo-manager (2 bugs)
[1271335 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1271335 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-06-09
Summary: [RFE] Support explicit configuration of L2 population
[1268990 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1268990 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: missing from docs Build images fails without : export
### rdo-manager-cli (2 bugs)
[1273197 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1273197 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: VXLAN should be default neutron network type
[1278972 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1278972 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2016-04-18
Summary: rdo-manager liberty delorean dib failing w/ "No module
named passlib.utils"
### tempest (1 bug)
[1342218 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1342218 (MODIFIED)
Component: tempest
Last change: 2016-06-03
Summary: RDO openstack-tempest RPM should remove
requirements.txt from source
Chandan Kumar
8 years, 9 months