[Rdo-list] External database deployment
by Charles Short
We are exploring the idea of hosting a Galera cluster for our TripleO
Liberty install externally to the Openstack install, as we have a DBA
team who can host/maintain and support this much better than we can.
I have had a brief look at the templates and Puppet manifests
referencing databases, but would appreciate any pointers as to the best
approach automating deployment.
Charles Short
Cloud Engineer
Virtualization and Cloud Team
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 494205
8 years, 10 months
[Rdo-list] OpenStack meetups this week
by Rich Bowen
The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the coming week where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
* Tuesday April 12 in Chicago, IL, US: The State of OpenStack Trove -
* Tuesday April 12 in San Jose, CA, US: Talk about running OpenStack
Clouds with Workday -
* Wednesday April 13 in Stockholm, SE: OpenStack meetup - We are going
to the Summit in Austin 2016 -
* Wednesday April 13 in Toronto, ON, CA: OpenStack Toronto: Update on
Red Hat's OpenStack Platform 8 -
* Wednesday April 13 in Toronto, ON, CA: Red Hat OpenStack Platform -
* Wednesday April 13 in Pleasanton, CA, US: Storage in OpenStack -
* Wednesday April 13 in München, DE: OpenStack Munich - Cloud Resilience
& Experiences with OpenStack -
* Wednesday April 13 in Tokyo, JP: 日本OpenStackユーザ会 第26回勉強会 -
* Wednesday April 13 in Manchester, 18, GB: Looking at deploying HA
clouds - http://www.meetup.com/Manchester-OpenStack-Meetup/events/229510407/
* Thursday April 14 in Helsinki, FI: OpenStackFin Group meetup -
* Thursday April 14 in Chicago, IL, US: TripleO, Ironic, Heat,
Ansible... HERE WE GO -
* Thursday April 14 in San Antonio, TX, US: OpenStack - Introduction to
Project Barbican - Sponsored by Talligent -
* Thursday April 14 in San Francisco, CA, US: SF Bay OpenStack Meetup
Advanced Topic: OpenStack Keystone -
* Saturday April 16 in Xian, CN: OpenStack & Mesos Meetup in Apr.2016 -
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
8 years, 10 months
Re: [Rdo-list] Middleman -- v4 migration
by Marc Dequènes (Duck)
On 04/08/2016 12:14 AM, Garrett LeSage wrote:
> Some of the differences are a result of:
> - Pretty URLs being handled differently
Made the :index_file and it seems to improve the links to be "more like
> - Some JS and CSS includes being built as files instead of simply included
> - Font assets moving around
Well, I guess people do not bookmark these links, so as long as the
result works…
I also fixed the theme conflict issue.
Please reclone as I've changed history.
8 years, 10 months
[Rdo-list] Unanswered RDO questions (ask.openstack.org)
by Rich Bowen
Here's this week's batch of unanswered RDO questions on
ask.openstack.org. Thanks again for all the folks who are helping out
with this.
53 unanswered questions:
why sahara use this image to register
Tags: rdo, sahara
Cinder error issues on Liberty
Tags: 1.cinder-volume, liberty
Separate Cinder storage traffic from management
Tags: cinder, separate, nic, iscsi
Keydone user-list can work but openstack user list can
Tags: openstack, keysone
can't reach external network VMWare
Tags: vmware, qrouter, external, centos7
Individual Instances?
Tags: instances, projects, secure
Individual instances?
Tags: instances, security, cloud-user
Openstack installation fails using packstack, failure is in installation
of openstack-nova-compute. Error: Dependency Package[nova-compute] has
Tags: novacompute, rdo, packstack, dependency, failure
CentOS OpenStack - compute node can't talk
Tags: rdo
How to setup SWIFT_PROXY_NODE and SWIFT_STORAGE_NODEs separately on
RDO Liberty ?
Tags: rdo, liberty, swift, ha
VM and container can't download anything from internet
Tags: rdo, neutron, network, connectivity
OpenStack-Docker driver failed
Tags: docker, openstack, liberty
Can't create volume with cinder
Tags: cinder, glusterfs, nfs
[ RDO ] Could not find declared class ::remote::db
Tags: rdo
Sahara SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner
Tags: sahara, icehouse, ssh, vanila
Error Sahara create cluster: 'Error attach volume to instance
Tags: sahara, attach-volume, vanila, icehouse
Creating Sahara cluster: Error attach volume to instance
Tags: sahara, attach-volume, hadoop, icehouse, vanilla
Routing between two tenants
Tags: kilo, fuel, rdo, routing
RDO kilo installation metadata widget doesn't work
Tags: kilo, flavor, metadata
Not able to ssh into RDO Kilo instance
Tags: rdo, instance-ssh
redhat RDO enable access to swift via S3
Tags: swift, s3
openstack baremetal introspection internal server error
Tags: rdo, ironic-inspector, tripleo
glance\nova command line SSL failure
Tags: glance, kilo-openstack, ssl
Cannot create/update flavor metadata from horizon
Tags: rdo, kilo, flavor, metadata
Installing openstack using packstack (rdo) failed
Tags: rdo, packstack, installation-error, keystone
Cinder LVM iSCSI can't attach
Tags: lvmiscsi, cinder, kilo, cento7, rdo
RDO - Qrouters lose IP on public network
Tags: rdo, juno_rdo, floating-ip, qrouter
Missing veth pair bond and wrong/superfluous physical interface?
Tags: rdo, kilo-neutron, neutron-openvswitch, brctl, packstack
VMware Host Backend causes No valid host was found. Bug ???
Tags: vmware, rdo
RDOS KILO - Unable to create VLAN external network
Tags: vlan, network
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
8 years, 10 months
Re: [Rdo-list] Middleman -- v4 migration
by Marc Dequènes (Duck)
Thanks for this check.
As for the URL changes, maybe we could try playing with the :index_file
Also my console confirms the deal with the theme is a total failure, but
I think I can fix this.
I created a new branch based on the last commit of the middleman4 branch
(yes, chained branch… again) and was able to remove many embedded
libraries. I tested the features as much as possible to my knowlege and
had no problem.
Btw, where does 'noconsole.js.coffee' comes from? It does not seem to be
a real library. It's just some kind of snippet and no origin
information. Should it be moved to lib/?
8 years, 10 months
[Rdo-list] Middleman -- v4 migration
by Marc Dequènes (Duck)
I'm looking into migrating the websites Misc built using Middleman to
this new major version. I decided to begin with the RDO website which
uses many extensions, in order to cover most problems.
There's several changes impacting configuration, and I'm not finished
yet. Maybe there's also room for cleanup too. So I'm preparing a set of
patches and I'd be happy to have your review when ready.
On the problems I'm currently looking into and would like some help to
be sure the rendered site is as similar as with v3:
- source/stylesheets/lib/search.sass hs an @extend for an unexisting
h3; I read some doc and it seems it is not possible to extend a tag
which is not in the same file or draggued by a @import; so I guess the
@extend should be removed or a @import is missing
- source/stylesheets/lib/markdown.sass is causing Middleman to use
100%CPU and eat all the memory until the OOM killer triggers; I guess it
is related to importing the bootstrap resources but if you have an idea…
8 years, 10 months
[Rdo-list] Upgrade to Mikata, everything works but Cinder
by Devin Acosta
I upgraded and spent hours getting things to work, it appears the
keystone::middlewear is getting me. The Only issue I currently notice is
I lost access to cinder services. When I try to run: cinder
service-list, i get 500 error, logs show:
2016-04-09 13:08:01.478 402902 DEBUG eventlet.wsgi.server [-] (402902)
accepted ('', 56963) server
2016-04-09 13:08:01.486 402902 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-]
Using the in-process token cache is deprecated as of the 4.2.0 release
and may be removed in the 5.0.0 release or the 'O' development cycle.
The in-process cache causes inconsistent results and high memory usage.
When the feature is removed the auth_token middleware will not cache
tokens by default which may result in performance issues. It is
recommended to use memcache for the auth_token token cache by setting
the memcached_servers option.
2016-04-09 13:08:01.516 402902 ERROR keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-]
Bad response code while validating token: 400
2016-04-09 13:08:01.527 402902 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-]
Identity response: {"error": {"message": "Expecting to find username or
userId in passwordCredentials - the server could not comply with the
request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client
is assumed to be in error.", "code": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}}
2016-04-09 13:08:01.528 402902 CRITICAL keystonemiddleware.auth_token
[-] Unable to validate token: Failed to fetch token data from identity
2016-04-09 13:08:01.531 402902 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [-]
"GET /v2/bb33fb34be514d21878c424cfe2e1ce7/os-services HTTP/1.1" status:
503 len: 325 time: 0.0486860
I am using Ceph (which shouldn't matter) and I can spin up new
instances, but for some reason it gives me error in GUI saying "*Error:
*Unable to retrieve volume limit information.".
Any help is appreciated can't figure out what I have missing wrong in my
keystone in cinder, everything looks correct.
Devin Acosta, RHCE|LFCE
Linux Certified Engineer
8 years, 10 months