[Rdo-list] [ci] delorean ci is down
by Wesley Hayutin
The jenkins slave used in delorean package CI is experiencing some issues
The CI will be shutdown while these issues are resolved.
Thank you
9 years, 4 months
[Rdo-list] More transparency in RDO infra/process
by Rich Bowen
I wanted to share a portion of a conversation with folks here, and ask
for some help.
To summarize, it's confusing to people who are not part of the process
(and often for people who are) where all of the pieces of the RDO
process live, what they do, how they talk to one another, and so on.
Because of how RDO has evolved, and interacted with other parties
(Fedora, CentOS, upstream OpenStack, Trystack, and now the rpm-packaging
upstream project, and probably other things I'm forgetting) it can feel,
sometimes, that there's some magic involved.
I'd like to bring more clarity to this with some docs, some diagrams,
and whatever else we need to do, both to bring more transparency to the
process, and to help people who are trying to get involved, find their
way. I could definitely use your help in making that happen.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
On 09/18/2015 05:49 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
>>>> * One of the criticisms against RDO at the moment is the lack of real
>>>> transparency and confusion as to the infrastructure and systems that
>>>> power it.
> I'm curious where you're seeing this criticism, as I haven't seen it at
> all. I'll take this as an action item to thoroughly document the
> infrastructure and systems that power RDO, but I was completely unaware
> that this was a concern.
It's been mentioned to me by operators that I've spoken to at Meetups
and the like. It's more of a casual observation from users who are more
interested in contributing and being a part of RDO.
If you look at Fedora as an example, all the infrastructure is exposed,
they have things like bohdi and koji that allow you to directly see and
"touch" the entire process used to ship Fedora. You can very easily
follow the process code goes through the whole system to get out the
door (and the documentation of how it all works is very good).
While all the pieces of RDO are open (I think), there is no unified
documentation that shows you a birds eye view of how it all works. We
have tools like delorean and rdopkg which aim to make things easier for
people (and they do), and you often follow the documentation to do what
you need to do, without understanding why. How does code upstream get
into RDO? Following the packging docs it looks like it touches github,
fedora, delorean, and other pieces.
Things like Delorean and the CI parts often have no links off the main
rdo website (or if they do, they are buried in a page somewhere). We
have pieces running on OS1, we have pieces running on Trystack, we have
pieces living inside fedorapeople (?), we have pieces in Centos/CBS, I'm
still not entirely sure where the main site itself is running so if
anyone wants to actually try and understand the infrastructure (and in
particular, what infrastructure impacts RDO) it's a mystery.
Even something as simple as this
To have links to all the parts of the RDO that exist currently, would be
a massive help.
Note Rich this is not a slight against yourself and the fantastic work
you have done for RDO, I think this is more because the RDO project has
had to grow, change and adapt so quickly, everything is moving at
breakneck speed so it's hard for people not involved to keep up.
9 years, 4 months
[Rdo-list] RDO Manager undercloud install failure
by Ignacio Bravo
Today I installed RDO-Manager following the upstream documentation and got an error when executing ‘openstack undercloud install’
I presented the issue in IRC and John Trowbridge was very helpful trying to determine the root cause, and after a couple of different attempts, the error remained.
I’ll try to summarize the changes that we made:
This was the error message:
[2015-09-30 17:07:36,445] (os-refresh-config) [INFO] Starting phase configure
dib-run-parts Wed Sep 30 17:07:36 EDT 2015 Running /usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d/00-apply-selinux-policy
+ set -o pipefail
+ '[' -x /usr/sbin/semanage ']'
+ semodule -i /opt/stack/selinux-policy/ipxe.pp
dib-run-parts Wed Sep 30 17:07:53 EDT 2015 00-apply-selinux-policy completed
dib-run-parts Wed Sep 30 17:07:53 EDT 2015 Running /usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d/20-compile-and-install-selinux-policies
+ set -o pipefail
++ mktemp -d
+ TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.GvcpM84Lsi
+ '[' -x /usr/sbin/semanage ']'
+ cd /tmp/tmp.GvcpM84Lsi
++ ls '/opt/stack/selinux-policy/*.te'
ls: cannot access /opt/stack/selinux-policy/*.te: No such file or directory
+ semodule -i '/tmp/tmp.GvcpM84Lsi/*.pp'
semodule: Failed on /tmp/tmp.GvcpM84Lsi/*.pp!
[2015-09-30 17:07:53,136] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] during configure phase. [Command '['dib-run-parts', '/usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d']' returned non-zero exit status 1]
[2015-09-30 17:07:53,136] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] Aborting...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py", line 562, in install
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py", line 494, in _run_orc
_run_live_command(args, instack_env, 'os-refresh-config')
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py", line 325, in _run_live_command
raise RuntimeError('%s failed. See log for details.' % name)
RuntimeError: os-refresh-config failed. See log for details.
Command 'instack-install-undercloud' returned non-zero exit status 1
Going a bit deeper, the error appears when executing https://github.com/rdo-management/tripleo-image-elements/blob/mgt-master/... <https://github.com/rdo-management/tripleo-image-elements/blob/mgt-master/...>
John recommended to explicitly force the use of the the centos.json via ‘export JSONFILE=/usr/share/insack-undercloud/json-files/centos-7-undercloud-packages.json’ but that did not solve the issue.
Then we tried adding “20-comiple-and-install-selinux-policies” under the blacklist section of the file, and after running the installation again, it once more failed at the same step on the installation.
Does anyone has any more ideas?
Ignacio Bravo
LTG Federal, Inc
www.ltgfederal.com <http://www.ltgfederal.com/>
Office: (703) 951-7760
9 years, 5 months
[Rdo-list] [meeting] RDO packaging meeting (2015-09-30)
by Javier Pena
#rdo: RDO Packaging Meeting (2015-09-30)
Meeting started by jpena at 15:01:50 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (jpena, 15:02:04)
* stable/liberty Delorean (jpena, 15:07:38)
* LINK: https://trello.com/c/VPTFAP4o/72-delorean-stable-liberty
(jpena, 15:08:02)
* LINK: https://review.gerrithub.io/248584 (jpena, 15:09:14)
* ACTION: dmsimard to ensure khaleesi/jenkins runs off centos7-libert
(dmsimard, 15:19:01)
* ACTION: apevec/jpena switch centos7-liberty keeping Trunk
current-passed-ci (apevec, 15:19:19)
* ACTION: derekh to review https://review.gerrithub.io/248726
(apevec, 15:19:58)
* ACTION: dmsimard to create the mitaka jenkins CI (dmsimard,
* RC1 in Rawhide/CBS cloud7-liberty TODAY Sep 30 (jpena, 15:27:58)
* LINK: https://trello.com/c/GPqDlVLs/63-liberty-rc1-rpms (jpena,
(eggmaster, 15:32:46)
(elmiko, 15:42:17)
* ACTION: trown send PR to take over maintenance of Ironic (trown,
* ACTION: apevec to ping missing mainters for RC1 rebases (apevec,
* Package needs version bump (jpena, 15:53:35)
* New Package python-reno (jpena, 16:04:25)
* chair rotation for next meeting (jpena, 16:07:46)
* ACTION: trown to chair next meeting (jpena, 16:08:10)
* open floor (jpena, 16:08:27)
* ACTION: elmiko follow up with xaeth (Greg Swift) about the scm req
for openstack-barbican (apevec, 16:16:06)
Meeting ended at 16:16:39 UTC.
Action Items
* dmsimard to ensure khaleesi/jenkins runs off centos7-libert
* apevec/jpena switch centos7-liberty keeping Trunk current-passed-ci
* derekh to review https://review.gerrithub.io/248726
* dmsimard to create the mitaka jenkins CI
* trown send PR to take over maintenance of Ironic
* apevec to ping missing mainters for RC1 rebases
* trown to chair next meeting
* elmiko follow up with xaeth (Greg Swift) about the scm req for
Action Items, by person
* apevec
* apevec/jpena switch centos7-liberty keeping Trunk current-passed-ci
* apevec to ping missing mainters for RC1 rebases
* derekh
* derekh to review https://review.gerrithub.io/248726
* dmsimard
* dmsimard to ensure khaleesi/jenkins runs off centos7-libert
* dmsimard to create the mitaka jenkins CI
* elmiko
* elmiko follow up with xaeth (Greg Swift) about the scm req for
* jpena
* apevec/jpena switch centos7-liberty keeping Trunk current-passed-ci
* trown
* trown send PR to take over maintenance of Ironic
* trown to chair next meeting
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* apevec (148)
* number80 (45)
* jpena (36)
* trown (24)
* dmsimard (23)
* elmiko (18)
* jruzicka (16)
* ihrachys (14)
* zodbot (6)
* vkmc (4)
* EmilienM (3)
* derekh (3)
* eggmaster (2)
* egafford (2)
* social (2)
* mburned (1)
* zaneb (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
9 years, 5 months
[Rdo-list] OpenStack meetups, week of September 21
by Rich Bowen
The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the coming week where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
* Mon Sep 21 in Durham, NC, US: Joint Meetup: Triangle OpenStack &
Triangle Bluemix -
* Mon Sep 21 in Guadalajara, MX: OpenStack Development Process - Monty
Taylor - http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-GDL/events/224087006/
* Mon Sep 21 in San Jose, CA, US: Come learn about OpenStack Operations
from Platform9 -
* Tue Sep 22 in Beijing, CN: 化繁为简 点铁成金:海云捷迅OpenStack企业私
有云实战公开课召开在即,约吗? -
* Tue Sep 22 in Washington, DC, US: Bi-modal IT & OpenStack (#26) -
* Wed Sep 23 in Helsinki, FI: OpenStackFin and DevOps User Groups'
meetup -
* Wed Sep 23 in Budapest, HU: OpenStack 2015 September -
* Wed Sep 23 in Orlando, FL, US: OpenStack Central Florida is a go! -
* Thu Sep 24 in Herriman, UT, US: How Adobe Built an OpenStack Cloud -
* Thu Sep 24 in Prague, CZ: OpenStack Howto part 6 - Storage/Telemetry -
* Thu Sep 24 in Köln, DE: OpenStack mit Kubernetes, Ceph & Docker Apps -
* Thu Sep 24 in Littleton, CO, US: Discuss and Learn about OpenStack -
* Thu Sep 24 in Chesterfield, MO, US: OpenStack DNS as as Service -
Designate - http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-STL/events/225111289/
* Thu Sep 24 in Athens, GR: Deploying OpenStack with Ansible -
* Thu Sep 24 in Pasadena, CA, US: Elastic L4-L7 Services for OpenStack.
The September OpenStack L.A. Meetup -
* Thu Sep 24 in Prague, CZ: WeAreCloud 2015 -
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years, 5 months
[Rdo-list] Bug statistics for 2015-09-30
by Chandan kumar
# RDO Bugs on 2015-09-30
This email summarizes the active RDO bugs listed in the Red Hat Bugzilla
database at <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/>.
To report a new bug against RDO, go to:
## Summary
- Open (NEW, ASSIGNED, ON_DEV): 276
- Fixed (MODIFIED, POST, ON_QA): 176
## Number of open bugs by component
diskimage-builder [ 4] +++
distribution [ 13] ++++++++++
dnsmasq [ 1]
instack [ 4] +++
instack-undercloud [ 26] ++++++++++++++++++++
iproute [ 1]
openstack-ceilometer [ 11] ++++++++
openstack-cinder [ 13] ++++++++++
openstack-foreman-inst... [ 3] ++
openstack-glance [ 2] +
openstack-heat [ 3] ++
openstack-horizon [ 1]
openstack-ironic [ 1]
openstack-ironic-disco... [ 2] +
openstack-keystone [ 7] +++++
openstack-neutron [ 6] ++++
openstack-nova [ 17] +++++++++++++
openstack-packstack [ 50] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
openstack-puppet-modules [ 11] ++++++++
openstack-selinux [ 12] +++++++++
openstack-swift [ 2] +
openstack-tripleo [ 24] +++++++++++++++++++
openstack-tripleo-heat... [ 5] ++++
openstack-tripleo-imag... [ 2] +
openstack-trove [ 1]
openstack-tuskar [ 3] ++
openstack-utils [ 3] ++
openvswitch [ 1]
Package Review [ 1]
python-glanceclient [ 2] +
python-keystonemiddleware [ 1]
python-neutronclient [ 2] +
python-novaclient [ 1]
python-openstackclient [ 5] ++++
python-oslo-config [ 1]
rdo-manager [ 23] ++++++++++++++++++
rdo-manager-cli [ 6] ++++
rdopkg [ 1]
RFEs [ 3] ++
tempest [ 1]
## Open bugs
This is a list of "open" bugs by component. An "open" bug is in state
NEW, ASSIGNED, ON_DEV and has not yet been fixed.
(276 bugs)
### diskimage-builder (4 bugs)
[1210465 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1210465 (NEW)
Component: diskimage-builder
Last change: 2015-04-09
Summary: instack-build-images fails when building CentOS7 due to
EPEL version change
[1235685 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1235685 (NEW)
Component: diskimage-builder
Last change: 2015-07-01
Summary: DIB fails on not finding sos
[1233210 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1233210 (NEW)
Component: diskimage-builder
Last change: 2015-06-18
Summary: Image building fails silently
[1265598 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265598 (NEW)
Component: diskimage-builder
Last change: 2015-09-23
Summary: rdo-manager liberty dib fails on python-pecan version
### distribution (13 bugs)
[1176509 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1176509 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [TripleO] text of uninitialized deployment needs
[1219890 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219890 (ASSIGNED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-09
Summary: Unable to launch an instance
[1116011 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1116011 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RDO: Packages needed to support AMQP1.0
[1243533 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1243533 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-09-24
Summary: (RDO) Tracker: Review requests for new RDO Liberty
[1266923 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266923 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-09-28
Summary: RDO's hdf5 rpm/yum dependencies conflicts
[1063474 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1063474 (ASSIGNED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: python-backports: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/babel/__init__.py:33: UserWarning: Module
backports was already imported from
packages/backports/__init__.pyc, but /usr/lib/python2.6
/site-packages is being added to sys.path
[1176506 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1176506 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [TripleO] Provisioning Images filter doesn't work
[1218555 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218555 (ASSIGNED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: rdo-release needs to enable RHEL optional extras and
rh-common repositories
[1206867 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1206867 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Tracking bug for bugs that Lars is interested in
[1263696 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1263696 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-09-16
Summary: Memcached not built with SASL support
[1261821 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1261821 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-09-14
Summary: [RFE] Packages upgrade path checks in Delorean CI
[1264072 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1264072 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-09-29
Summary: app-catalog-ui new package
[1178131 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1178131 (NEW)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: SSL supports only broken crypto
### dnsmasq (1 bug)
[1164770 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1164770 (NEW)
Component: dnsmasq
Last change: 2015-06-22
Summary: On a 3 node setup (controller, network and compute),
instance is not getting dhcp ip (while using flat
### instack (4 bugs)
[1224459 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1224459 (NEW)
Component: instack
Last change: 2015-06-18
Summary: AttributeError: 'User' object has no attribute '_meta'
[1192622 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1192622 (NEW)
Component: instack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RDO Instack FAQ has serious doc bug
[1201372 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1201372 (NEW)
Component: instack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: instack-update-overcloud fails because it tries to
access non-existing files
[1225590 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1225590 (NEW)
Component: instack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: When supplying Satellite registration fails do to Curl
SSL error but i see now curl code
### instack-undercloud (26 bugs)
[1266451 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266451 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: instack-undercloud fails to setup seed vm, parse error
while creating ssh key
[1220509 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1220509 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-15
Summary: wget is missing from qcow2 image fails instack-build-
images script
[1229720 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229720 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-09
Summary: overcloud deploy fails due to timeout
[1216243 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216243 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-18
Summary: Undercloud install leaves services enabled but not
[1265334 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265334 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-09-23
Summary: rdo-manager liberty instack undercloud puppet apply
fails w/ missing package dep pyinotify
[1211800 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211800 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-19
Summary: Sphinx docs for instack-undercloud have an incorrect
network topology
[1230870 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230870 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-29
Summary: instack-undercloud: The documention is missing the
instructions for installing the epel repos prior to
running "sudo yum install -y python-rdomanager-
[1200081 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1200081 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-07-14
Summary: Installing instack undercloud on Fedora20 VM fails
[1215178 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1215178 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RDO-instack-undercloud: instack-install-undercloud
exists with error "ImportError: No module named six."
[1210685 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1210685 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Could not retrieve facts for localhost.localhost: no
address for localhost.localhost (corrupted
[1234652 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234652 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-25
Summary: Instack has hard coded values for specific config
[1214545 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1214545 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: undercloud nova.conf needs reserved_host_memory_mb=0
[1221812 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221812 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: instack-undercloud install fails w/ rdo-kilo on
rhel-7.1 due to rpm gpg key import
[1232083 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232083 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-16
Summary: instack-ironic-deployment --register-nodes swallows
error output
[1175687 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1175687 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: instack is not configued properly to log all
Horizon/Tuskar messages in the undercloud deployment
[1225688 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1225688 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: instack-undercloud: running instack-build-imsages
exists with "Not enough RAM to use tmpfs for build.
(4048492 < 4G)"
[1266101 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266101 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-09-29
Summary: instack-virt-setup fails on CentOS7
[1199637 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1199637 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-08-27
Summary: [RDO][Instack-undercloud]: harmless ERROR: installing
'template' displays when building the images .
[1176569 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1176569 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: 404 not found when instack-virt-setup tries to download
the rhel-6.5 guest image
[1232029 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232029 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-22
Summary: instack-undercloud: "openstack undercloud install"
fails with "RuntimeError: ('%s failed. See log for
details.', 'os-refresh-config')"
[1230937 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230937 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-11
Summary: instack-undercloud: multiple "openstack No user with a
name or ID of" errors during overcloud deployment.
[1216982 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216982 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-15
Summary: instack-build-images does not stop on certain errors
[1223977 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223977 (ASSIGNED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-08-27
Summary: instack-undercloud: Running "openstack undercloud
install" exits with error due to a missing python-
flask-babel package: "Error: Package: openstack-
tuskar-2013.2-dev1.el7.centos.noarch (delorean-rdo-
management) Requires: python-flask-babel"
[1134073 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1134073 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Nova default quotas insufficient to deploy baremetal
[1187966 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187966 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: missing dependency on which
[1221818 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221818 (NEW)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: rdo-manager documentation required for RHEL7 + rdo kilo
(only) setup and install
### iproute (1 bug)
[1173435 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1173435 (NEW)
Component: iproute
Last change: 2015-08-20
Summary: deleting netns ends in Device or resource busy and
blocks further namespace usage
### openstack-ceilometer (11 bugs)
[1265708 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265708 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: Ceilometer requires pymongo>=3.0.2
[1214928 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1214928 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-04-23
Summary: package ceilometermiddleware missing
[1219372 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219372 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-05-07
Summary: Info about 'severity' field changes is not displayed
via alarm-history call
[1265721 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265721 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: FIle /etc/ceilometer/meters.yaml missing
[1263839 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1263839 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: openstack-ceilometer should requires python-oslo-policy
in kilo
[1265746 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265746 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-09-23
Summary: Options 'disable_non_metric_meters' and
'meter_definitions_cfg_file' are missing from
[1194230 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1194230 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-02-26
Summary: The /etc/sudoers.d/ceilometer have incorrect
[1265818 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265818 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-09-28
Summary: ceilometer polling agent does not start
[1231326 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1231326 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-06-12
Summary: kafka publisher requires kafka-python library
[1265741 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265741 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: python-redis is not installed with packstack allinone
[1219376 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219376 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2015-05-07
Summary: Wrong alarms order on 'severity' field
### openstack-cinder (13 bugs)
[1157939 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1157939 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-04-27
Summary: Default binary for iscsi_helper (lioadm) does not exist
in the repos
[1167156 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1167156 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2014-11-24
Summary: cinder-api[14407]: segfault at 7fc84636f7e0 ip
00007fc84636f7e0 sp 00007fff3110a468 error 15 in
[1178648 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1178648 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-01-05
Summary: vmware: "Not authenticated error occurred " on delete
[1049380 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049380 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-03-23
Summary: openstack-cinder: cinder fails to copy an image a
volume with GlusterFS backend
[1028688 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1028688 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-03-20
Summary: should use new names in cinder-dist.conf
[1049535 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049535 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-04-14
Summary: [RFE] permit cinder to create a volume when root_squash
is set to on for gluster storage
[1206864 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1206864 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-03-31
Summary: cannot attach local cinder volume
[1121256 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1121256 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-07-23
Summary: Configuration file in share forces ignore of auth_uri
[1229551 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229551 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-06-14
Summary: Nova resize fails with iSCSI logon failure when booting
from volume
[1049511 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049511 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-03-30
Summary: EMC: fails to boot instances from volumes with
"TypeError: Unsupported parameter type"
[1231311 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1231311 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-06-12
Summary: Cinder missing dep: fasteners against liberty packstack
[1167945 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1167945 (NEW)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2014-11-25
Summary: Random characters in instacne name break volume
[1212899 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212899 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-04-17
Summary: [packaging] missing dependencies for openstack-cinder
### openstack-foreman-installer (3 bugs)
[1082728 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1082728 (NEW)
Component: openstack-foreman-installer
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE] allow for Keystone/LDAP configuration at
deployment time
[1203292 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1203292 (NEW)
Component: openstack-foreman-installer
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE] Openstack Installer should install and configure
SPICE to work with Nova and Horizon
[1205782 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1205782 (NEW)
Component: openstack-foreman-installer
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: support the ldap user_enabled_invert parameter
### openstack-glance (2 bugs)
[1208798 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1208798 (NEW)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2015-04-20
Summary: Split glance-api and glance-registry
[1213545 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1213545 (NEW)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2015-04-21
Summary: [packaging] missing dependencies for openstack-glance-
common: python-glance
### openstack-heat (3 bugs)
[1216917 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216917 (NEW)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2015-07-08
Summary: Clearing non-existing hooks yields no error message
[1228324 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1228324 (NEW)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2015-07-20
Summary: When deleting the stack, a bare metal node goes to
ERROR state and is not deleted
[1235472 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1235472 (NEW)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2015-08-19
Summary: SoftwareDeployment resource attributes are null
### openstack-horizon (1 bug)
[1248634 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1248634 (NEW)
Component: openstack-horizon
Last change: 2015-09-02
Summary: Horizon Create volume from Image not mountable
### openstack-ironic (1 bug)
[1221472 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221472 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ironic
Last change: 2015-05-14
Summary: Error message is not clear: Node can not be updated
while a state transition is in progress. (HTTP 409)
### openstack-ironic-discoverd (2 bugs)
[1209110 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1209110 (NEW)
Component: openstack-ironic-discoverd
Last change: 2015-04-09
Summary: Introspection times out after more than an hour
[1211069 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211069 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-ironic-discoverd
Last change: 2015-08-10
Summary: [RFE] [RDO-Manager] [discoverd] Add possibility to kill
node discovery
### openstack-keystone (7 bugs)
[1208934 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1208934 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-04-05
Summary: Need to include SSO callback form in the openstack-
keystone RPM
[1220489 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1220489 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: wrong log directories in /usr/share/keystone/wsgi-
[1008865 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1008865 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-08-25
Summary: keystone-all process reaches 100% CPU consumption
[1212126 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212126 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-06-01
Summary: keystone: add token flush cronjob script to keystone
[1218644 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218644 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: CVE-2015-3646 openstack-keystone: cache backend
password leak in log (OSSA 2015-008) [openstack-rdo]
[1217663 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1217663 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Overridden default for Token Provider points to non-
existent class
[1167528 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1167528 (NEW)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-07-23
Summary: assignment table migration fails for keystone-manage
db_sync if duplicate entry exists
### openstack-neutron (6 bugs)
[1180201 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1180201 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2015-01-08
Summary: neutron-netns-cleanup.service needs RemainAfterExit=yes
and PrivateTmp=false
[1254275 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1254275 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2015-08-17
Summary: neutron-dhcp-agent.service is not enabled after
packstack deploy
[1164230 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1164230 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-12-16
Summary: In openstack-neutron-sriov-nic-agent package is missing
the /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_sriov.ini config
[1259351 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1259351 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2015-09-02
Summary: Neutron API behind SSL terminating haproxy returns http
version URL's instead of https
[1226006 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1226006 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2015-05-28
Summary: Option "username" from group "keystone_authtoken" is
deprecated. Use option "username" from group
[1147152 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1147152 (NEW)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-09-27
Summary: Use neutron-sanity-check in CI checks
### openstack-nova (17 bugs)
[1228836 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1228836 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-14
Summary: Is there a way to configure IO throttling for RBD
devices via configuration file
[1180129 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1180129 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-01-08
Summary: Installation of openstack-nova-compute fails on
[1157690 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1157690 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: v4-fixed-ip= not working with juno nova networking
[1200701 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1200701 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-05-06
Summary: openstack-nova-novncproxy.service in failed state -
need upgraded websockify version
[1229301 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229301 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-08
Summary: used_now is really used_max, and used_max is really
used_now in "nova host-describe"
[1234837 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234837 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-23
Summary: Kilo assigning ipv6 address, even though its disabled.
[1161915 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1161915 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-04-10
Summary: horizon console uses http when horizon is set to use
[1213547 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1213547 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-05-22
Summary: launching 20 VMs at once via a heat resource group
causes nova to not record some IPs correctly
[1154152 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1154152 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [nova] hw:numa_nodes=0 causes divide by zero
[1161920 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1161920 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: novnc init script doesnt write to log
[1123298 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1123298 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-09-11
Summary: logrotate should copytruncate to avoid oepnstack
logging to deleted files
[1154201 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1154201 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [nova][PCI-Passthrough] TypeError: pop() takes at most
1 argument (2 given)
[1190815 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1190815 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-02-09
Summary: Nova - db connection string present on compute nodes
[1149682 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1149682 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: nova object store allow get object after date exires
[1148526 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1148526 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: nova: fail to edit project quota with DataError from
[1086247 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1086247 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Ensure translations are installed correctly and picked
up at runtime
[1189931 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1189931 (NEW)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-02-05
Summary: Nova AVC messages
### openstack-packstack (50 bugs)
[1225312 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1225312 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack Installation error - Invalid parameter
create_mysql_resource on Class[Galera::Server]
[1203444 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1203444 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: "private" network created by packstack is not owned by
any tenant
[1171811 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1171811 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: misleading exit message on fail
[1207248 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1207248 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: auto enablement of the extras channel
[1148468 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1148468 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: proposal to use the Red Hat tempest rpm to configure a
demo environment and configure tempest
[1176833 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1176833 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack --allinone fails when starting neutron
[1169742 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1169742 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-25
Summary: Error: service-update is not currently supported by the
keystone sql driver
[1176433 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1176433 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack fails to configure horizon - juno/rhel7 (vm)
[982035 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/982035 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-24
Summary: [RFE] Include Fedora cloud images in some nice way
[1061753 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1061753 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE] Create an option in packstack to increase
verbosity level of libvirt
[1160885 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1160885 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: rabbitmq wont start if ssl is required
[1202958 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1202958 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-14
Summary: Packstack generates invalid /etc/sysconfig/network-
[1097291 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1097291 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE] SPICE support in packstack
[1244407 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1244407 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-18
Summary: Deploying ironic kilo with packstack fails
[1012382 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1012382 (ON_DEV)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-09
Summary: swift: Admin user does not have permissions to see
containers created by glance service
[1100142 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1100142 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack missing ML2 Mellanox Mechanism Driver
[953586 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/953586 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE] Openstack Installer: packstack should install and
configure SPICE to work with Nova and Horizon
[1206742 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1206742 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Installed epel-release prior to running packstack,
packstack disables it on invocation
[1257352 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1257352 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-22
Summary: nss.load missing from packstack, httpd unable to
[1232455 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232455 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-24
Summary: Errors install kilo on fedora21
[1187572 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187572 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RFE: allow to set certfile for
[1239286 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1239286 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-05
Summary: ERROR: cliff.app 'super' object has no attribute
[1259354 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1259354 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-02
Summary: When pre-creating a vg of cinder-volumes packstack
fails with an error
[1226393 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1226393 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: CONFIG_PROVISION_DEMO=n causes packstack to fail
[1187609 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187609 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: CONFIG_AMQP_ENABLE_SSL=y does not really set ssl on
[1232496 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232496 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-16
Summary: Error during puppet run causes install to fail, says
rabbitmq.com cannot be reached when it can
[1208812 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1208812 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: add DiskFilter to scheduler_default_filters
[1247816 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1247816 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-29
Summary: rdo liberty trunk; nova compute fails to start
[1266028 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266028 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: Packstack should use pymysql database driver since
[1167121 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1167121 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: centos7 fails to install glance
[1107908 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1107908 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Offset Swift ports to 6200
[1266196 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266196 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: Packstack Fails on prescript.pp with "undefined method
'unsafe_load_file' for Psych:Module"
[1155722 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1155722 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [delorean] ArgumentError: Invalid resource type
database_user at /var/tmp/packstack/<snip>/manifests/17 on node
[1213149 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1213149 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-08
Summary: openstack-keystone service is in " failed " status when
[1176797 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1176797 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack --allinone on CentOS 7 VM fails at cinder
puppet manifest
[1235948 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1235948 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-18
Summary: Error occurred at during setup Ironic via packstack.
Invalid parameter rabbit_user
[1209206 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1209206 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack --allinone fails - CentOS7 ; fresh install :
Error: /Stage[main]/Apache::Service/Service[httpd]
[1254447 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1254447 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-08-18
Summary: Packstack --allinone fails while starting HTTPD
[1207371 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1207371 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack --allinone fails during _keystone.pp
[1235139 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1235139 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-01
Summary: [F22-Packstack-Kilo] Error: Could not find dependency
Package[openstack-swift] for File[/srv/node] at /var/tm
[1158015 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1158015 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-04-14
Summary: Post installation, Cinder fails with an error: Volume
group "cinder-volumes" not found
[1206358 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1206358 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: provision_glance does not honour proxy setting when
getting image
[1185627 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1185627 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: glance provision disregards keystone region setting
[1214922 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1214922 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Cannot use ipv6 address for cinder nfs backend.
[1249169 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1249169 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-08-05
Summary: FWaaS does not work because DB was not synced
[1265816 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265816 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-24
Summary: Manila Puppet Module Expects Glance Endpoint to Be
Available for Upload of Service Image
[1023533 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1023533 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: API services has all admin permission instead of
[1207098 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1207098 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-08-04
Summary: [RDO] packstack installation failed with "Error:
/Stage[main]/Apache::Service/Service[httpd]: Failed to
call refresh: Could not start Service[httpd]: Execution
of '/sbin/service httpd start' returned 1: Redirecting
to /bin/systemctl start httpd.service"
[1264843 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1264843 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list
iptables-ipv6' returned 1: Error: No matching Packages
to list
[1203131 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1203131 (NEW)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Using packstack deploy openstack,when
eno50:eno50,encounters an error“ERROR : Error appeared
during Puppet run: ”.
### openstack-puppet-modules (11 bugs)
[1236775 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1236775 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-30
Summary: rdo kilo mongo fails to start
[1150678 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1150678 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Permissions issue prevents CSS from rendering
[1192539 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1192539 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Add puppet-tripleo and puppet-gnocchi to opm
[1157500 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1157500 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: ERROR: Network commands are not supported when using
the Neutron API.
[1222326 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1222326 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: trove conf files require update when neutron disabled
[1259411 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1259411 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-09-03
Summary: Backport: nova-network needs authentication
[1150902 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1150902 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: selinux prevents httpd to write to
[1240736 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1240736 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-07-07
Summary: trove guestagent config mods for integration testing
[1155663 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1155663 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Increase the rpc_thread_pool_size
[1107907 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1107907 (NEW)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Offset Swift ports to 6200
[1174454 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1174454 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Add puppet-openstack_extras to opm
### openstack-selinux (12 bugs)
[1261465 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1261465 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-09-09
Summary: OpenStack Keystone is not functional
[1158394 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1158394 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-11-23
Summary: keystone-all proccess raised avc denied
[1202944 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1202944 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-08-12
Summary: "glance image-list" fails on F21, causing packstack
install to fail
[1219406 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219406 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-07-23
Summary: Glance over nfs fails due to selinux
[1174795 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1174795 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-02-24
Summary: keystone fails to start: raise exception.ConfigFileNotF
[1252675 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1252675 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-08-12
Summary: neutron-server cannot connect to port 5000 due to
[1189929 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1189929 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-02-06
Summary: Glance AVC messages
[1170238 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1170238 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-12-18
Summary: Keepalived fail to start for HA router because of
SELinux issues
[1255559 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1255559 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-08-21
Summary: nova api can't be started in WSGI under httpd, blocked
by selinux
[1206740 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1206740 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-04-09
Summary: On CentOS7.1 packstack --allinone fails to start Apache
because of binding error on port 5000
[1203910 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1203910 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-03-19
Summary: Keystone requires keystone_t self:process signal;
[1202941 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1202941 (NEW)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-03-18
Summary: Glance fails to start on CentOS 7 because of selinux
### openstack-swift (2 bugs)
[1169215 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1169215 (NEW)
Component: openstack-swift
Last change: 2014-12-12
Summary: swift-init does not interoperate with systemd swift
service files
[1179931 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1179931 (NEW)
Component: openstack-swift
Last change: 2015-01-07
Summary: Variable of init script gets overwritten preventing the
startup of swift services when using multiple server
### openstack-tripleo (24 bugs)
[1221731 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221731 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Overcloud missing ceilometer keystone user and
[1225390 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1225390 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-29
Summary: The role names from "openstack management role list"
don't match those for "openstack overcloud scale
[1056109 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056109 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Making the overcloud deployment fully
[1218340 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218340 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RFE: add "scheduler_default_weighers = CapacityWeigher"
explicitly to cinder.conf
[1205645 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1205645 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Dependency issue: python-oslo-versionedobjects is
required by heat and not in the delorean repos
[1225022 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1225022 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: When adding nodes to the cloud the update hangs and
takes forever
[1056106 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056106 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE][ironic]: Integration of Ironic in to TripleO
[1223667 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223667 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: When using 'tripleo wait_for' with the command 'nova
hypervisor-stats' it hangs forever
[1224604 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1224604 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Lots of dracut-related error messages during instack-
[1229174 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229174 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-08
Summary: Nova computes can't resolve each other because the
hostnames in /etc/hosts don't include the ".novalocal"
[1223443 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223443 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: You can still check introspection status for ironic
nodes that have been deleted
[1187352 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187352 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: /usr/bin/instack-prepare-for-overcloud glance using
incorrect parameter
[1223672 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223672 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Node registration fails silently if instackenv.json is
badly formatted
[1221610 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221610 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RDO-manager beta fails to install: Deployment exited
with non-zero status code: 6
[1223471 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223471 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-22
Summary: Discovery errors out even when it is successful
[1223424 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223424 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: instack-deploy-overcloud should not rely on
instackenv.json, but should use ironic instead
[1056110 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056110 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Scaling work to do during icehouse
[1226653 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1226653 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: The usage message for "heat resource-show" is confusing
and incorrect
[1218168 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218168 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: ceph.service should only be running on the ceph nodes,
not on the controller and compute nodes
[1211560 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211560 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: instack-deploy-overcloud times out after ~3 minutes, no
plan or stack is created
[1226867 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1226867 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Timeout in API
[1056112 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056112 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Deploying different architecture
topologies with Tuskar
[1174776 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1174776 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: User can not login into the overcloud horizon using the
proper credentials
[1056114 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1056114 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE][tripleo]: Implement a complete overcloud
installation story in the UI
### openstack-tripleo-heat-templates (5 bugs)
[1232015 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232015 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2015-06-16
Summary: instack-undercloud: one controller deployment: running
"pcs status" - Error: cluster is not currently running
on this node
[1236760 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1236760 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2015-06-29
Summary: Drop 'without-mergepy' from main overcloud template
[1204479 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1204479 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: The ExtraConfig and controllerExtraConfig parameters
are ignored in the controller-puppet template
[1266027 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266027 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2015-09-24
Summary: TripleO should use pymysql database driver since
[1230250 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230250 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2015-06-16
Summary: [Unified CLI] Deployment using Tuskar has failed -
Deployment exited with non-zero status code: 1
### openstack-tripleo-image-elements (2 bugs)
[1187354 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187354 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-image-elements
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: possible incorrect selinux check in 97-mysql-selinux
[1187965 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187965 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tripleo-image-elements
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: mariadb my.cnf socket path does not exist
### openstack-trove (1 bug)
[1219069 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219069 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-trove
Last change: 2015-08-27
Summary: trove-guestagent systemd unit file uses incorrect path
for guest_info
### openstack-tuskar (3 bugs)
[1210223 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1210223 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-tuskar
Last change: 2015-06-23
Summary: Updating the controller count to 3 fails
[1229493 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229493 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openstack-tuskar
Last change: 2015-07-27
Summary: Difficult to synchronise tuskar stored files with
[1229401 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229401 (NEW)
Component: openstack-tuskar
Last change: 2015-06-26
Summary: stack is stuck in DELETE_FAILED state
### openstack-utils (3 bugs)
[1211989 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211989 (NEW)
Component: openstack-utils
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: openstack-status shows 'disabled on boot' for the
mysqld service
[1161501 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1161501 (NEW)
Component: openstack-utils
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Can't enable OpenStack service after openstack-service
[1201340 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1201340 (NEW)
Component: openstack-utils
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: openstack-service tries to restart neutron-ovs-
### openvswitch (1 bug)
[1209003 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1209003 (ASSIGNED)
Component: openvswitch
Last change: 2015-08-18
Summary: ovs-vswitchd segfault on boot leaving server with no
network connectivity
### Package Review (1 bug)
[1243550 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1243550 (ASSIGNED)
Component: Package Review
Last change: 2015-09-22
Summary: Review Request: openstack-aodh - OpenStack Telemetry
### python-glanceclient (2 bugs)
[1244291 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1244291 (ASSIGNED)
Component: python-glanceclient
Last change: 2015-09-17
Summary: python-glanceclient-0.17.0-2.el7.noarch.rpm packaged
with buggy glanceclient/common/https.py
[1164349 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1164349 (ASSIGNED)
Component: python-glanceclient
Last change: 2014-11-17
Summary: rdo juno glance client needs python-requests >= 2.2.0
### python-keystonemiddleware (1 bug)
[1195977 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1195977 (NEW)
Component: python-keystonemiddleware
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Rebase python-keystonemiddleware to version 1.3
### python-neutronclient (2 bugs)
[1221063 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221063 (ASSIGNED)
Component: python-neutronclient
Last change: 2015-08-20
Summary: --router:external=True syntax is invalid - not backward
[1132541 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1132541 (ASSIGNED)
Component: python-neutronclient
Last change: 2015-03-30
Summary: neutron security-group-rule-list fails with URI too
### python-novaclient (1 bug)
[1123451 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1123451 (ASSIGNED)
Component: python-novaclient
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Missing versioned dependency on python-six
### python-openstackclient (5 bugs)
[1212439 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212439 (NEW)
Component: python-openstackclient
Last change: 2015-04-16
Summary: Usage is not described accurately for 99% of openstack
[1212091 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212091 (NEW)
Component: python-openstackclient
Last change: 2015-04-28
Summary: `openstack ip floating delete` fails if we specify IP
address as input
[1227543 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1227543 (NEW)
Component: python-openstackclient
Last change: 2015-06-13
Summary: openstack undercloud install fails due to a missing
make target for tripleo-selinux-keepalived.pp
[1187310 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1187310 (NEW)
Component: python-openstackclient
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Add --user to project list command to filter projects
by user
[1239144 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1239144 (NEW)
Component: python-openstackclient
Last change: 2015-07-10
Summary: appdirs requirement
### python-oslo-config (1 bug)
[1258014 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1258014 (NEW)
Component: python-oslo-config
Last change: 2015-08-28
Summary: oslo_config != oslo.config
### rdo-manager (23 bugs)
[1234467 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234467 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-22
Summary: cannot access instance vnc console on horizon after
overcloud deployment
[1218281 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218281 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-08-10
Summary: RFE: rdo-manager - update heat deployment-show to make
puppet output readable
[1264526 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1264526 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-09-18
Summary: Deployment of Undercloud
[1213647 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1213647 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-04-21
Summary: RFE: add deltarpm to all images built
[1221663 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221663 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-05-14
Summary: [RFE][RDO-manager]: Alert when deploying a physical
compute if the virtualization flag is disabled in
[1214343 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1214343 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-04-24
Summary: [RFE] Command to create flavors based on real hardware
and profiles
[1223993 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223993 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: overcloud failure with "openstack Authorization Failed:
Cannot authenticate without an auth_url"
[1216981 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1216981 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-08-28
Summary: No way to increase yum timeouts when building images
[1234475 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234475 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-22
Summary: Cannot login to Overcloud Horizon through Virtual IP
[1226969 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1226969 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-01
Summary: Tempest failed when running after overcloud deployment
[1229343 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229343 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-08
Summary: instack-virt-setup missing package dependency device-
[1212520 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212520 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-04-16
Summary: [RFE] [CI] Add ability to generate and store overcloud
images provided by latest-passed-ci
[1221986 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221986 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-03
Summary: openstack-nova-novncproxy fails to start
[1227035 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1227035 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-02
Summary: RDO-Manager Undercloud install fails while trying to
insert data into keystone
[1214349 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1214349 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-04-22
Summary: [RFE] Use Ironic API instead of discoverd one for
[1233410 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1233410 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-19
Summary: overcloud deployment fails w/ "Message: No valid host
was found. There are not enough hosts available., Code:
[1227042 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1227042 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-01
Summary: rfe: support Keystone HTTPD
[1223328 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1223328 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-09-18
Summary: Read bit set for others for Openstack services
directories in /etc
[1232813 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232813 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-17
Summary: PXE boot fails: Unrecognized option "--autofree"
[1234484 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234484 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-22
Summary: cannot view cinder volumes in overcloud controller
[1230582 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230582 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-11
Summary: there is a newer image that can be used to deploy
[1221718 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221718 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-05-14
Summary: rdo-manager: unable to delete the failed overcloud
[1226389 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1226389 (NEW)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-05-29
Summary: RDO-Manager Undercloud install failure
### rdo-manager-cli (6 bugs)
[1212467 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212467 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-07-03
Summary: [RFE] [RDO-Manager] [CLI] Add an ability to create an
overcloud image associated with kernel/ramdisk images
in one CLI step
[1230170 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230170 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-11
Summary: the ouptut of openstack management plan show --long
command is not readable
[1226855 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1226855 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-08-10
Summary: Role was added to a template with empty flavor value
[1228769 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1228769 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-07-13
Summary: Missing dependencies on sysbench and fio (RHEL)
[1212390 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212390 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-08-18
Summary: [RFE] [RDO-Manager] [CLI] Add ability to show matched
profiles via CLI command
[1212371 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212371 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-18
Summary: Validate node power credentials after enrolling
### rdopkg (1 bug)
[1100405 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1100405 (ASSIGNED)
Component: rdopkg
Last change: 2014-05-22
Summary: [RFE] Add option to force overwrite build files on
update download
### RFEs (3 bugs)
[1193886 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1193886 (NEW)
Component: RFEs
Last change: 2015-02-18
Summary: RFE: wait for DB after boot
[1158517 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1158517 (NEW)
Component: RFEs
Last change: 2015-08-27
Summary: [RFE] Provide easy to use upgrade tool
[1217505 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1217505 (NEW)
Component: RFEs
Last change: 2015-04-30
Summary: IPMI driver for Ironic should support RAID for
operating system/root parition
### tempest (1 bug)
[1250081 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1250081 (NEW)
Component: tempest
Last change: 2015-08-06
Summary: test_minimum_basic scenario failed to run on rdo-
## Fixed bugs
This is a list of "fixed" bugs by component. A "fixed" bug is fixed state
MODIFIED, POST, ON_QA and has been fixed. You can help
out by testing the fix to make sure it works as intended.
(176 bugs)
### diskimage-builder (1 bug)
[1228761 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1228761 (MODIFIED)
Component: diskimage-builder
Last change: 2015-09-23
Summary: DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF points to two files and that breaks
### distribution (6 bugs)
[1218398 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218398 (ON_QA)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: rdo kilo testing repository missing openstack-
[1265690 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265690 (ON_QA)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-09-28
Summary: Update python-networkx to 1.10
[1108188 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1108188 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: update el6 icehouse kombu packages for improved
[1218723 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218723 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Trove configuration files set different
control_exchange for taskmanager/conductor and api
[1151589 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1151589 (MODIFIED)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-03-18
Summary: trove does not install dependency python-pbr
[1134121 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1134121 (POST)
Component: distribution
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Tuskar Fails After Remove/Reinstall Of RDO
### instack-undercloud (2 bugs)
[1212862 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212862 (MODIFIED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: instack-install-undercloud fails with "ImportError: No
module named six"
[1232162 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232162 (MODIFIED)
Component: instack-undercloud
Last change: 2015-06-16
Summary: the overcloud dns server should not be enforced to when undefined
### openstack-ceilometer (1 bug)
[1038162 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1038162 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-ceilometer
Last change: 2014-02-04
Summary: openstack-ceilometer-common missing python-babel
### openstack-cinder (5 bugs)
[1234038 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234038 (POST)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-06-22
Summary: Packstack Error: cinder type-create iscsi returned 1
instead of one of [0]
[1081022 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1081022 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2014-05-07
Summary: Non-admin user can not attach cinder volume to their
instance (LIO)
[994370 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/994370 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2014-06-24
Summary: CVE-2013-4183 openstack-cinder: OpenStack: Cinder LVM
volume driver does not support secure deletion
[1084046 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1084046 (POST)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2014-09-26
Summary: cinder: can't delete a volume (raise
[1212900 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212900 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-cinder
Last change: 2015-05-05
Summary: [packaging] /etc/cinder/cinder.conf missing in
### openstack-glance (3 bugs)
[1008818 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1008818 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2015-01-07
Summary: glance api hangs with low (1) workers on multiple
parallel image creation requests
[1074724 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1074724 (POST)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2014-06-24
Summary: Glance api ssl issue
[1023614 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1023614 (POST)
Component: openstack-glance
Last change: 2014-04-25
Summary: No logging to files
### openstack-heat (3 bugs)
[1229477 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229477 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2015-06-17
Summary: missing dependency in Heat delorean build
[1213476 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1213476 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2015-06-10
Summary: [packaging] /etc/heat/heat.conf missing in openstack-
[1021989 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1021989 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-heat
Last change: 2015-02-01
Summary: heat sometimes keeps listenings stacks with status
### openstack-horizon (1 bug)
[1219221 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219221 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-horizon
Last change: 2015-05-08
Summary: region selector missing
### openstack-ironic-discoverd (1 bug)
[1204218 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1204218 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-ironic-discoverd
Last change: 2015-03-31
Summary: ironic-discoverd should allow dropping all ports except
for one detected on discovery
### openstack-keystone (1 bug)
[1123542 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1123542 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-keystone
Last change: 2015-03-19
Summary: file templated catalogs do not work in protocol v3
### openstack-neutron (13 bugs)
[1081203 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1081203 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-04-17
Summary: No DHCP agents are associated with network
[1058995 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1058995 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-04-08
Summary: neutron-plugin-nicira should be renamed to neutron-
[1050842 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1050842 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-06-11
Summary: neutron should not specify signing_dir in neutron-
[1157599 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1157599 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-11-25
Summary: fresh neutron install fails due unknown database column
[1109824 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1109824 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-09-27
Summary: Embrane plugin should be split from python-neutron
[1098601 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1098601 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-05-16
Summary: neutron-vpn-agent does not use the
[1049807 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049807 (POST)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-01-13
Summary: neutron-dhcp-agent fails to start with plenty of
SELinux AVC denials
[1061349 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1061349 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-02-04
Summary: neutron-dhcp-agent won't start due to a missing import
of module named stevedore
[1100136 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1100136 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-07-17
Summary: Missing configuration file for ML2 Mellanox Mechanism
Driver ml2_conf_mlnx.ini
[1088537 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1088537 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-06-11
Summary: rhel 6.5 icehouse stage.. neutron-db-manage trying to
import systemd
[1057822 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1057822 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-04-16
Summary: neutron-ml2 package requires python-pyudev
[1019487 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1019487 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2014-07-17
Summary: neutron-dhcp-agent fails to start without openstack-
neutron-openvswitch installed
[1209932 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1209932 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-neutron
Last change: 2015-04-10
Summary: Packstack installation failed with Neutron-server Could
not start Service
### openstack-nova (5 bugs)
[1045084 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1045084 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2014-06-03
Summary: Trying to boot an instance with a flavor that has
nonzero ephemeral disk will fail
[1189347 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1189347 (POST)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-05-04
Summary: openstack-nova-* systemd unit files need
[1217721 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1217721 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-05-05
Summary: [packaging] /etc/nova/nova.conf changes due to
deprecated options
[1211587 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211587 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-04-14
Summary: openstack-nova-compute fails to start because python-
psutil is missing after installing with packstack
[958411 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/958411 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-nova
Last change: 2015-01-07
Summary: Nova: 'nova instance-action-list' table is not sorted
by the order of action occurrence.
### openstack-packstack (59 bugs)
[1001470 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1001470 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: openstack-dashboard django dependency conflict stops
packstack execution
[1007497 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1007497 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Openstack Installer: packstack does not create tables
in Heat db.
[1006353 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1006353 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack w/ CONFIG_CEILOMETER_INSTALL=y has an error
[1234042 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234042 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-08-05
Summary: ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: Error: Use of reserved word:
type, must be quoted if intended to be a String value
at /var/tmp/packstack/811663aa10824d21b860729732c16c3a/
[976394 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/976394 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: [RFE] Put the keystonerc_admin file in the current
working directory for --all-in-one installs (or where
client machine is same as local)
[1116403 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1116403 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack prescript fails if NetworkManager is
disabled, but still installed
[1020048 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1020048 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack neutron plugin does not check if Nova is
[964005 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/964005 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: keystonerc_admin stored in /root requiring running
OpenStack software as root user
[1063980 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1063980 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Change packstack to use openstack-puppet-modules
[1153128 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1153128 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-29
Summary: Cannot start nova-network on juno - Centos7
[1003959 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1003959 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Make "Nothing to do" error from yum in Puppet installs
a little easier to decipher
[1205912 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1205912 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-27
Summary: allow to specify admin name and email
[1093828 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1093828 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack package should depend on yum-utils
[1087529 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1087529 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Configure neutron correctly to be able to notify nova
about port changes
[1088964 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1088964 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Havana Fedora 19, packstack fails w/ mysql error
[958587 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/958587 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack install succeeds even when puppet completely
[1101665 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1101665 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: el7 Icehouse: Nagios installation fails
[1148949 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1148949 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: openstack-packstack: installed "packstack --allinone"
on Centos7.0 and configured private networking. The
booted VMs are not able to communicate with each other,
nor ping the gateway.
[1061689 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1061689 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Horizon SSL is disabled by Nagios configuration via
[1036192 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1036192 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: rerunning packstack with the generated allione
answerfile will fail with qpidd user logged in
[1175726 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1175726 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Disabling glance deployment does not work if you don't
disable demo provisioning
[979041 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/979041 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Fedora19 no longer has
[1151892 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1151892 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack icehouse doesn't install anything because of
[1175428 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1175428 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack doesn't configure rabbitmq to allow non-
localhost connections to 'guest' user
[1111318 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1111318 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2014-08-18
Summary: pakcstack: mysql fails to restart on CentOS6.5
[957006 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/957006 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-01-07
Summary: packstack reinstall fails trying to start nagios
[995570 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/995570 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RFE: support setting up apache to serve keystone
[1052948 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1052948 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Could not start Service[libvirt]: Execution of
'/etc/init.d/libvirtd start' returned 1
[990642 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/990642 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: rdo release RPM not installed on all fedora hosts
[1018922 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1018922 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack configures nova/neutron for qpid
username/password when none is required
[991801 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/991801 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Warning message for installing RDO kernel needs to be
[1249482 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1249482 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-08-05
Summary: Packstack (AIO) failure on F22 due to patch "Run
neutron db sync also for each neutron module"
[1006534 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1006534 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2014-04-08
Summary: Packstack ignores neutron physical network
configuration if
[1049861 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049861 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: fail to create snapshot on an "in-use" GlusterFS volume
using --force true (el7)
[1028591 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1028591 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2014-02-05
Summary: packstack generates invalid configuration when using
GRE tunnels
[1011628 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1011628 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack reports installation completed successfully
but nothing installed
[1098821 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1098821 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack allinone installation fails due to failure to
start rabbitmq-server during amqp.pp on CentOS 6.5
[1172876 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1172876 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack fails on centos6 with missing systemctl
[1022421 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1022421 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Error appeared during Puppet run:
[1108742 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1108742 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Allow specifying of a global --password option in
packstack to set all keys/secrets/passwords to that
[1028690 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1028690 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack requires 2 runs to install ceilometer
[1039694 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1039694 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack fails if iptables.service is not available
[1018900 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1018900 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack fails with "The iptables provider can not
handle attribute outiface"
[1080348 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1080348 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Fedora20: packstack gives traceback when SElinux
[1014774 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1014774 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2014-04-23
Summary: packstack configures br-ex to use gateway ip
[1006476 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1006476 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: ERROR : Error during puppet run : Error: /Stage[main]/N
net.ipv4.ip_forward]: Could not evaluate: Field 'val'
is required
[1080369 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1080369 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack fails with KeyError
are added
[1082729 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1082729 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-02-27
Summary: [RFE] allow for Keystone/LDAP configuration at
deployment time
[956939 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/956939 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-01-07
Summary: packstack install fails if ntp server does not respond
[1018911 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1018911 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Packstack creates duplicate cirros images in glance
[1265661 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265661 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-09-23
Summary: Packstack does not install Sahara services (RDO
[1119920 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1119920 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-07-21
Summary: http://ip/dashboard 404 from all-in-one rdo install on
[974971 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/974971 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: please give greater control over use of EPEL
[1185921 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1185921 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: RabbitMQ fails to start if configured with ssl
[1008863 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1008863 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2013-10-23
Summary: Allow overlapping ips by default
[1050205 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1050205 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Dashboard port firewall rule is not permanent
[1057938 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1057938 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2014-06-17
Summary: Errors when setting CONFIG_NEUTRON_OVS_TUNNEL_IF to a
VLAN interface
[1022312 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1022312 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: qpid should enable SSL
[1175450 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1175450 (POST)
Component: openstack-packstack
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack fails to start Nova on Rawhide: Error:
comparison of String with 18 failed at
### openstack-puppet-modules (18 bugs)
[1006816 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1006816 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: cinder modules require glance installed
[1085452 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1085452 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-02
Summary: prescript puppet - missing dependency package iptables-
[1133345 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1133345 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2014-09-05
Summary: Packstack execution fails with "Could not set 'present'
on ensure"
[1185960 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1185960 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-03-19
Summary: problems with puppet-keystone LDAP support
[1006401 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1006401 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: explicit check for pymongo is incorrect
[1021183 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1021183 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: horizon log errors
[1049537 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049537 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Horizon help url in RDO points to the RHOS
[1214358 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1214358 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-07-02
Summary: SSHD configuration breaks GSSAPI
[1122968 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1122968 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2014-08-01
Summary: neutron/manifests/agents/ovs.pp creates /etc/sysconfig
[1219447 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219447 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: The private network created by packstack for demo
tenant is wrongly marked as external
[1038255 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1038255 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: prescript.pp does not ensure iptables-services package
[1115398 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1115398 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: swift.pp: Could not find command 'restorecon'
[1171352 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1171352 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: add aviator
[1182837 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1182837 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: packstack chokes on ironic - centos7 + juno
[1037635 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1037635 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: prescript.pp fails with '/sbin/service iptables start'
returning 6
[1022580 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1022580 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: netns.py syntax error
[1207701 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1207701 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Unable to attach cinder volume to instance
[1258576 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1258576 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-puppet-modules
Last change: 2015-09-01
Summary: RDO liberty packstack --allinone fails on demo
provision of glance
### openstack-selinux (12 bugs)
[1144539 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1144539 (POST)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-10-29
Summary: selinux preventing Horizon access (IceHouse, CentOS 7)
[1234665 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234665 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-06-23
Summary: tempest.scenario.test_server_basic_ops.TestServerBasicO
ps fails to launch instance w/ selinux enforcing
[1105357 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1105357 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-01-22
Summary: Keystone cannot send notifications
[1093385 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1093385 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-05-15
Summary: neutron L3 agent RPC errors
[1099042 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1099042 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-06-27
Summary: Neutron is unable to create directory in /tmp
[1083566 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1083566 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-06-24
Summary: Selinux blocks Nova services on RHEL7, can't boot or
delete instances,
[1049091 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049091 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-06-24
Summary: openstack-selinux blocks communication from dashboard
to identity service
[1135510 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1135510 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-04-06
Summary: RHEL7 icehouse cluster with ceph/ssl SELinux errors
[1049503 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1049503 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-03-10
Summary: rdo-icehouse selinux issues with rootwrap "sudo:
unknown uid 162: who are you?"
[1024330 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1024330 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-04-18
Summary: Wrong SELinux policies set for neutron-dhcp-agent
[1154866 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1154866 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2015-01-11
Summary: latest yum update for RHEL6.5 installs selinux-policy
package which conflicts openstack-selinux installed
[1134617 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1134617 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-selinux
Last change: 2014-10-08
Summary: nova-api service denied tmpfs access
### openstack-swift (1 bug)
[997983 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/997983 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-swift
Last change: 2015-01-07
Summary: swift in RDO logs container, object and account to
LOCAL2 log facility which floods /var/log/messages
### openstack-tripleo-heat-templates (1 bug)
[1235508 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1235508 (POST)
Component: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
Last change: 2015-09-29
Summary: Package update does not take puppet managed packages
into account
### openstack-trove (1 bug)
[1219064 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219064 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-trove
Last change: 2015-08-19
Summary: Trove has missing dependencies
### openstack-tuskar (1 bug)
[1222718 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1222718 (ON_QA)
Component: openstack-tuskar
Last change: 2015-07-06
Summary: MySQL Column is Too Small for Heat Template
### openstack-tuskar-ui (3 bugs)
[1175121 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1175121 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-tuskar-ui
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Registering nodes with the IPMI driver always fails
[1203859 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1203859 (POST)
Component: openstack-tuskar-ui
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: openstack-tuskar-ui: Failed to connect RDO manager
tuskar-ui over missing apostrophes for STATIC_ROOT=
<value > in local_settings.py
[1176596 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1176596 (MODIFIED)
Component: openstack-tuskar-ui
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: The displayed horizon url after deployment has a
redundant colon in it and a wrong path
### openstack-utils (2 bugs)
[1214044 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1214044 (POST)
Component: openstack-utils
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: update openstack-status for rdo-manager
[1213150 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1213150 (POST)
Component: openstack-utils
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: openstack-status as admin falsely shows zero instances
### python-cinderclient (1 bug)
[1048326 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1048326 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-cinderclient
Last change: 2014-01-13
Summary: the command cinder type-key lvm set
volume_backend_name=LVM_iSCSI fails to run
### python-django-horizon (3 bugs)
[1219006 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219006 (ON_QA)
Component: python-django-horizon
Last change: 2015-05-08
Summary: Wrong permissions for directory /usr/share/openstack-
[1211552 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211552 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-django-horizon
Last change: 2015-04-14
Summary: Need to add alias in openstack-dashboard.conf to show
CSS content
[1218627 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1218627 (ON_QA)
Component: python-django-horizon
Last change: 2015-06-24
Summary: Tree icon looks wrong - a square instead of a regular
expand/collpase one
### python-glanceclient (2 bugs)
[1206551 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1206551 (ON_QA)
Component: python-glanceclient
Last change: 2015-04-03
Summary: Missing requires of python-warlock
[1206544 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1206544 (ON_QA)
Component: python-glanceclient
Last change: 2015-04-03
Summary: Missing requires of python-jsonpatch
### python-heatclient (3 bugs)
[1028726 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1028726 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-heatclient
Last change: 2015-02-01
Summary: python-heatclient needs a dependency on python-pbr
[1087089 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1087089 (POST)
Component: python-heatclient
Last change: 2015-02-01
Summary: python-heatclient 0.2.9 requires packaging in RDO
[1140842 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1140842 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-heatclient
Last change: 2015-02-01
Summary: heat.bash_completion not installed
### python-keystoneclient (3 bugs)
[973263 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/973263 (POST)
Component: python-keystoneclient
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: user-get fails when using IDs which are not UUIDs
[1024581 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1024581 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-keystoneclient
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: keystone missing tab completion
[971746 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/971746 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-keystoneclient
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: CVE-2013-2013 OpenStack keystone: password disclosure
on command line [RDO]
### python-neutronclient (3 bugs)
[1052311 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1052311 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-neutronclient
Last change: 2014-02-12
Summary: [RFE] python-neutronclient new version request
[1067237 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1067237 (ON_QA)
Component: python-neutronclient
Last change: 2014-03-26
Summary: neutronclient with pre-determined auth token fails when
doing Client.get_auth_info()
[1025509 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1025509 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-neutronclient
Last change: 2014-06-24
Summary: Neutronclient should not obsolete quantumclient
### python-novaclient (1 bug)
[947535 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/947535 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-novaclient
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: nova commands fail with gnomekeyring IOError
### python-openstackclient (1 bug)
[1171191 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1171191 (POST)
Component: python-openstackclient
Last change: 2015-03-02
Summary: Rebase python-openstackclient to version 1.0.0
### python-oslo-config (1 bug)
[1110164 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1110164 (ON_QA)
Component: python-oslo-config
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: oslo.config >=1.2.1 is required for trove-manage
### python-pecan (1 bug)
[1265365 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1265365 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-pecan
Last change: 2015-09-25
Summary: Neutron missing pecan dependency
### python-swiftclient (1 bug)
[1126942 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1126942 (MODIFIED)
Component: python-swiftclient
Last change: 2014-09-16
Summary: Swift pseudo-folder cannot be interacted with after
### python-tuskarclient (2 bugs)
[1209395 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1209395 (POST)
Component: python-tuskarclient
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: `tuskar help` is missing a description next to plan-
[1209431 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1209431 (POST)
Component: python-tuskarclient
Last change: 2015-06-18
Summary: creating a tuskar plan with the exact name gives the
user a traceback
### rdo-manager (5 bugs)
[1212351 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212351 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-06-18
Summary: [RFE] [RDO-Manager] [CLI] Add ability to poll for
discovery state via CLI command
[1210023 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1210023 (MODIFIED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-04-15
Summary: instack-ironic-deployment --nodes-json instackenv.json
--register-nodes fails
[1224584 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1224584 (MODIFIED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-05-25
Summary: CentOS-7 undercloud install fails w/ "RHOS" undefined
[1251267 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1251267 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-08-12
Summary: Overcloud deployment fails for unspecified reason
[1222124 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1222124 (MODIFIED)
Component: rdo-manager
Last change: 2015-05-29
Summary: rdo-manager: fail to discover nodes with "instack-
ironic-deployment --discover-nodes": ERROR: Data pre-
processing failed
### rdo-manager-cli (8 bugs)
[1212367 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1212367 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-16
Summary: Ensure proper nodes states after enroll and before
[1233429 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1233429 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-20
Summary: Lack of consistency in specifying plan argument for
openstack overcloud commands
[1233259 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1233259 (MODIFIED)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-08-03
Summary: Node show of unified CLI has bad formatting
[1232838 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1232838 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-09-04
Summary: OSC plugin isn't saving plan configuration values
[1229912 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1229912 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-10
Summary: [rdo-manager-cli][unified-cli]: The command 'openstack
baremetal configure boot' fails over - AttributeError
(when glance images were uploaded more than once) .
[1219053 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219053 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-18
Summary: "list" command doesn't display nodes in some cases
[1211190 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1211190 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-04
Summary: Unable to replace nodes registration instack script due
to missing post config action in unified CLI
[1230265 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1230265 (POST)
Component: rdo-manager-cli
Last change: 2015-06-26
Summary: [rdo-manager-cli][unified-cli]: openstack unified-cli
commands display - Warning Module novaclient.v1_1 is
### rdopkg (1 bug)
[1220832 ] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1220832 (ON_QA)
Component: rdopkg
Last change: 2015-08-06
Summary: python-manilaclient is missing from kilo RDO
Chandan Kumar
9 years, 5 months
[Rdo-list] [rdo-manager] physical undercloud errors
by Mohammed Arafa
hello all
last week, i was able to build rdo-manager on a vm after much
struggles and finally help from this list
this week i have a similar struggle with building rdo-manager on a
physical machine. i am using the docs from here:
. i understand the bugs in the documentation have been fixed and yet i
am getting these errors with dib-parts-run
Notice: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Service/Service[keystone]: Triggered
'refresh' from 3 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 114.95 seconds
+ rc=6
+ set -e
+ echo 'puppet apply exited with exit code 6'
puppet apply exited with exit code 6
+ '[' 6 '!=' 2 -a 6 '!=' 0 ']'
+ exit 6
[2015-09-29 14:07:17,856] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] during configure
phase. [Command '['dib-run-parts',
'/usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d']' returned non-zero exit
status 6]
[2015-09-29 14:07:17,857] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] Aborting...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py",
line 562, in install
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py",
line 494, in _run_orc
_run_live_command(args, instack_env, 'os-refresh-config')
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instack_undercloud/undercloud.py",
line 325, in _run_live_command
raise RuntimeError('%s failed. See log for details.' % name)
RuntimeError: os-refresh-config failed. See log for details.
Command 'instack-install-undercloud' returned non-zero exit status 1
the os-apply-config.log show this
[2015/09/29 02:04:37 PM] [INFO] success
[2015/09/29 02:04:37 PM] [WARNING] DEPRECATED: falling back to
[2015/09/29 02:04:37 PM] [WARNING] DEPRECATED: falling back to
[root@rdo log]# ll /var/run/os-collect-config/os_config_files.json
ls: cannot access /var/run/os-collect-config/os_config_files.json: No
such file or directory
any help would be great. as mentioned before i am doing a POC and it
definitely has gone over schedule
thank you
* *
*Link to me on LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/mohammedarafa>*
9 years, 5 months
[Rdo-list] RDO blog roundup,. week of September 28
by Rich Bowen
Here's what RDO enthusiasts have been writing about over the past week.
If you're writing about RDO, or about OpenStack on CentOS, Fedora or
RHEL, and you're not on my list, please let me know!
OpenContrail on the controller side by Sylvain Afchain
In my previous post I explained how packets are forwarded from point to
point within OpenContrail. We saw the tools available to check what are
the routes involved in the forwarding. Last time we focused on the agent
side but now we are going to understand on another key component: the
... read more at http://tm3.org/2m
Highly available virtual machines in RHEL OpenStack Platform 7 by Steve
OpenStack provides scale and redundancy at the infrastructure layer to
provide high availability for applications built for operation in a
horizontally scaling cloud computing environment. It has been designed
for applications that are “designed for failure” and voluntarily
excluded features that would enable traditional enterprise applications,
in fear of limiting its’ scalability and corrupting its initial goals.
These traditional enterprise applications demand continuous operation,
and fast, automatic recovery in the event of an infrastructure level
failure. While an increasing number of enterprises look to OpenStack as
providing the infrastructure platform for their forward-looking
applications they are also looking to simplify operations by
consolidating their legacy application workloads on it as well.
... read more at http://tm3.org/2n
Keystone Unit Tests by Adam Young
Running the Keystone Unit tests takes a long time. To start with a blank
slate, you want to make sure you have the latest from master and a clean
git repository.
... read more at http://tm3.org/2o
Hints and tips from the CERN OpenStack cloud team by Tim Bell
Having reported that EPT has a negative influence on the High Energy
Physics standard benchmark HepSpec06, we have started the deployment of
those settings across the CERN OpenStack cloud,
... read more at http://tm3.org/2p
Ossipee by Adam Young
OpenStack is a big distributed system. FreeIPA is designed for security
in distributed system. In order to develop and test each of them,
separately or together, I need a distributed system. Virtualization has
been a key technology for making this kind of work possible. OpenStack
is great of managing virtualization. Added to that is the benefits found
when one “Fly our own airplanes.” Thus, I am using OpenStack to develop
... read more at http://tm3.org/2q
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years, 5 months