[Rdo-list] OpenStack Juno: best way to implement quotas?
by Steve Poe
My colleagues and I are looking at using OpenStack Juno internally using in
various install methods (pre-packaged enterprise offering, manual via
packages, etc. I picked RDO. I am responsible for evaluating quota usage.
We'll have different development teams using our environment in one
network. Each development team may have their own project where quotas can
be adjusted when necessary. However, each project/tenant gets its own
network. I wish I could associate multiple projects with one network.
I was hoping to use projects in managing/implementing quotas (instances,
cores, ram, storage, etc.) for the dev teams, but maybe I am approaching
incorrectly. Any suggestions?
9 years, 9 months
[Rdo-list] RDO Test Day, tentative, May 5th, 6th?
by Rich Bowen
Per conversation on IRC, we're thinking that May 5th/6th would be a good
time for a test day, to run the Kilo release through its paces.
As usual, we'd need
* Documentation of how to do the usual packstack installation
* New documentation for using RDO-Manager (Hugh says that this will be
* Suggested test cases
I've started a wiki page at http://rdoproject.org/RDO_test_day_Kilo like
we usually do.
If there's any compelling reason *not* to pick these dates, please speak
up ASAP. I'll be sending out wider announcements tomorrow if I don't
hear any objections here.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years, 9 months
[Rdo-list] rdo-manager install problems (virtual environment)
by Arash Kaffamanesh
I tried to install rdo-manager (virtual environment) and was able to ssh
into the
instack vm and run:
[stack@instack ~]$ instack-install-undercloud
The installation aborts with:
Triggered 'refresh' from 3 events
ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 625.05 seconds
+ rc=6
+ set -e
+ echo 'puppet apply exited with exit code 6'
puppet apply exited with exit code 6
+ '[' 6 '!=' 2 -a 6 '!=' 0 ']'
+ exit 6
[stack@instack ~]$ [2015-04-29 16:43:38,404] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR]
during configure phase. [Command '['dib-run-parts',
'/usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d']' returned non-zero exit
status 6]
[2015-04-29 16:43:38,405] (os-refresh-config) [ERROR] Aborting...
The red warning and errors during the instack-install-undercloud run are
Any ideas?
9 years, 9 months
[Rdo-list] [meeting] RDO packaging meeting minutes (2015-04-29)
by Alan Pevec
#rdo: RDO packaging meeting (2015-04-29)
Meeting started by apevec at 15:08:26 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (apevec, 15:08:39)
* test day (apevec, 15:10:18)
* LINK: https://www.rdoproject.org/RDO_test_day_Kilo is the test day
doc. I don't have a link to the rdo-manager docs yet, but it will be
linked from that page soon. (rbowen, 15:12:47)
* RC2 bug triage (apevec, 15:16:35)
* "compute_nodes" in nova database appeared to be empty up on
completion (apevec, 15:16:37)
* Horizon permission denied error, old bug:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1150678 => mrunge
cannot reproduce (apevec, 15:21:39)
* openstack-nova-novncproxy service fails to start:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1200701 => RDO Juno
updated, Nova spec needs versioned dep (apevec, 15:31:40)
* neutron-lbaas-agent fails to start (apevec, 15:33:38)
* fixed in Neutron RC3 (apevec, 15:33:48)
* distrepos @ rdoinfo (apevec, 15:36:50)
(apevec, 15:37:29)
* ACTION: apevec to update distrepos in rdoinfo (apevec, 15:45:40)
* rdopkg reqcheck available to help with requirements.txt management
in rdopkg-0.27 (apevec, 15:50:14)
* Packaging tests packages for openstack-components (apevec, 15:56:24)
* ACTION: chandankumar will list all the test packages and package it
(apevec, 15:58:39)
* selinux enforcing jobs enabled for kilo (apevec, 16:00:21)
* trystack is down atm w/ floating ip issues, public ci down (apevec,
* juno el6 in CBS (apevec, 16:02:30)
* Enabling cloud6-openstack-juno-candidate and
cloud6-openstack-common-candidate CBS repositories on CentOS 6 (No
EPEL) you will be able to "yum install openstrack-nova
openstack-ceilometer-*". (alphacc, 16:02:35)
* ACTION: alphacc to post about EL6 neutron status on rdo-list, to
gauge interest (apevec, 16:13:03)
* open floor (apevec, 16:13:51)
Meeting ended at 16:18:06 UTC.
Action Items
* apevec to update distrepos in rdoinfo
* chandankumar will list all the test packages and package it
* alphacc to post about EL6 neutron status on rdo-list, to gauge
Action Items, by person
* alphacc
* alphacc to post about EL6 neutron status on rdo-list, to gauge
* apevec
* apevec to update distrepos in rdoinfo
* chandankumar
* chandankumar will list all the test packages and package it
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* apevec (156)
* jruzicka (73)
* ndipanov (25)
* bauzas (17)
* jcoufal (16)
* rbowen (14)
* alphacc (14)
* weshay (9)
* number80 (8)
* kashyap (6)
* mmagr (6)
* chandankumar (5)
* itzikb (4)
* zodbot (3)
* social (2)
* derekh (2)
* DrBacchus (1)
* eggmaster (1)
* aortega (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
9 years, 9 months
[Rdo-list] Objective - Feasible ?
by Outback Dingo
Hi we are looking to deploy a new lab, for the feature set we would like
the following
RDO Centos 7.1 Kilo with XENServer 6.5, RiakCS and OpenDayLight controller.
Basically We prefer XenServer to KVM, and wish to roll a RiakCS storage
for Networking OpenDayLight managing the Network pieces, Ive figured out
how to
deploy the pieces, XenServer, no brainer..... RiakCS in a 3 node cluster
ok.... check
OpenDayLight.... on a node...... check... is it possible to use RDO to
"wrap" them all
together into a viable working solution, im not afraid of some manual
Any insight into the pieces is welcome but it might be out of RDOs
9 years, 9 months
Re: [Rdo-list] Looking for install steps of Openstack (Kilo) on Centos 7
by Lars Kellogg-Stedman
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 01:21:23PM -0400, Flavio Fernandes wrote:
> Mat (cc) is asking me for a recommended install procedure of Openstack Kilo on Centos7.
> Is there a good pointer on that? Is packstack still an available alternative?
This sort of question is best for the rdo-list mailing list, where
you'll get more authoritative eyes on it. I am reasonably certain
that packstack remains available for our Kilo release, but I haven't
tried it myself.
There has been a variety of email recently on rdo-list concerning the
Kilo release.
I have cc'd this to rdo-list.
Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars(a)redhat.com> | larsks @ {freenode,twitter,github}
Cloud Engineering / OpenStack | http://blog.oddbit.com/
9 years, 9 months
[Rdo-list] Operators and Developers
by Rich Bowen
I had a very interesting conversation with a large-scale OpenStack user
at ApacheCon a week ago, who was complaining about the disconnect
between OpenStack developers and the actual OpenStack operators who
deploy OpenStack in the real world.
He felt that the OpenStack developers are out of touch with what it
takes to run clouds in the real world, and are developing features that
are academically interesting but practically useless.
I mention this here because he promised to block out some time to sit
down with me, and possibly some of you, in Vancouver, to discuss his
concerns, and where he feels that the disconnects are. So I was
wondering if any of you might be interested in sitting in on such a
conversation, and seeing what we can learn.
(And, yes, he's having this conversation in the upstream as well, not
just with me. The organization in question is a large one, and has been
a frequent sponsor of the OpenStack Design Summit.)
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years, 9 months
[Rdo-list] RDO/OpenStack meetups coming up (Monday, April 27, 2015)
by Rich Bowen
The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the coming week where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
* Wednesday, April 29 in San Jose, CA, US: Come learn about OpenStack
for Operators -
* Thursday, April 30 in Prague, CZ: OpenStack Howto part 2 - Identity -
* Thursday, April 30 in Wellington, NZ: Trove - Database as a Service -
* Thursday, April 30 in Mountain View, CA, US: Applications on OpenStack
with Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry and Murano -
* Thursday, April 30 in Pittsburgh, PA, US: Let's Talk About Ceph -
* Thursday, April 30 in Sydney, AU: Kickstarter -
* Thursday, April 30 in Littleton, CO, US: Discuss and Learn about
OpenStack - http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Denver/events/221330889/
* Thursday, April 30 in Melbourne, AU: Canberra Openstack Meetup -
* Thursday, April 30 in Taipei, TW: 4月 Taipei.py 聚會
OpenStack/BlueMix/Softlayer -
* Thursday, April 30 in Amsterdam, NL: Openstack&Ceph Spring Meetup -
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years, 9 months