[Rdo-list] RDO Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2014-03-04
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#rdo: RDO weekly meeting
Meeting started by mburned at 13:59:30 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (mburned, 13:59:34)
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo_community_manager_sync
(mburned, 13:59:47)
* Test Day (mburned, 14:00:29)
* set for March 19-20 (mburned, 14:00:43)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2014-03-19_RDO
(mburned, 14:01:10)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2014-03-19_RDOMetadata
(mburned, 14:01:30)
* based on OpenStack IceHouse M3 (mburned, 14:01:49)
* M3 is March 6 (mburned, 14:02:15)
* Feature Freeze for IceHouse is today (March 4) (mburned, 14:02:34)
* those links to the wiki page for general info and metadata page
which the Fedora Test Day app uses to create test forms (mburned,
* need to import current list of tests to metadata page (mburned,
(kashyap, 14:03:33)
* rbowen working on correcting/updating the information (mburned,
* LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Icehouse_Release_Schedule
(mburned, 14:05:53)
* ACTION: rbowen to ask for help updating test info once existing
stuff is added (mburned, 14:06:37)
* pixelb confirms packages for M3 should be ready for March 19 Test
Day (mburned, 14:09:14)
* Hangouts (mburned, 14:10:01)
* Test Day (revisited) (mburned, 14:10:39)
* pixelb would like additional coverage of marconi and savanna
(mburned, 14:12:11)
* marconi basic tests already linked on the RDO wiki (mburned,
* savanna basic tests already linked on the RDO wiki (pixelb,
* savanna basic tests already linked on the RDO wiki (mburned,
* hope to have marconi packaged for test day (mburned, 14:13:46)
* would also be good to have testing for the OFI stuff, but unclear if
that will be ready in time (mburned, 14:14:39)
* Hangouts (mburned, 14:15:20)
* LINK: http://openstack.redhat.com/Hangouts (mburned, 14:15:27)
* larsks did a hangout on the 27th (mburned, 14:15:45)
* LINK: https://plus.google.com/events/cm9ff549vmsim737lj7hopk4gao
(mburned, 14:16:08)
* ~30 people watched live (mburned, 14:16:17)
* Flavio Percoco will give a hangout on Marconi March 27, 10am EST
(rbowen, 14:17:34)
* LINK: https://plus.google.com/events/ckjhm8rggnqvrnspftna845kubk
(rbowen, 14:17:46)
* rbowen has learned a lot about scheduling Hangouts and organizing
them ahead of time which will improve statistics and organizing all
hangouts afterwards (mburned, 14:19:14)
* also, we will investigate hosting the recordings on the rdo site as
well (mburned, 14:20:06)
* to enable offline viewing (mburned, 14:20:43)
* if you're interested in hosting a Hangout, please get in touch with
rbowen or check out the hangouts etherpad (mburned, 14:21:56)
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo_hangouts (mburned,
* Newsletter (mburned, 14:23:16)
* March Newsletter to go out today (mburned, 14:24:12)
* looking for topics for April Newsletter now (mburned, 14:24:29)
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo_apr_2014_newsletter
(mburned, 14:24:38)
* focus of April's newsletter will likely be on OpenStack Summit
(mburned, 14:25:02)
* please let rbowen know if you have topics (mburned, 14:25:21)
* Events (mburned, 14:26:29)
* we're not scheduled to be at anything in March (mburned, 14:26:46)
* in April, the only really relevant conference is Red Hat Summit
(mburned, 14:27:16)
* numerous demos planned around OpenStack (primarily RHELOSP, I think)
(mburned, 14:27:44)
* there is supposed to be an RDO booth as well (mburned, 14:28:19)
* 6 different demos planned for the RDO booth (mburned, 14:29:28)
* more details to follow (mburned, 14:29:35)
* Openstack Summit takes place in May (12-16) (mburned, 14:30:49)
* we will have a booth with demo screen (mburned, 14:31:20)
* schedule of talks are still being finalized (mburned, 14:31:41)
* currently no plans to be at FISL (week before Openstack Summit)
(mburned, 14:35:02)
* LinuxCon Japan (May 20-22) is a possibility for an RDO booth, but
not decided yet (mburned, 14:35:34)
* if you know of any local meetups/hangouts/local conferences, please
mention on the rdo mailing list (mburned, 14:39:39)
* Bug Triage/CentOS Cloud SIG (mburned, 14:41:57)
* not much new here, SIG is quiet (mburned, 14:42:14)
* bug triage happening consistently, but we're between meetings at the
moment (mburned, 14:42:28)
* Forum (mburned, 14:42:49)
* we're at 47 unanswered this morning (mburned, 14:43:31)
* ACTION: need to get abandoned ones closed (mburned, 14:46:01)
* rbowen and larsks will work on closing the abandoned posts
(mburned, 14:47:04)
* ACTION: rbowen to start wiki page of "subject matter experts" who
are willing to have ask.openstack.org questions assigned to them.
(rbowen, 14:50:02)
* and only list IRC nicks there to minimize spam for the SMEs
(mburned, 14:50:38)
* Other Topics (mburned, 14:52:58)
Meeting ended at 14:54:12 UTC.
Action Items
* rbowen to ask for help updating test info once existing stuff is added
* need to get abandoned ones closed
* rbowen to start wiki page of "subject matter experts" who are willing
to have ask.openstack.org questions assigned to them.
Action Items, by person
* rbowen
* rbowen to ask for help updating test info once existing stuff is
* rbowen to start wiki page of "subject matter experts" who are
willing to have ask.openstack.org questions assigned to them.
* need to get abandoned ones closed
People Present (lines said)
* mburned (106)
* rbowen (85)
* kashyap (24)
* larsks (9)
* pixelb (7)
* DV (5)
* zodbot (4)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
10 years, 11 months
[Rdo-list] Open-Source Software Products Users Contacts Release Q1
by Katy Thomas
Would you be interested in acquiring our open-source software products users
list with the updated count and verified contacts? The list has been
recently verified in Fourth week of January is ready to use and this
information database can be helpful for your email marketing campaign,
tele-marketing campaign and other marketing campaign initiatives for
unlimited usages.
21st February 2014 Televerified contacts.
Ø Ubuntu users
Ø CentOS users
Ø Debian users
Ø Solaris users
Ø openSUSE users
We have a global reach and can customize your list to offer you a more
targeted approach. Our lists are Tele-verified and guarantee 100% of data
We do provide data cleansing and appending services to resolve this issue.
If interested, let me know your target criteria so that I can get back to
you with relevant information. If interested, let me know your target
criteria so that I can get back to you with relevant information.
Would such detail give you an edge over your competition?
Could we talk more?
Katy Thomas,
Demand Generation Manager
eDatalist LLC
List acquisition I Tracked Email campaign I Email/Data Appending I Search
Engine Optimization I Custom Built List I Tele Marketing I Multi Channel
Marketing I Web-site Designing I
If you do not wish to receive future emails from us, please reply as 'leave
10 years, 11 months
[Rdo-list] VXLAN support
by Gonçalo Borges
Hi Guys...
I would like to send a couple of questions regarding VXLAN support in RDO.
Let me summary the context:
1) The documentation regarding VXLAN is available here:
2) The previous link says that VXLAN will be supported in RDO after
solving the following bug:
3) The previous bug seems to be already solved in
Now the question:
I have installed openstack-packstack-2013.2.1-0.29.dev956.el6.noarch
(higher than previous fixed version) so VXLAN should be natively
supported. However I do not find any documentation on how to change the
answers file. There are some recipes where you start by deploying a GRE
configuration and that change manually some items to support VXLAN.
However, if VXLAN is already supported in RDO then it should be
configured directly from the answers file. Is there some documentation
on that topic?
10 years, 11 months