[Rdo-list] October RDO Google Hangout - call for speaker
by Rich Bowen
First of all, another huge thank you to Dave Neary for hosting our first
RDO Google Hangout, and being the guinea pig as we figured out how the
technology works (and how it doesn't). The video from that, in case you
haven't seen it yet, is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afImoFeuDnY
From the comments we received, it was exactly what some people were
looking for, while other folks were looking for something deeper. It's
that "something deeper" that we'd like to do next. We'd like to do a
follow-up talk on more advanced networking, including GRE tunneling,
VLANs, multi-host networking, and so on. Alas, neither Dave nor I have
the technical chops to give that talk, and so we're looking for one of
you to volunteer to do that. What we'd need is 20-30 minutes worth of
content/slides, and the willingness to answer questions for another
20-30 minutes.
October is pretty full, and OpenStack summit is the first week of
November, but I'm sure we can wedge it in there somewhere, or schedule
it after Summit, as works with the schedule of whomever volunteers.
Can we count on one of you to do this?
Rich Bowen
OpenStack Community Liaison
11 years, 5 months
[Rdo-list] Tuskar - Resource Classes and Racks (Wireframes + Concept Discussion)
by Jaromir Coufal
The following meeting has been modified:
Subject: Tuskar - Resource Classes and Racks (Wireframes + Concept Discussion)
Organizer: "Jaromir Coufal" <jcoufal(a)redhat.com>
Location: Hangout
Time: Monday, September 30, 2013, 4:30:00 PM - 5:30:00 PM GMT +01:00 Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
Required: hbrock(a)redhat.com; athomas(a)redhat.com; kbasil(a)redhat.com; morazi(a)redhat.com; ccrouch(a)redhat.com; pmyers(a)redhat.com
Optional: markmc(a)redhat.com; openstack-m(a)redhat.com; rdo-list(a)redhat.com; rh-openstack-dev(a)redhat.com
Hi everyone,
based on our merger with TripleO and upstream feedback on Tuskar, when I was thinking about processes and workflows there, I got into some changes which I think that are important for us, because they will help us to achieve better flexibility (upstream needs) and still having ability for easy scaling (customer needs).
I wanted to do just walkthrough the wireframes but I think that it will raise up some discussion around Classes and Racks, so my thought was to merge both together (wireframes + concepts discussion).
At this meeting I'd like to get you familiar with my thoughts and get into some wireframes which will explain the ideas more. I hope that we will get into discussion around changes (not just UI but API as well).
The scope which we will be talking about is MVP (not Hong Kong demo).
I'd like to record the whole session, so if anybody cannot attend, I hope it will be available for you later.
(Please note that Google Hangout has limited number of 10 participants, so if you consider just watching, please use youtube stream - link will be posted when available.)
-- Jarda
11 years, 5 months