Re: [Rdo-list] Quantum in Packstack
by Perry Myers
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On 06/18/2013 05:03 PM, Forrest Taylor wrote:
> Perry,
> I was playing with the 2013-06-18.1 puddle and I noticed when I
> run packstack, OpenStack Networking is used by default. However,
> there are no routers, networks or subnets configured. Are there
> plans to enable a router, network and/or subnet in packstack?
That's a good question and one that we've been discussing a bit...
Packstack installs the services, and gets things set up so that an
admin can then start creating tenants.
But, since Packstack doesn't know how many tenants you want to set up,
or anything, it can't really know what networks and subnets you want
Typically the task of creating a tenant network/subnet/router would be
done by a cloud administrator at the point at which they create a new
tenant. Right now, that would involve a sequence of manual steps.
It could be that an OpenStack management solution of some sort could
help to automate those tasks (since they do span multiple components),
or a simple script could help.
There has been talk about giving Packstack an option to create a
single tenant, network, subnet by default. This would be useful for
both testing environments as well as allinone or demo installs. I
believe Maru (cc'd) has been working on changes to puppet modules to
support this, and Terry/Ryan (cc'd) are working on integrating this
into Packstack.
But this doesn't solve the more general issue of "after Packstack
deployment, I create 10 new tenants... who/how does the network/subnet
creation happen?"
Right now, it's just documentation, but perhaps in the future there is
a better solution. Brent (cc'd) is helping to chase this down.
I've cc'd some folks that might be able to weigh in on this
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11 years, 8 months
[Rdo-list] [Rdo-newsletter] RDO Community Newsletter, July 2013
by Rich Bowen
*Thanks for being part of the RDO community!*
You're on our initial subscriber list because you spoke with us at a
conference, or because you've signed up for the RDO forum. If you don't
want to be on the list, please let us know, and we'll remove you
immediately. Or you can manage your own subscription at
We're excited about this first edition of our monthly newsletter. We're
hoping that you find it useful, and that you encourage your colleagues
to sign up for future editions. They can sign up at that same address,
If you haven't already joined us on the RDO Community site, please do.
We're at and there's a lot of great discussion
there around RDO and OpenStack deployment and configuration.
**Please respond to our user survey*
An early post on the RDO forum was a request for you to tell us about
your experience with RDO. We really want to know how you're using RDO,
and what your plans are with OpenStack in general. Would you consider
responding to that thread, at in the forum, and
telling us your story?
*Setting up an NFS share for Nova instances*
In addition to the RDO forum and community website
( ) there's also the rdo-list mailing list ( ) where you have direct access to the engineers
who are working on RDO, as well as on the upstream OpenStack project. If
you prefer a mailing list to a forum, this is the righe place for you.
In a recent posting, Kashyap Chamarthy shares his notes on configuring
Nova to use NFS for storage:
*We're on IRC*
For those of you who prefer a more immediate kind of connection, or if
you want to learn by listening in on the conversations of other RDO
users, we've started the #rdo channel on the Freenode IRC network.
The channel usually has several OpenStack developers on it who can
answer your RDO questions, or questions about OpenStack in general
If you're not already an IRC user, there are dozens of Open Source IRC
clients available for whatever operating system you're using, or you can
use the web chat client at
*Fedora 19 images available for OpenStack*
The Fedora team is right on the cusp of releasing Fedora 19, and there's
a RC3 (Release Candidate 3) image that you can deploy on your OpenStack
installation. You can read more about it in the RDO forum, at
**RDO will be at OSCon*
The O'Reilly Open Source Convention will be held in Portland, Oregon,
July 22-26.
Once again this year, there will be a big OpenStack presence at OSCon,
and RDO will be there too. We'll be in the RedHat booth (#217), and
we'll also be hanging out at the OpenStack Pavilion.
There will be a reception in the Expo Hall on Tuesday night from 5-6pm,
and then we'll also be there all day Wednesday and Thursday.
If you're going to be at OSCon, please drop by and say hello.
*OpenStack at Red Hat Summit*
RDO and OpenStack had a lot to say at the Red Hat Summit a few weeks ago
in Boston. Along with the exciting announcements around Red Hat's new
OpenStack offerings (See ) there was a lot of
great OpenStack content in the conference.
Fortunately, a lot of that content was recorded, and you can watch some
of it at
RDO also had a booth there, and we had a drawing for a couple of Nexus
4's. Congratulations to Jean-François Saucier and Gerald Nazareth who
won the drawing, and many thanks to the hundreds of you who stopped by
to chat with us and learn more about RDO and OpenStack.
*Until next time ...*
Thanks again for being part of the RDO community. Please drop by and see
us at the RDO forum - - and at OSCon. We're
looking forward to the coming months, and would love to hear what you're
doing with RDO.
Rich and Dave, for the RDO Community Team
Rdo-newsletter mailing list
11 years, 8 months