A big thanks to everyone that participated in the RDO Test Day over the
last 48 hours[1].
29 people wrote 74 email messages to this list. (Of course, they weren't
all about the test day, but many of them were.)
42 participants sent a collective 1074 messages to the IRC channel.
(Likewise, not all about test day.)
We had 23 new issues opened in the ticketing system.
Some people have put their day's experience in the etherpad [2] and some
have updated the Tested Scenarios page[3]. If you didn't put your notes
anywhere, please do update one of those in the coming day or two, so
that we don't lose what we learned.
So, thanks to all of you. Particular thanks to trown for getting things
rolling and herding the cats.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison