I have been performing baremetal deployments using the TripleO
quickstart (Mitaka), however I have noticed an issue after reboot of
the undercloud...
As reported before, the undercloud machine has to be rebooted once in
a while as it looses it's network connectivity. This is already
annoying, but issuing 'sudo su - stack -c "virsh reboot undercloud"`
works around this for now.
But the next problems seems to be that after the reboot
`ironic-conductor` does not come up correctly. It seems to hang on
connection to rabbitmq. When a new introspection of deployment is
triggered I get a:
"No valid host was found. Reason: No conductor service registered
which supports driver pxe_ipmitool"
After performing:
sudo systemctl restart openstack-ironic-conductor
cat /var/log/ironic/ironic-conductor.log |grep enabled
I get the correct registration back:
2016-06-20 07:15:20.248 3501 DEBUG oslo_service.service [-]
enabled_drivers = ['pxe_ipmitool', 'pxe_ssh',
'pxe_drac', 'pxe_ilo', 'pxe_wol', 'pxe_amt']
Has this been observed by others?
Gerard Braad |
[ Doing Open Source Matters ]