On 16 Sep 2015, at 18:32, Alan Pevec <apevec(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Create and push rdo-liberty branches for them on gerrithub, we'll do
>> CBS builds from there.
> How can I validate that it actually works before you trigger the build?
As a quicktest fedpkg --dist el7 local should work. I'll look at
preparing mockbuild against CBS repos for more realistic test build.
If someone is as crazy as me who builds it on CentOS, then you also need:
- modify your /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64.cfg to include delorean deps as in [1];
- fedpkg --dist el7 --module-name openstack-neutron-vpnaas mockbuild
--module-name is needed if you build from a dir that does not reflect package name (as is
usually the case for openstack-* packages from delorean repos).