On 10/25/2013 06:18 PM, Diogo Vieira wrote:
I made a clean install of Havana on a machine and by the time it finished installing, I
was unable to use the dashboard as a message saying:
> Something went wrong!
> An unexpected error has occurred. Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't help,
contact your local administrator.
I'm now trying to find what the problem is and I found the status of the dashboard in
openstack-status is 500 and that neutron-dhcp-agent failed to start with this relevant
part of the dhcp-agent.log:
> 2013-10-25 18:00:15.550 2165 INFO neutron.common.config [-] Logging enabled!
> 2013-10-25 18:00:15.551 2165 ERROR neutron.common.legacy [-] Skipping unknown group
key: firewall_driver
> 2013-10-25 18:00:15.585 2165 WARNING neutron.agent.linux.dhcp [-] Unable to determine
dnsmasq version. Please ensure that its version is 2.59 or above!
> 2013-10-25 18:00:15.658 2165 ERROR neutron.openstack.common.threadgroup [-] [Errno
22] Invalid argument
I seem to have read somewhere that a 500 status in horizon may be
caused by one of the others components failing. So I'm assuming this could be my
Furthermore, I found that snippet may be the relevant part of the logs because I found
some bug reports indicating that this could be a problem with dnsmasq. The problem is that
I have version 2.66 of dnsmasq installed in the system.
That weird error happens when dnsmasq is not installed.
Where did you get dnsmasq 2.66 from?
Is the dnsmasq service running?
Note dnsmasq-2.48 may seem too old giben the above message,
but is patched to have the required functionality.